• Member Since 8th Feb, 2019

Crystal Jewelheart

Just your average brony

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Years after the Stable Dweller's journey to restore Equestria the world is still slowly recovering. Many parts of the world remain radioactive Wasteland despite the efforts of the NCR. In the far flung northeast region around the former city of Detrot the land remains a harsh, violent place. Living in a secluded mountain valley at the edge of this region, Longwalk is a colt ignorant of the larger Wasteland. His tribe has lived in isolation for generations, and he knows nothing of the world beyond the ten miles surrounding his remote mountain village.

All of that is about to change. Dragging a friend along to explore beyond the boundaries his tribe's laws allow, Longwalk makes a startling discovery; one that prompts a journey of his own out into the Wasteland with a mysterious unicorn filly at his side. Before he knows it Longwalk is caught in a dangerous web of Wasteland politics, powerful pre-war organizations, ancient death-filled ruins, and a growing cadre of unusual companions... each with secrets of their own.

Based on the wonderful Fallout Equestria by Kkat, and the Wild Arms video game series by Media Vision.

Pre-read by Doomande, an all around awesome dude.
Cover art by SpyroConspirator, a very talented artist.

Completed side-story featuring Crossfire found here.

Chapters (37)

Hope is the faith of the young. Losing everything she holds dear, Puppysmiles embarks on the adventure of her life to find her mother, her hopes of meeting her again driving her through the horrors of a world not of her making. Too bad the Wastelands doesn't care about hope.

Chapters (21)

It was one failed revenge attempt after another and this one was sure to be her last. The ex-changeling ruler, Chrysalis, was cornered by her enemies. They offered her a chance for 'redemption' and extended their hooves in friendship, but the queen would not accept. She charged a powerful spell and the ponies tried to stop her. There was an explosion and after the sound returned and Chrysalis was gifted sight again, she was greeted by pale white walls, various medical instruments, and her new life aboard one of the United Empire research ships.

Cover art by: xn-d

Chapters (13)

Freshly founded, news of Ponyville spreads through a still developing country, drawing other earth ponies and some pegasi to join the effort. One of these families happens to have fur on their wings, and the slit eyes of predators. They ain't right.

Done for a loyal patron!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Secrets of a Royal Guard

Duty, honor, and loyalty above all else. That was what Silent Knight had been told ever since he was a colt. They had guided him all his life and he was more than ready to follow in his father’s hoofsteps by dedicating himself to the Royal Guard. Then he discovered something else he had never expected: friendship and love. He learned that he owed these values not just to his job, but to his wife, his friends, and his family. Unfortunately, he learned that too late.

War has broken out between the gryphon kingdoms and Equestria is stuck in the thick of it trying to protect their ally, Nordanver. As Silent marches off to war, he must contend with the guilt that battles within him. He played right into the claws of Sudramoar's sovereign, and now he must leave his newlywed wife behind so that he can pay the price for his foolish actions.

Knowledge of the Quill & Blade AU is recommended to understand this story. It is a direct sequel to Secrets of a Royal Guard.

Chapters (65)

Everypony has a story. Some tell of heroic feats and grand adventure. Others tell of villainy against the forces of Harmony. The story of an average guard, however, is one of obscurity. They live in the background, unnoticed but ever-present.

Silent Knight assumed his tale would be like that of his father's: join the Royal Guard and serve Equestria. He would be just another helmet and spear, part of the rank and file. And that was all he ever wanted.

However, when Captain Shining Armor asked for volunteers to form a House Guard for the recently returned Princess Luna, it was Silent's hooves that stepped forwards to set his new life in motion.

Chapters (56)

Ponyville's newest psychotherapist realizes she'll have her work cut out for her when her first patient in town is a unicorn colt who claims to have been originally a "human". He's surprisingly cooperative, even with his delusion, but his lack of parents or guardians makes things a bit more complicated.

This story will be using a pair of odd stylistic conceits: being done entirely or almost entirely in an epistolary style, and, despite being an HiE story, being told almost entirely from the perspective of other ponies around said human.

Also, many thanks to Oh to be Old Again for giving the initial inspiration for this story.

Chapters (19)

Chrysalis and her swarm have suffered through much in the last few years. Starving to the point of desperation has pushed them to the brink. But now something far worse than hunger has begun to fester in their caves. A mysterious fungus that infests her subjects brains and drives them mad, is now destroying the already crippled race. With few options remaining, Chrysalis must decide if her pride is worth the lives of her children. She can only hope her enemies would be merciful to them.

((Inspired by the video game "The Last of Us." This is NOT a crossover however.))

Chapters (8)

A lone clone trooper finds himself waking up within the dark confined transportation bay of an L.A.A.T. he'd been riding on. He learns quickly that he's apparently the only surviver of a harsh crash landing, leaving the ship in heavy disrepair.

With nothing to gain by simply sitting there, the clone ventures out in an attempt to find civilization and hopefully make his way back to the Grand Republic, and the galaxy-wide war. However, he soon realizes that this task isn't gonna be an easy one, and this planet seems to host quite a few oddities and mysteries. From its population of colorful ponies, griffins, dragons, and tons more creatures, to its primitive technology and mystical ways of life.

But another factor is quick to present itself, for this entire planet and its inhabitants are blissfully unaware of the blazing war that's raging just beyond their skies. A war that could come raining down on them and destroy their peace in seconds...

Featured: 6/29/19, 7/5/19, and 7/19/19! Thank you all so much!

Chapters (47)

The portal between Earth and Equestria has been open for five years and cultural exchanges have started taking place in earnest. One of these exchanges is sending ponies to human institutions for higher learning.

Stormy Skies, a pegasus living in Canterlot, has just been accepted into one such school. But he only applied out of curiosity. How will he deal with being a spokespony, representing Equestria when he isn't even sure what he's supposed to do? And what will happen when he finds out exactly how far in over his head he is?

This is a slice of life story meant to counterbalance my other works. This will update as I finish chapters with a release of Tuesdays. This is more of fun work and a chance to play around with cultural ideas. In that line of thought, speak up if you think of something good.

And sorry bout the cover, needed a stand in until I can get art with the proper cutie mark. But the basic idea of the image is exactly how strange the cultures may seem to each other. Bonus points if you can tell me what he's poking. And if you can't guess it he is here to stay, I rather like it.

Chapters (37)