• Member Since 15th Jan, 2019


Friendship and magic

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For nearly every citizen of Equestria, it's a holiday: a chance to get together with friends, gather a few treats, and laugh in defiance of the darkness.

For Celestia, Nightmare Night is something else entirely.

(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group: new members and trope edits are welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

The adventures of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria. This story is full of whacky jokes, dated references, corny moments and even a few songs and plenty of randomness to delight fans of MLP: FiM, Dan and all things related to them.

This is an episodic story written and updated weekly on Saturdays over the course of a nine-year period. Written by Barro the Broadcaster with help from some friends.

Chapters (440)

Steve is the only Crafter left. A terrible war against Herobrine had taken everyone from him. He lives, but without purpose. His happy-go-lucky attitude hides decades of war and scars. He wishes for a second chance, a way to make it up to those he lost. Now, due to unknown powers, he arrives in Equestria. Can these peaceful ponies make a mark on a battle-scarred Crafter, or will the darkness inside consume him from the inside out.

Post Discontinued Edit: Wow, that Description is way off the mark. I can't believe I wrote this. Anyway, if anyone is reading this, then, well, yeah, the story is discontinued. Has been for a while.



Chapters (106)

Coming across an artifact while exploring a forest cave, a young teen gets whisked off to a strange new land. unfortunately for him, this artifact did more than just transport him, landing him immediately in the world powers proverbial blade tip. Trapped in stone, this is how he spends his time.

Yo! I'm not dead! I'm not done with Amnesiacs tale, just taking a bit more of a break from it. I had this idea floating in my head and i had to catch it. this story will be a lot shorted than I intend Amnesiacs tale to be so I should be back to it soon!

Featured on 11/26/2018! never thought it would happen, but here we are. thank you all.
Featured again on 12/7/18!
Featured yet again on 12/17/18!
Featured once again on 1/26/19!
Featured once more on 3/3/19!
Featured again on 3/25/19
1k views! Heck yeah!

Chapters (12)

Luna begins to question her understanding of the modern day language when she finds that nopony wants to be gay with her.

Olde meaning
'Light-hearted and carefree.'

Reading by Skijarama / Tone Shift

Chapters (2)

Earth pony, pegasus pony, unicorn; a human entering a Conversion Bureau will end up as one of these three pony forms. But there is a secret provision, to which all Bureaus must adhere utterly, should one unlikely but intolerable transformation somehow occur. The absolute monarch of Equestria fears nothing from the human world. Nothing save this. Lillian Fogarty wanted only to be a simple pony in Equestria. Sought by the combined forces of Earth's corporate government and the might of Equestria itself she finds herself an abomination in both worlds, her survival almost certainly an impossibility.

As Featured On Equestria Daily!

Chapters (12)

Two worlds, two peoples, two varying ways of life. For Equestria and its people, peace has been a staple of life for generations under the watchful eyes of their alicorn protectors. Resources and necessities for life are abundant, and the few times it has been threatened by external foes have ended in an Equestrian victory.

For mankind however, life is a brutal battle for survival in the war-torn hellscape of nuclear devastation. Violence and survival have been a mainstay for the last three decades, and only recently has a coalition tried to reestablish civilization. But the Earth is dying, and this last bastion of humanity only number around 50,000. For man, doom seems inevitable.

One day, two men accidentally discover something that will change the fates of both worlds forever. One man will discover Equestria and its prosperity, coming into contact with the very best Equestria has to offer. He will be shown kindness, and in turn, he will teach them understanding.

Regardless, the rest of Equestria will come to fear what they do not understand and after a tragedy costs humanity's good will, mankind will be left no choice but to invade in the name of survival. A sad tale, but one that history has repeated on numerous occasions. In the end, it will be up to a handful of individuals on both sides to find a solution and bring an end to the conflict. Will these two worlds come to terms and learn to coexist, or will one species be eradicated by the other?
First featured on 11/15/15

Chapters (40)

This story is a sequel to What I've Become

It is highly recommended that you read What I've Become before you read this story, since this is the second story in The Humanity Within Trilogy, and you will be lost if you just plunge into this without any preparation.

Also, this story already has a sequel: What I Am!

Things have been turning up roses for me lately. I'm no longer fighting to survive, I have people that I can turn to, and I have my face back, all because of the kindness shown to me by strangers.
But will they continue to help me once they find out what dark secrets haunt my past? Will they shun me for the evil deeds that my abductors forced me to do while I was in their service? Will they continue to protect me from the monsters that destroyed my life, once they realize what kind of monster I really am?
How does one forgive a murderer?
WOOT! Feature the day it came out! (how did that happen?) 12/1/2014
Edited by Malefactory. He is fantastic at this kind of thing!
Proofread by Cantankerous. He's freaking amazing.
Also proofread by PhiliChez.
Cover Image done by the very talented PaintSplotch! You can find his FimFic account here.
And here is his DeviantArt Account!

Chapters (28)

Twilight Sparkle is thrilled when her groundbreaking paper on friendship and magic is finally published. Surely this will revolutionize the way magic is practiced all over Equestria! But things don't always go the way one expects...

(Don't take this one too seriously.)

Cover art by Taigalife.

Chapters (2)