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After having a dream about Big Macintosh, Sweetie Belle realizes that she's in love with the red stallion. For obvious reasons, this crush embarrasses her. So what happens when her two friends find out?

And what happens when she finds out something shocking about one of her friends?

This is by far the most RANDOM story I've ever written. A bizarre mix of comedy and emotion. At least that's what I hope this story accomplishes.

Story Inspired by the Cover Image, which is done by JoeDash: http://joedash.deviantart.com/

Chapters (1)

After saving Ponyville from a near death experience, Twilight sits down and has a heart to heart with her very first friend from Canterlot.

Chapters (1)

All Shining wanted to do was find his sword. Too bad we don't always get what we want.

"Me gusta. It has been a long time since I said that. You sir, or mam, are a genius."
- djElectrOctavia

"That was brilliant. I think I'll be seeing you in the featured box soon enough."
- DTFluttershy

"This was an entertaining read!"
- Bronystories
(Not taken out of context or anything)

Chapters (1)

Twilight and her friends have been sent on a trip to Trottingham to oversee preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. On said trip, Twilight Sparkle will learn something interesting about Rainbow Dash, who will learn a few things about Twilight in return. Emotions fly, and every time something seems to go right, it turns around and goes quite wrong. The true question here is, will they have time for the Celebration?

Rainbow Sparkle fic with potential for other pairings later. A commentary on the awkward beginnings of a relationship and learning about each other. Based loosely on experience, sans ponies and trains.

Chapters (7)

A crime has taken place in Ponyville, and Octavia is the main suspect. Vinyl needs to find a defense attorney before her sister's trial begins. However, not a single lawyer agrees to help them. When everything seemed lost, one mare agrees to take on Octavia's case... the best defense attorney in Equestria: Lyra Heartstrings.

Chapters (4)

It's nearing the summer sun celebration, one year after Twilight arrived, and things are not going according to plan.
Preperation is behind schedule, supplies are still needed,
And to top it off, Twilight has accidently turned her friend's pets into ponies!
Without an easy antidote and time growing short, the mane six decide to let the pets help them in the celebration.
And they'll need all the help they can get.

Chapters (20)

An unfortunate accident lands Ponyville's local mailmare in the hospital and her daughter in the care of the town's resident librarian. How will she manage in taking care of the filly? And what is Derpy Hooves hiding?

Originally featured on Equestria Daily on February 20, 2012. http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/02/story-postal-blues-and-grey-feathers.html

Finally got around to making a FimFiction account now, so...

Chapters (2)

After an accidental Cutie Mark Crusaders fire, Sweetie Belle is fatally injured. Whilst lying in Ponyville Hospital, she dreams about being a grown-up mare with her cutie mark in glamorous Canterlot, whilst her friends and relatives say their goodbyes to her.

Chapters (1)