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Rumble's got his cutie mark! Yay!

And he's hiding it. He doesn't seem too happy about it. Yay?

Making his way to the library for some advice from Twilight, Rumble must now come to terms with the talent that Fate has bestowed upon him.

Easier said than done when your cutie mark is an embarrassing one.

Submitted to the second Author Support Writing Prompt, with the theme "You are a foal, and you have just received your cutie mark."

The original got positive feedback, and very helpful comments. It actually won the prompt, which was quite a surprise considering the rush job. The comments have been heeded, hopefully this version is better content-wise. Some scenes are radically changed compared to the original, hopefully for the better. My thanks to BronyMaster; Peregrine Caged, SunnyDaze and Tricondon, this story would not be the same without your input.

Edit: While it's been in the Padded Cell for a while (no clue how it got there and how it got there so quickly), it is now also posted on Discord's Domain, since Equestria Daily is just too scary for me. Exuberance!
Edit again: No more Padded Cell? *le sigh*
Edit 3: Return of the Author. Now gotten under the hooves of WRITE, and reception was positive. Some alterations may happen at a later date.

Chapters (1)

Being a blank-flank filly is tough enough, something all the Cutie Mark Crusaders can attest to. When somepony points out that Apple Bloom has neither fancy magic nor awesome wings, the world can seem downright cruel. Fortunately, she's not alone, and Applejack knows a little story or two.

Chapters (1)

Name's Gilda. Ya know, me n Dash did a bunch of crazy stuff back at flight camp. I remember this one time when we... eh, maybe I should start at the beginning... how we met.

A continuation of Dash Eats Meat! (Reading not necessary)

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash's biggest dream has always been to join the Wonderbolts, but it doesn't seem to be working out for her. With the help of her friends, she decides to start up a new stunt flying team, in the hopes that it will prepare her for a new year of training. Will she overcome her attitude and make the team, or move on to something new?

Chapters (1)

Twilight is beyond the title protege. Prodigies are merely brilliant. Twilight has surpassed most of the greatest mages in history before the age of thirty. Twilight's research has changed the landscape itself. She is a living legend who some whisper may be the greatest user of magic to ever exist... perhaps even an equal one day to the semi-divine princesses.

But Twilight's knowledge is not infinite. She has one final lesson to learn. Twilight must learn the Final Law of Magic.

Chapters (1)

Who is Scootaloo? Everypony knows about her present, but when it comes to her past there are as many different answers as there are questions.

Is she the love child of two star-crossed lovers? The last hope for the future? The child of a broken home? A mysterious figure fighting a war no pony knows about? Or is it something else entirely? Is she even a pony at all?

Twilight Sparkle decides to ask everypony in Ponyville and find out about Scootaloo...and the stories, rumors and gossip she gets will leave her wondering how the truth can ever compete with fiction.

My thanks to Page Turner for the new story cover!

Now has its own TVTropes Page!

And has a featured page in the Non-Canon My Little Pony Funny Page!

Thanks to all my readers and fans for all the support and help I have gotten! I am truly touched.

Chapters (24)

A terrible new day rises when a tragedy, foreseen only by Celestia but preventable by none, occurs right in the middle of Canterlot, turning Twilight Sparkle's world upside-down. Now, all of Equestria is looking to her to hold the broken nation together, all while she tries to pick up the pieces of her shattered life.

Coverart used with permission from: metalpandora

Old coverart may be found here.

A/N: Yes, the title was based of the Dragonforce song of the same name, you may stop postulating about it now.

Chapters (37)

For years, Cash Money and his sire Old Money have owned and operated the Silver Saddle Pawn Shop, the only pawn and loan shop in Ponyville. Together with Cash's colt Big Hoss and new hire Derpy Hooves, they buy and sell things of every variety from all over Equestria as well as issue pawn loans to ponies in need. UPDATE: Episode 7: The Silver Saddle crew is back! Business is booming at the shop and the pawnbrokers have become household names, but they still have stiff competition in town. Filthy Rich drops by to ruffle Old Money's mane over an upcoming benefit auction that could make or break their annual profit. Big Hoss has been working his hooves to the bone with repeatedly working the night shift and promoting the family business. Can Cash keep the affairs of his father and son in check while buying a piece of royal history? Also, Hoss digs his hooves in the dirt when a contractor brings in some construction equipment that has seen better days. It shapes up to be a busy day - and night - for the profiteers of Ponyville.

Chapters (7)

After a falling out with Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon is befriended by Sweetie Belle. However as time goes by, the silver-maned filly quickly learns that she has slightly-more-than-platonic feelings for her new friend, and that some ponies aren't above petty revenge. Can Silver Spoon's new found feelings survive public humiliation, petty grudges, and potential rejection?

Cover Art and Chapter 9's art were commissions by angel-wing101, Final Chapter Art was a Commission by dragongirl983
If you use any without my or their permission, I will jump through the internet and murder you, so just ask first.

Chapters (17)

After Ditzy has a cordial meeting with her dear friend Spitfire, a friend who believes her memory to be damaged, their worlds are changed when their friendship is no longer secret. Ditzy begins to remember things about who she used to be, while another, more sinister force has never forgotten who she was...

Preview image is © TheParagon and is used with permission.

Chapters (10)