• Member Since 8th Feb, 2019

Crystal Jewelheart

Just your average brony

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Total Words: 80,541,047
Estimated Reading: 31 weeks



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In Equestria, everypony views heroes as stories for fillies and not to be taken seriously. However, in another reality, heroes do exist. When a dimensional transport portal goes awry, a certain vigilante finds himself in a colorful land full of ponies. And he isn't happy. Will Batman have to fight his way out of Equestria? Or can even the most dark hearts find peace?

Batman will be based off the arkham city batman universe with a few villians thrown in.
other heroes will be mentioned or have a minor role.


Please comment and/or critque

Chapters (33)

The Life Aura Center is one of Equestria's top medical research centers, the producer of spells and medicines that have cured many once-fatal illnesses, and they continue to produce quality technology and cures. No one wants to think that they're doing anything unethical, but Celestia has her suspicions, so she sends Twilight to investigate.

One symbiotic pairing with an alien later, Twilight realizes Celestia was right to be suspicious. Now, working together with the strange creature inhabiting her body, Twilight will have to expose the center's shocking truth. And not get killed in the process. It's gonna be a wild ride.

Now with an audio reading by Mr. Snarky on YouTube! Please give him your support!
Part 1 Chapters 1-4
Part 2 Chapters 5-12
Part 3 Chapters 13-19
Part 4 Chapters 20-25

I also have a Discord! Rather quiet right now but feel free to join if you wanna talk fics or just ponies in general! Ask me for the link if you want in, I had to remove it because of too many spam bots.

Like my content? Buy Me a Coffee!

Chapters (25)

Prism Bolt, the son of Rainbow Dash and Soarin, is destined for greatness. Everypony knows he will be an expert flier, just like his parents. This is not speculation, this is fact. There is just one tiny little problem.

He's afraid of heights.

When Rainbow Dash attempts to encourage her son, she will find that not everything in the world comes as easily to her as flying did.

Once again, original characters and cover art are the creations of the incredibly talented Kilala97. Check out her works and give her some love!

Thanks to Flint Sparks for pre reading!

Chapters (1)

Earth is under attack by a malevolent alien empire that conquers and enslaves everything it can in order to get valuable resources to keep itself sustained. But like the Ancient Romans, this empire shall now run into a people it cannot conquer easily, and to boost our chances, the God of chaos himself Discord has taken an interest in helping us win so the empire can be thrown into chaos. To accomplish this he causes a series of events that will send several ponies to our world to help us slightly as well as using what little powers he has to tip the scales of fate in our favor.

((This is a story ive been working on for a while now, since before I joined fimfiction and I wanted to try my hand at writing, leave alike and review if you want and I hope you enjoy, and yes I did put in my OC in the story but the story was here before him and I need to put him in something and I thought he would fit well. I also tried using characters that were not the Mane 6 so it could be abit new and fresh, if you spot any mistakes please comment and if you have any other comments or questions please post them, and have fun reading.

Chapters (22)

It's not every day that a person in the middle of war gets his few moments of respite, but for a veteran blood knight, he gets more than a few moments.

Gai'vahros has had his fair share of experiences when it came to going to other lands and even other worlds, but when he's thrown from the war-torn continents of Azeroth to the happy, peace-loving land of Equestria with no way back, he knows that he'll have to learn to adapt to this place as best as he can or die trying -- and no amount of bubble-hearthing will save him.

Chapters (42)

It's been a couple of weeks and way more than a couple of games since Pinkie Pie introduced the Mane Six to the joys of playing the classic real-time strategy title, Age of Empires II. Unanswered questions surround this mysterious game: where did it come from? Who made it? Why is there so much killing?

Never mind all that - Twilight Sparkle and her friends have a game to play!

NOTE: Though I've tried to make the story more about the relationships between the four gamers (no Rarity or Fluttershy, sorry!) than about the game itself, some rudimentary knowledge about Age of Empires II is required if you want to understand what is going on. I wrote this as a short-ish story so I'm not really going to go into technical details much.

References consulted while writing story:
ZeroEmpires (Commentary on Competitive AoE II matches)
wikiHow (5 Ways to Make Your Economy Boom in Age of Empires II)
Wikipedia (for info on Byzantines, Moon & Vikings)
Luttwak, E. "The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire" (Harvard University Press, USA), 2009 (Byzantine military strategy)

Youtube links:
Prologue - PakAttack95 (Youtube Channel)
Main Menu and Victory Music - mikec1000 Civilization Themes

Cover Image:
Age of Empires II
Cutie Mark Vectors by Hawk9mm (deviantART page)

Chapters (7)

A paramedic for a busy ambulance service saves a young girls life while on the job one day. Afterwards, a gift is given to him from the little girl that she says will "come in handy someday." He appreciatively takes the gift, but had no idea that the little girl was right... Now after an accident that should have ended his life, he wakes up in a world which seems to be his own. But he soon finds out differently.
Now, magically transported to Ponyville, he must learn how things are done and ultimately make this place his new home.

Cover Art by jjamess10

Chapters (11)

Co-authored with the incredible my_little_medic.
Cover art by the talented Inkwell Tailbrush

The universe is a fickle place. Chaotic when it wants to be, and ordered when it needs to be. For two extraordinarily unlucky yet infinitely fortunate individuals, one morning found them unceremoniously comprised of every probabilistic particle in the cosmos ... for 0.0073 nanoseconds.

Devon hadn't exactly been the most level headed to begin with, and waking up in a foreign city in the dead of winter with no recollection of how he got there wasn't doing him any favors. If that wasn't enough, he's also stuck with Alek, a disembodied voice that only he can hear. Can the pair manage to work together long enough in order to uncover what happened to them, or are they already a lost cause?

It sure would be a lot easier without hooves too...

Chapters (3)

On a fateful night, Alex wins the divine lottery and is approached by Hermes, an Olympian god. He is promised one wish, whatever it may be.

Alas, the encounter doesn't quite work out like he hoped it would.

Alex finds himself thrown into a world that is wholly unfamiliar to him. Gone are his dreams of meeting the mane six. He doesn't even have the luxury of keeping his human form.

Having to deal with an unfamiliar surrounding and a new body, this story follows him on his way to find his own place in this alien world.

Character tags will be added as they become relevant. Teen rating is mostly for some bloody scenes. (nothing too gory). Also, the prologue plays far off in the
future of this story and we won't be returning to that point in quite some time.

Join the Discord, where you can discuss the story, but also just make new friends!

Divine Universe, the FimFic group all about the Divine Entertainment universe!

Arrival Arc:
Chapter 1 - 9
23,198 Words

Journey Arc:
Chapter 10 - 28
48,381 Words

Scholar Arc:
Chapter 29 - 63
133,627 Words

Disclaimer: You may encounter several broken image links in the notes of this story... sorry.

Chapters (64)


A non-so-typical HIE story focused around the Wonderbolts.

The story follows a Human turned pony in Equestria. He knows nothing of the MLP universe and must learn to adapt to this new life. The Wonderbolts are main characters in this.

Comments are appreciated!
Art by Swaetshrit (No longer drawing) commissioned by Derpytwizzle | Full Image

Chapters (17)