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Pan Sear, a cook living in Fillydelphia, has a secret: inside he feels as though he is a mare. Follow him through his journey to "her."

Chapters (11)

When Rainbow Dash is offered a high ranking weather position in Cloudsdale, she must choose whether or not to continue down the path of becoming a Wonderbolt, a possible outcome of accepting the job, or remain in Ponyville and risk letting her dreams slip away for good.

Characters will be added as the story progresses.

Chapters (2)

There is no room for love and Tolerance in this high octane thriller. A chapter series by Bill O'Reilly.

Chapters (1)

An odd request from Princess Celestia stirs up a new hurdle in the life of the mane six.
With one month until the next Gala, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and the rest of the gang are given extra tickets. Why? Simply so that they may ask their special stallions to attend with them. But with one month until the Gala comes one month to choose who to bring.

Chapters (10)

This is the squeal to my other story Gentle Red. I would suggest you read it but you don't have to.I think you can get the jest without reading it, but I would sure appreciate it. Thank you and please read and relax.
Ditzy and Macintosh are now married and soon to be parents of new foal, hope everything turns out alright.

Chapters (16)

After being abandoned by her mother in the Everfree forest, Derpy is taken in by the kind earth pony Mary Doo, who tries to do all in her power to unlock Derpy's inner genius from her seemly broken body and mind. As Derpy learns to communicate she also learns the secrets of the world, makes friends, falls in loves, all on her quest to learn to fly so that she may finally accomplish her life long dream and face her face dark past.

This is a spin-off of Bubbles: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/03/story-bubbles.html

Chapters (6)

When shy Princess Cadence is told she has to help out with a fundraiser for school, she isn't quite sure what to think. She doesn't even know if she's good with kids. When she meets her first clients, the studious, firm Sparkles, she really doesn't think much of her new job. But that's only because she hadn't seen their adorable filly.Soon afterwards, she meets Twilight's even more adorable older brother.

Chapters (10)

The Changelings have been defeated and Shining Armor and Princess Cadence have said their vows, but that still leaves the Mane Six and others with the issue of the strain on their friendships. And among all the guests present at the reception, a few of them are going to be suprised with what new relationships are formed.

A live reading by Alchemystudent is available here.

Chapters (10)

Cheerilee's students think she is no fun because she won't join them on a camp out, but when she tries to stop the Crusaders from going into the Everfree Forest, she finds herself "cursed" by the local flora. Confused by her apparent return to youth, Cheerilee must find a cure for her affliction without arousing suspicion.

Chapters (1)