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Nine billion nine hundred ninety-nine million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-eight, nine billion nine hundred ninety-nine million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine, ten billion.

There is only so many times one can count to ten billion before it gets boring, and that would be the first time. I've spent so long just standing here watching the days go past that I feel as though it would only take a glass of water to sway me.

I don't hate the sisters for what they've done, they made the right choice in their position. Who knows, maybe I'll go back to counting after I've gotten out of here. Maybe.

I suppose peace was too much to ask for.

Alright, this is mostly just written as a joke so don't take it too seriously and I'm sorry if I offend anyone... somehow. Oh and this is a Displaced fic, so go ahead and hate on it if you want.

Chapters (7)

I don't know how long I have been asleep. It feels like ages. I can't remember who I once was but I know its not who I am now.

The Sun, Moon, Love, Chaos, and Harmony have avatars. I guess I am the World's.

I don't remember who I was but I know who I am.

I have had many names Neltharion the Earth-Warder, The Black Scourge, The Cataclysm, The World itself Given form, but you may call me....


A displaced tale. Co-written with CrossRedstone.

Chapters 1-2 Edited by m2pt5/Emtu, Chapter 3 and 12 Edited by Word Worthy

Note: Actual Deathwing is used

Chapters (11)

A mysterious stallion named Iron Ore wanders into Ponyville with serious injuries from Timberwolves. After helping pay for his medical bills, Applejack hires Iron to work for her family on the farm. She soon finds that Iron is hiding secrets from his past. What caused Iron to wander from his home and why is he so determined to hide it from everypony?

It takes strength and resolve to stand up for what you believe on and Iron has no shortage of either. However, what happens when your resolve drives a wedge between you and those that you care about?

And what does it take to get them back?

Chapters (14)

To Ember, ponies are the boogie men, villains in story books, and alien creatures that roam the land. His perception is radically changed after he captures one alive; and they are nothing like he imagined. Now, to fulfill the promise he made to the pony, he will risk his life to get her safely home.

This story is rated teen due to the following reasons:
brief violence
alcohol consumption
Adult themes

This story DOES NOT contain the following:
erotic content
guts / gore

(Special thanks to AlicornPriest for proof reading help)

Chapters (28)

King Sombra’s dark influence was obliterated by the Crystal Heart, and the villain is well and truly dead. But when he attempts to steal the afterlife of an innocent victim, a human spirit is left hurtling towards Equestria, where this unfortunate soul is revived into the only vessel available: the reconstituted body of King Sombra himself.

Thus, a cheerfully oblivious alien is crammed into the form of the most evil and malicious being Equestria has ever known. Not that Shining Armor and Cadence know this, of course. As far as they are concerned, the King is back and he’s lost his fricking mind.

Click here for the TV Tropes page!

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Bun thing leads to another

Continued horse-based intrusion makes a man's evenings slightly more interesting and his kitchen messy.

Mostly it seems to be the fault of that one horse, but the others are still going along with it, so they're all to blame really. Not that it's easy to hold anything against them.

He is a softy, after all, and they are all rather pleasant company.

Straight To The Point Studios did this one, too. I like this one in particular.

Chapters (1)

Gods can be real dicks. That is the one thought that has echoed throughout my head since I arrived here. Don't worry about my name as I'm sure you will find out soon enough. Being only one of thirteen males on the entire planet kind of has that effect. What? Only one of thirteen you ask? Well yes that is what I just said after all. Basically it all boils down to someone making someone mad so someone, The second someone, placed a curse on the planet that is slowly killing off the worlds population. And guess whose job it is to figure out how to lift the curse? Not mine actually, but I've decided to make it mine anyways. If you would like to find out more about me and the quest that I have taken all you have to do is ask, but be warned, the tale I have to tell is quite...unusual.

A/N: Sex tag is for implication of said activity.

Update: New chapters will be arriving soon, I have just been busy as of late. So keep an eye out over the next week or so.

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the show My Little Pony Friendship is Magic or its characters.

Chapters (6)

My name was Mike. I was a simple teenager in a town. I had a decent life. Although, besides my family and friends, nothing really tied me to the world. I'm sure many of people have thought about it, but well it actually did happen to me. I was in fact placed on a different world, and let me tell you, its definitely not what you would be used to. I had no survival training, but luckily the world was inhabited, just not what I was used to.

Chapters (10)

My name is Hunter Braxton. I've been thrown into some crazy world filled with anthro ponies. I don't know why I'm here. I don't know how I got here. And I don't think I'm ever going home either. I woke up one morning in the middle of a forest, and I've got to survive without showing up on the ponies' radar.

Chapters (7)

Months before the Elements of Harmony realized their destinies, the Canterlot Special Sciences division found an unidentified creature near the Everfree. Unfortunately nopony seems to be able to understand a thing it says when it tries to communicate- except one pony.

Chapters (12)