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Daring Do seeks a favor from her sister in Ponyville. Due to buried grudges, things quickly get out of hoof. She soon finds herself on her most perilous mission yet... with her biggest fan in the world. In the midst of truth and lies, loyalty and treachery, love and hate, one thing is clear ― some family situations are stranger than fiction.

The story extends in Through the Looking-glass and What Pinkie Found There and The Daughter Doo: Honorary Cutie Mark Crusader.

Many thanks to Honey Mead and statoose for their watchful and helpful pre-reading.

Ckat_Myla and statoose (CatNStat) have started an excellent reading of TSD.

Chapters (22)

Ditzy and Dinky Doo go to school for the Annual 'Bring A Parent Day', and Ditzy is the first to share. What will happen when she tells everyone the story of why her eyes are the way they are?
EDIT: Due a comment from a certain somepony, I've decided to expand on this and make it multi-chaptered, instead of the original one-shot that it was.

Chapters (3)

At Ponyville's school it's time for work-placements, a practical assignment where the pupils learn what life in the real world is like, and the citizens of Ponyville get free labour.

Part of the pre-reader Secret Santa Fanfic project. Each participant submitted their own prompt for a story, and they were then anonymously redistributed. We had five days, and under 10k words to tell our story. I cranked this out while juggling exams and haven't proofread at all, so don't expect too much.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is holding a pot luck, and Rainbow Dash has to bring a dish. Will cooking be as easy as she thinks?

(This story was written for an Equestria Daily speed-writing challenge that assigned a theme and only allowed two hours of writing time.)

Chapters (1)

When Twilight Sparkle corrects the grammar of a short story Applejack wrote, she has no idea of the painful repercussions soon to follow.

Note: If you're confused, this story was originally posted by someone else, who thought I wasn't writing anymore and wanted to get my story more exposure, and felt the only way to get it past moderation was to claim to be the author and that I was a "pseudonym." We've had a discussion about that and I'm not angry about it anymore.

Chapters (1)

When the forces of nature come crashing down on a cold night, Scootaloo takes refuge in the only place she can call home: The Cutie Mark Crusaders Clubhouse.

Frightened and alone, only the arrival of a young mare with a mane and tail of rainbows can settle the filly. Scootaloo will soon discover that sometimes the pony who means the most to you as an aspiration, can also be the pony whom you take refuge with at the end of the day.

This story is a prequel to, My Sister, Scootaloo

* Featured on 06/23/2012!
* Edited by Double R Forrest
* Was written prior to Sleepless in Ponyville

Chapters (1)

Getting a college roommate is random chance.
Sometimes you get lucky, and sometimes you get a pony.

Rainbow Dash enrolls at an Earth university.

Update: and then some other stuff happens.

Chapters (27)


Truth or myth? Ancient lost civilization or just an old pony's tale?

No pony has ever seen one, and most haven't even heard of them. But Lyra knows that these wonderful creatures are more than just old legends, and she's going to find out... and possibly drive her roommate insane in the process.

Chapters (31)

Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's most prized and faithful student, is being sent to Ponyville to learn about the magic of friendship.

And she's not happy about it.

Hear what Celestia has to say back! Check out the spinoff:
Responses To A Disgruntled Friendship Student by keaton-furman-prower

Still want more? Have a multiverse spinoff by MixMassBasher, my contributing writer for Seasons 5-9.
Letters From Across the Disgruntled Multiverse

Editing by Neko Majin C.

The following is a work of parody, and is protected as Fair Use under section 17 U.S. Code § 107 of US Copyright Law. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and all affiliated characters are property of Hasbro Inc.

Chapters (276)

In this sequel to "A Canterlot Anniversary", Princess Cadance gives birth to her and Shining Armor's foal, making the happy couple a happy family.

Chapters (1)