• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

The One Bookshelf 272 stories
  • The One Bookshelf 272 stories One Bookshelf to sort all ponies, One Bookshelf to find them, One Bookshelf to bring all ponies, and in new bookshelves bind them.
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - December, 2018
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Pinkie Pie really wishes Cadance would stop telling her increasingly hard-to-keep secrets. Set between seasons five and six.

Contains spoilers, if the story title and the cover art weren't enough to clue you in. Art by me, for a change.

A hearty thank you to my Patreon patrons Singularity Dream, ocalhoun, and Littlecolt!

Chapters (1)

A body was found in the Everfree Forest, and while the causes seem natural, the circumstances don't. One little filly plans on finding out the truth.

Entered as part of the Cutie Mark(ed) Crusaders Contest #3, and won 2nd place!

Chapters (1)

When Tender Taps is found dead the CMC take it upon themselves to find the killer, but can they find the killer before more ponies die?
This was written for the Cutie Mark(ed) Crusaders Contest #3 - Cutie Mark Crusaders ???

Chapters (1)

After seeing how exhausted her niece and nephew in law are, Celestia urges them to take a short vacation, and leave baby Flurry Heart in her capable hooves.

(This site needs an adorable tag)

Edited by Stahl. Pre-read by many.

Chapters (1)

Princess Cadance has a very important task to perform, and Flash Sentry is going to hear all about it, whether he likes it or not.

(Warning: Season 6 spoilers)

Chapters (1)

Warning: Contains spoilers for season 6.

Princess Flurry Heart has been born to Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire. However, Shining has noticed that Flurry doesn't really look like him. And, according to Twilight, she looks a little too much like someone else...

Rated T for suggestive dialogue and cut-off curses.

Chapters (1)

Bulk Biceps is a big stallion. Very big, needs double doors or a wide berth big. He also has a problem with his cutie mark that needs solving.

The Crusaders are more than eager to help, but they have a problem to tackle first: how to fit his girth inside their pretty pink clubhouse.

Rated T for overly gratuitous sexual innuendo.

Chapters (1)

Inspired by this rendition of Every Breath You Take. Tender Taps has grown tired of having his love be casually dismissed by Applebloom. She claims to only see him as a friend even with all their time dancing together over the years.

No matter. He has found a way that he can be with her forever. Even if it means sacrificing everything to do it, he will prove to her that she belongs to him and him alone.

Chapters (1)

Season 6 Spoilers!

The Cutie Mark Crusaders have found their destiny to help other ponies with their Cutie Marks. It's wonderful and all, but they could have been way, way cooler.

Starlight Glimmer explains, Applejack disagrees.

Now with a reading by DRWolf!

Chapters (1)

Having waited all night to meet Starlight Glimmer and her new friend, Princess Celestia finally gets the opportunity to do just that when Twilight eventually returns with her pupil in tow. Within the halls of Twilight's castle, four ponies sit to share stories, worries, and declarations of friendship.

Spoilers for No Second Prances.

Chapters (1)