• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

The One Bookshelf 272 stories
  • The One Bookshelf 272 stories One Bookshelf to sort all ponies, One Bookshelf to find them, One Bookshelf to bring all ponies, and in new bookshelves bind them.
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - December, 2018
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For years, Diamond Tiara had accepted her parents’ values as her own: that status and money were the two most important things in Equestria.

That she is not her parents and does not hold their unique talents is a fact that she cannot run from forever, though, and the consequences of holding herself to their values are building up.

For now, she must hold her own against her parents’ disapproval, but without the backs of her classmates to stand upon, her methods aren’t providing any answers.

This story takes place during/in place of Crusaders of the Lost Mark.

Chapters (7)

Gallop Crush is a Pegasus and does not have her Cutie Mark. She plans to met the Cutie Mark Crusaders for help.

Can the Cutie Mark Crusaders help her or will it all fall.

Find out in The unknown Cutie Mark

Story done by: Mark Hyder

Editor done by: Thomas Mettham

Chapters (17)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders, three young fillies who joined together with one goal etched into their minds, to achieve their cutie marks together. Many trials have they undergone hoping to find their cutie marks each ending in the most hilarious and chaotic ways ponykind or even Discord could possibly imagine. The dream felt like it was far from their grasp yet that did not hinder them to continue on and try it another time.

It was until they finally helped the one pony that needed help the most did they finally achieve their lifelong dream of having their cutie marks together. After they received their cutie marks, their life changed forever as they continue to help others in need of a helping hoof. It seemed that life could not hinder these three fillies from living their lives to the fullest right? Not really...

With their newfound marks, this also was but one step into adulthood and suddenly their friendship takes a turn for the better or worse. What will they now that their friendship goes forward with ideas of adulthood ahead and of a love life? Will their strong friendship become more than just friends or will it break as time marches on? Only fate knows what will be in store for these three fillies...

EDIT: This is in the Popular Stories list on 1/21/16... won't last long but damn, my first story to be in that list...

DOUBLE EDIT: Link to a contest thread right here! Hearts and Hooves Contest! This isn't really important, but it's one of the rules for the contest at hand, so I had to obliged :twilightsmile:

Chapters (7)

After Diamond Tiara's redemption, everything was all sunshine and rainbows. Or so we thought. One Crusader just can't seem to let go of a scene that keeps replaying over and over in her mind.

Chapters (1)

Not content to believe her special talent is simply 'being rich', Diamond Tiara struggles to uncover her true calling so she can become a better friend to her classmates.

Eventually, Diamond has an epiphany: she can help not only her friends, but all of Equestria! Unfortunately, it means she needs to leave Ponyville on short notice.

This is the letter she leaves behind.

Chapters (1)

The cutie mark crusaders all received their cutie marks together. The three best friends were overjoyed with them, though the Pegasus member, Scootaloo, is unsure how to feel about hers.

Chapters (1)

It was a crystal clear day. She and her friends had gotten their marks, and then all of a sudden, the crystals broke. Two very important ponies in her life weren't there for her Cuteceanera.

All because of one measly trip.

Rated Teen for a scene near the end.

Hit the Popular Story List on 12-28-15!

Chapters (1)

It has been a long road, traveling from school bully to an ACTUAL popular kid, but not too popular. Spoiled Rich however, is very annoyed, and, well, she bursts.

Diamond Tiara has a sleepover with Silver Spoon, Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. At first it seems like a good idea...

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon get into a fight, and the insults are getting bigger and bigger, and every time Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, or Applebloom tries to stop them, it angers them even more. They seem like their old selves again.

WARNING : Contains spoilers from the episode Crusaders of the Lost Mark.

Chapters (1)

Flash Sentry wasn't there for his sister when she got her cutie mark, but he went to see her as soon as he got the chance. Even so, he worries that he and Scootaloo may drift apart over time.

With that in mind, they begin to talk about what their cutie marks have in common.

A super late reaction to Crusaders Of The Lost Mark, as well as the fact that Scootaloo's cutie mark bears a few surprising similarities to a certain other pony's mark.

Chapters (2)

Amethyst ImagineBlast, a young pegasus Filly from dodge city, gets her cutie mark one day after telling her bully what she thinks about having a cutie mark. When her family shun her because of the the strange mark, she decides to run away to her cousins - Fluttershy. With the help of the Princess of Friendship and her friends, and the cutie mark cursaders, Amethyst finds the true meaning of her cutie mark, and is ready to fulfil her destiny.

Chapters (2)