• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

The One Bookshelf 272 stories
  • The One Bookshelf 272 stories One Bookshelf to sort all ponies, One Bookshelf to find them, One Bookshelf to bring all ponies, and in new bookshelves bind them.
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - December, 2018
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Diamond Tiara has been redeemed in the eyes of the fillies and colts of Ponyville, but there is someone else that isn't so forgiving. Krampus, the evil punisher of naughty ponies during Hearths Warming, has come to whisk Diamond Tiara away to Tartarus and only Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Silver Spoon can rescue her.

Chapters (5)

I'm sorry, were you looking for story description? Well not even I know what I'm doing yet...

Do not expect any consistent plot. Or clop. Not in this one.

Because of my inability to write more than 300 horsewords at a time, I'mma write several 300 or so of ships.
All the Ships.
And probably crack/obscure ships first.

Starting with my favourites (duh), then whatever romanceytypestuff comes to my mind, but then I shall scream "TO THE COMMENTS".
That was sublet hint at, go down and suggest a ship.
They will all be done. Eventually.

If I've added this to your group, it is because there will be many chapters with your charatcer or theme in it sooner rather than later, if you still feel the need to remove it, make what to submit to your group better stated on your group page.

Chapters (6)

(Story originally written by Matt11. Transferred and rewritten with permission.) (WARNING!:This is a padded pony fic, and as such it will contain diapers, diaper useage, and themes of ageplay! If you are uncomfortable with such subject matter, please click elsewhere and do not continue reading! You have been warned! Takes Place immediately after Crusaders of the Lost Mark. Proofread by Smitty91, chapters 2+ edited by deadpansnarker.)

Diamond Tiara, with the help of her new friends, gets the courage to tell her father everything that her mother has been doing.

Diamond Tiara truly just wants a better relationship with her mother, but she fears nothing will change. However, a change is coming in Diamond Tiara's life, and not necessarily in the way that she expected.

When Spoiled Rich is given a second chance to prove herself, will she be able to form a genuine bond with her daughter, or have the years of torment and suffering left too harsh of a wound to heal?

Chapters (6)

Spoiled Rich has just been elected head of the Ponyville school board. With this new job, she's moving back to Ponyville full time, creating a situation where the hired help is too busy with the move to adequately serve her daughter, Diamond Tiara.

Enter Spike, number one assistant to a Princess and hero of the Crystal Empire. He can handle a pushy little entitled filly like her, right? Right??

This story is a pseudo-prequel to Crusaders of the Lost Mark. It sheds some light on why Diamond Tiara had a change of heart, which in my opinion, was way too abrupt in the episode. This story takes place around the time of Princess Spike, even though it bears nothing in common with that episode's premise, other than featuring Spike. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (8)

Nopony should bottle up their feelings. Sometimes, all a pony needs to do is talk with their friends. Sometimes, all a pony needs to do is pretend someone's listening.
So, Diamond Tiara hides in her room, writing away her troubles with letters.

Chapters (3)

Feeling bad about how they used the Cutie Mark Crusaders to get to Princess Twilight Sparkle, mean fillies Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon try to make it up to her.

... Although, it may come off as a bit "questionable".

Author's Note: I don't know if this is my worst, or best idea yet. Also, taken place before Crusaders of the Lost Mark.

Pre-read by:
Thunderbolt Sentinel, Silver Chord, Thunder Lightning, Midnightsotherother

Thank you all!

Chapters (1)

Lily Longsocks, like most foals dreamed about being a super hero like Mare Do Well. The other foals though, forgot about her once she disappeared but Lily never did. After getting her super strength she dared to dream this again. She never really believed that it would really come true but one day after putting on her Nightmare Night Mare Do Well costume to play she gets the chance. Lily takes that chance and saves Ponyville from villains but things eventually go terribly wrong. What follows for Ponyville is beyond what any of the would have ever believed.
Sequel to How Lily got her "creepy super strength

Chapters (13)

Spoiled Rich - why does she act like she does? Maybe there is a reason why she is so harsh about how one should behave.

Takes place during the episode "Crusaders of the Lost Mark".

Chapters (1)

A series of one-shot ideas featuring what I think might have happened a day or so after the events of an episode. Each story is self-contained, and will not link to the other unless stated otherwise.

Updated on an 'as I think if them' basis.

Chapters (2)