• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

The One Bookshelf 272 stories
  • The One Bookshelf 272 stories One Bookshelf to sort all ponies, One Bookshelf to find them, One Bookshelf to bring all ponies, and in new bookshelves bind them.
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - December, 2018
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Pipsqueak's won the class election. It's an amazing feeling, being in charge. Ponies listen to Pip more now. But why should he stop there? If other fillies and colts will listen to him, why can't the grown ups too? So Pip finds a way to get more ponies to listen to him. Aided by a group of friends, Pip sets off across town, much to the chagrin of Ponyville's residents.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Hope Sinks

After a sick joke which involved reducing Scootaloo to tears, Anon is about to receive comeuppance for his actions. And, how!
Rated T for... Various reasons.
This story is a sequel to Hope Sinks, and is written with permission by anonpencil. So, there.

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara has always been known as a braggart and a bully. She has manipulated and subjugated her fellow students and the town of Ponyville ever since she could remember. Now that she has changed and had some time alone, she can see all of the damage she has done. She feels she has no choice but to go to Princess Twilight Sparkle herself and try to do something about it.

Chapters (1)

Post-Cancellation Note #1: People are still adding this story to their "read later" for some reason. I only have four prologues for this story written but it's a cancelled series. Also, this story's concept isn't going to the trash bin. It's just back in the drawing board. So it'll be back. So no offense to people who may like this story already, the compliments you may think of giving me in this story mean little.

The best friendships involve oddities that make them interesting.

There is the cowmare who lives relatively off the grid on a low profile and the countess star surrounded by a veil of celebrity fame.

A friendship was originally torn apart when one advanced far from the other. When one of them takes the initiative to make things right, original conclusions and assumptions dissipate into thin air.

A former vocal bully comes to the trio of crusaders who have recently attained their cutie marks and seeks their advice on how to mend stained family ties.

Two fashionable ponies meet in Canterlot Carousel for an unexpected reason.

Then, when the time becomes right, these four groups of friends will converge in the Castle of Friendship where a surprise awaits them...but only when the time is right.

Blog #1 on this story can be found here.


Chapters (4)

We all think that our words and actions will never come back around to hurt us. We assume that we will never be hurt. Life, however does not work like that. When life did finally turn on Diamond Tiara, all she wants is mercy, and comfort. With a reputation like her's, this might be more than can be expected.

I want to thank my team of editors, and proof readers, and my cover artist. Thanks guys.

Chapters (3)

Ever since Sweetie Belle got her cutie mark, she's been having nightmares about a strange mare. She's too afraid to tell her sister, or her friends. Now Sweetie Belle starts to get hallucinations from time to time. But her nightmare does something she had never expected it to do.

Please remember to like if favorited

Chapters (1)

Spoiled Rotten knows her best years are behind her. The time of flowers, whirlwind romances, and the luxury of rejecting suitors has passed. Now is the time for husbands and cradles, and she still has neither. With the clock ticking and a string of failed relationships trailing behind her, she fears it will stay that way.

So when one of the rare earth pony elite appears at a Canterlot party, despondent, alone, and (possibly) single, it’s an opportunity too good to pass up. And it’s been so long since Spoiled’s met a stallion she genuinely likes.

History says it won’t last. Common sense warns it won’t work. It’s a one-in-a-million chance, and luck’s never been on her side before. But Spoiled has to try. She can’t afford not to.

(In continuity with The Silver Standard, though reading is not required.)

Titanium Dragon
Seattle's Angels
The Royal Guard

Chapters (1)

After realizing her dream of earning her cutie mark—in the company of her best friends, no less—Scootaloo’s life should have been on an upward course. Instead, she sees herself on yet another crusade, one which will lead her to question her friends, her family, and what it means to love, and be loved. — Takes place immediately after "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" (S05E18).

New to the story? Start with the Recap Chapter!

Chapters 1-36 written by jowijo. Chapters 37+ written by myself. Information here.

(Need more? Scrapped chapters)

Dreams of Ponies (21-36)
Level Dasher (36)
brokenimage321 (1-23;31)
Eruantalon (21 & 22)
JackRipper (26, 29, 31)

I Thought I Was Toast (31-37)
TheGreatEater (1-24)
Krack-fic Kai (37)
jowijo (37)

Chapters (45)

(Takes place after the events of "Crusaders of The Lost Mark" but before the events of "The Mane Attraction". Proofread by Smitty91.)

Despite having turned over a new leaf at school, Diamond Tiara's life isn't all sunshine and rainbows now. She still has to contend with her mother, Spoiled Rich, and her behavior. Something that Diamond Tiara dreads every day.

When her father, Filthy Rich, is called out of town for a weekend, to attend an important business meeting, Diamond Tiara pleads with her new friends to invite her over for a sleepover. Surprisingly, the one who accepts is Scootaloo, who Diamond Tiara feels she has almost nothing in common with.

But she and Scootaloo will soon learn that they have more in common than they may have originally thought.

(Featured on 2/27/2016.)

Chapters (2)

She's in class everyday, but she never seems happy.

She has friends, but likes to be alone.

And today... I saw her crying to herself.

It's not the first time I've seen her cry, either.

Chapters (1)