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A man wakes up only to find that, rather than lazing on his couch, hes in an ancient castle in a fictional world. And top it all off, in the body of one of the world's biggest villains.

While he plans how to spend this oddly realistic dream, using what little he knows of the show to tip things in his favor, he will soon find that not everything follows the script he knows.

Will be adding tags if need br, I like the cover art I have at the moment, may change it later.

I do hope you enjoy this little brain worm of a story!

Chapters (5)

Featured on January 24th-28th, 2020

You stumbled apon facing the toughest challenge since coming to Equestria; fighting off three overpowered villains with a bell to take all the magic from the ponies. It is up to you to help stop them from getting more powerful by using yourself as bait. When Chrysalis encounters you though, a clever idea struck your vision.

To ask her out!

Cover art by mirroredsea

Audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio

Chapters (1)

A human living in Canterlot castle is given to Queen Chrysalis as part of peace negotiations between Equestria and the Hive. Celestia knew she shouldn't have let Luna finish the negotiations herself.

Cover art by jalm on Derpibooru.

Featured on 4/22/20. Thanks guys!

Now with audio readings by StraightToThePointStudio! Go check them out.
The Audio Reading Playlist

Chapters (6)

I have no idea what happened. One second, I'm sitting at my desk, working. The next second, I'm Sombra. Or rather, I'm in his body. And nobody seems to believe me about it...

Now with (amazing!) cover art by Mix Up. You can find their work here.

Chapters (32)

An American soldier, dedicated to his country, who has seen and fought in many wars, seeks out a way to escape his war ridden world and finds a new one. A planet free of death and wars. Where friendship, harmony and peace were plentiful. Or so he had first thought.
He came to the magical world of Equss to escape war, but now finds himself needed for it once again.
But this world was different. This time he could do something to truly stop evil. But that requires power. Power he will claim. Even if he has to shake the very foundations of Equestria to get it.

(Takes place before Luna/Nightmare Moon's return.)

[embed] https://youtu.be/qWgRZrqjGSc [/embed]

Chapters (20)

Anonymous, the Human that has been around for a while in Equestria. Spike, the dragon assistant to the Princess. They both have one thing in common:

They both have been rather ignored in the scheme of things.

Anon has been in a dead end job for bits and Spike has a one-sided crush for Rarity but the question they ask each other is...

Is it all worth it?

Starts of a bit negative but has a happy ending. Rated I for Ice Cream!

Chapters (1)

At the age of fifteen, Jakob was kidnapped and augmented, his violent past made him a perfect candidate for the project. When the experiment was found out, he was found guilty of being a crime against nature, and banished to the fringes of space, where he was sucked into a black hole, and landed in Equestria.

Cover art by my Bro in fics, Good0bye! Give my bro some praise!!!!

Chapters (11)

Jean tries to run from his past...and ends up in the future of Equestria. Sadly he was going to face his past as it was coming up on him real fast. Will he run or will he finally accept his past an face it head on.

Art is copy-right by *ManiacPaint

My first story. Can i have you readers honest review not how it is but what needs work, if you can.

Chapters (5)

Jake is given the opportunity of a lifetime when the technology to bring him to Equestria arises. He will be chosen at random to become one of the ponies in a virtual representation of Ponyville. Will everything go as planned? Or is there something deeper to it all?

A different take on a HiE fic, these humans will become ponies from the show.

Rated T for adult humor/references.

Chapters (7)

This is such a drag, but if I don't make these things the purple princess will scold me some more.

As if being sent to a world filled with talking, magic ponies and being turned into a sword wasn't enough, but now I wake up after... who knows how long with holes in my memory. A shame one of those holes wasn't through succubus' chest. I guess I'm kind of lucky one of the ponies has magic that can help me, as long as she doesn't bring her friends around that knocked me off a balcony.

When I find Sunny, we're taking a nice long nap. I'm gonna need it after dealing with all of these nut cases.

A Soul Eater crossover.
Part of the Displaced Multiverse.

Chapters (8)