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You came to Equestria 1020 years ago, and have been in Celestia's control for 1017 of those years. you have now been free from her control for 2 years, plotting how to get away from her, but the one thing you forgot, was the Elements of harmony, being ready to be used against you.

Tags are there for possible future chapters.(I most likely will forget to add them later)

Chapters (13)

Before I became a fan of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I didn't much care for it , or it's fandom, but there was one reason I got into it. It was the day Princess Celestia somehow came to my home!

She was hurt, and drained of her magic so I helped her out, and showed her that well...she was part of a show!

We became friends rather quickly during those weeks and soon, when she left when she was able, she would come to visit, and even though I had a spare room for her, she always asked...well I'm sure you can guess!

(On hold until further notice)

Chapters (1)

His name is Dustin, but he tends to go by either Dee or Dustchu. He's a somewhat regular guy, loves to write fanfiction and daydream constantly instead of actually doing anything worthwhile with his life. But there comes a day in everyone's life that changes everything. Maybe it's meeting the love of your life, getting that job promotion you wanted so badly, or actually managing to go to another country and experience what little life has to offer you.

For our hero, Dee, it's being torn from his own world somehow and thrown into a world filled with magic, fantasy, and fuckin' rainbows in every direction. It seems like a world that is too good to be true, a world he had loved for five, almost six years.

But if he's learned anything by now, it's that beneath all of the glamor and sunshine... there's a whole heaping mess of darkness. Our hero's new life in this world isn't always going to be sunshine and rainbows. But, before he gets into the nitty gritty of Equestria proper, he decides to go on the adventure of a lifetime! Instead of... ya know, going right there lickity split and shits. Follow Dee on his adventure throughout the vast world of Equus, as he tries to survive the fantasy world where darkness lurks around every corner just waiting to capture him in its icy cold talons.

Note: This story is a self-insert and it is written entirely for fun. And if you call the MC a Mary Sue, well I'll just take that as a compliment and assume you're telling me I'm perfect :heart: Enjoy friends!

Othernote: Coverart may change when something better is obtained.

Hit the Front Page 7/8/2017


Chapters (12)

Aaron was just on a hike to get away from work for a while. Or so he thinks, as there are a few holes in his memory. One thing's for sure though, after a chance encounter with the local Diamond Dog population, he's found himself outmatched in every way but one: Diamond Dogs are dumb to dangerous degree.

Takes place in the Observations Universe! Because of this, it is highly recommended that you start with Observations.

The sequel can be found here: Daring Do and the Throne of Ouroboros.

Caution! There may or may not be spoilers in the comments.

Chapters (17)

A failed experiment.

Not exactly new for Twilight. But when the outcome brings forth its own science, the likes of which her nation hadn't even yet dared to hope for, the ponies of Equestria slowly realize that they're in for the adventure of a lifetime.

The problem is, they might just not be ready for the revolutions that technological advancement always brings.

And they're about to get hundreds of years of human science and advancements all at once.


As a forewarning, updates will likely be erratic. I have every intention of finishing this story, it's just that my life has been rather crazy lately as I'm sure many of you can imagine.

Also, if you are going to leave a thumbs down, please leave a comment detailing why. Thumbs downs don't tell me much, and I can't make the story better until people tell me what's wrong with it.
Thank you for your time.

WARNING: There may be spoilers in the comments. Read at your own peril.

Covert Art brought to you by the amazing powers of photoshop with an artist's permission.

Chapters (1)

Ever since you have arrived in Equestria, you have been an outcast. Not because of your personality or looks... well it's mostly because of your looks. Ponies here tend to be a lot more Xenophobic than you first thought. But now, you have had it.

And yes, there will be a bit of OOC in this story.

Chapters (1)

You are Anon, and you've received another letter from Applejack. You're not going to reply to this one, just as you refused to reply to the many letters she had sent you over the years. Unfortunately, Applejack isn't going to let you ignore her any longer. Maybe it's about time you two had a talk.


Just a short one-shot greentext I wrote a few days ago after seeing an interesting writing prompt. Decided to touch it up and turn it into prose form so I could post it here.

EDIT: Wow, I didn't expect this story to get so many hits in such little time. Thank you to all who read it! Consider giving it a thumbs up (or down)!

Chapters (1)


"CoMe On, WoRk, DaMn YoU!"


"... FuCk It. I'lL tRy AgAiN tOmOrRoW..."

"HmM? aH, hElLo! My NaMe Is W.d. GaStEr, Ex-RoYaL sCiEnTiSt, At YoUr SuRvIcE."

"HmM? yOu WaNt To KnOw HoW i GoT hErE? wElL, tHaT's A fUnNy StOrY..."

((And before anyone asks, no, this is not just an Equestria Girls story. If I do have a story and it has the tag of "Equestria Girls" on it, then it will be crossing over/merging with the normal Equestria... besides, the likelihood of me doing a story that's JUST focused on Equestria Girls is in the same likelihood of there being a Friendship is Manly 3... or 4. Or 5... Solaris Damn it, I jinxed myself.))

Chapters (5)

I believe introductions are in order:
I am or rather was Leon Ghost, a great engineer and family man with my loving wife Jasmine and my three kids, two sons and a daughter, but I'll give more detail on them in another time. I somehow ended up in another world, likely another universe entirely after buying an Eliacube replica from a strange looking merchant at comic con. I have become the character I was dress as which was Nox from Wakfu, but these days I am known as Nox(imilien) Chronos. I have been trapped in a time stasis for exactly 1126 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 1 day, etc....being a wielder of time gives you a ridiculous ability to near perfectly keep track of any time. I was trapped because of these xenophobic ponies and their idiotic, hothead, paranoid, xenophobic rulers.
These ponies are also foolish, they believe me to be frozen forever and set me up like a trophy in a garden. How I was trapped is a story to be told at a later time. Soon I will be released and I will find my family, and I swear on the name of Xelor that I WILL be free and NO ONE will stop me this time. I went easy on them the first time trying to be the good guy or neutral guy by taking only enough wakfu so they wouldn't suffer any ill side effects.....I am a patience and fair man and they are really pushing my merciful limit.

Credit to Qweeli for the over art

Chapters (4)

A man stumbled into Equestria through means unknown. A year later Twilight Sparkle saw the worst his species had to offer and, in a paranoid fit, tried to have him killed.

Cast out by pony society, this man must find his place with the other Equestrian outcasts in order to survive. Fortunately, there are more of them than anypony else thought. And they aren't happy.

He may not like it, but he has little choice but to step into...

The Kingdom of Darkness.

Inspired by SaiyanUltima's "Seasons of Darkness".

Chapters (8)