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When a wealthy, well connected man's son is forcibly converted, he seeks someone to exact vengeance. The PER targeted the wrong person.

Chapters (5)

The barrier is finally closed, humans are no more and every sentient species is under the government of her majesty the Princess. But somewhere else, other beings beyond time and space have been seeing her acts and now they are ready to judge her.

Is tyranny a fair price for peace? The death of an entire species is a tolerable loss for the survival of another? Is there such thing as a superior species? Is freedom of though really the source of all evil?

When a stranger appears in front of Celestia to tell her about the trials against her, everything will change. Beyond good, beyond evil, a judgement will fall and justice will be done.

Chapters (5)

Celestia has been destroying the world with her barrier and humanity believes they have truly no hope left but as the most joyful time of the year approaches the children of the world send their letters to a man who can great any wish if they have been good. And they all have been very good, and so Santa has to lay down a Christmas beating.
Note The Santa for this story will be a combination of various Santas from many different TV shows and Movies.
We will be seeing Some Rise of the guardian Santa, Elfa Strike force from Code Name Kids Next Door, the nearly endless amount of elves and reindeer from American Dad's Santa, and many more. SO please enjoy.

Chapters (2)

Equestria is expanding unstoppably. The Conversion Bureaus are working at peak capacity. It looks absolutely certain that Celestia will replace humanity with ponies.

But then one niggling flaw appears in her plan. You see, humanity's religions, while dismissed by Celestia as just more evidence of human barbarism, are correct in at least one respect. Humanity has a loving father, and what Celestia is doing makes Him angry. So angry in fact, He's going to do what He hasn't done since ancient times: smite.

Seems like Exodus is being reenacted, and guess who's playing Pharoah?

Chapters (11)

The Ponies take over our lands. The lands we have works so very hard to create, to earn, and to develop.
We have started wars on this land. we have started wars FOR land.
We, the human race, have worked to far. killed to much, and survived to long to be exterminated like pests.

I stand here now as the last human on earth. There's no hope for me, or for my race. but the purple unicorn in front of me dares to ask the question that every other pony has asked before: Why do we fight?

(Rated teen for course language and slight death)
Big thanks to cshadd for the updated (and better) cover art

Chapters (1)

For many people, the conflict was the end. For many people, when Celestia attacked, the entire world ground to a terrible halt, and their lives were completely upended. It was the end of everything

For Dr Jacob McArthur, it was just another long road to travel. The same as many roads he had traveled in his life.

For the last three months, he has been on the run, making his way across the country in an attempt to fix his mistakes. Many things have happened in this time, new friends made, old friends found, yet in the end he traveled alone towards his final destination. Yet as it has always been for him, the end of one road may well lead down another longer road.

Second chances are precious things, and often come at some great cost, to ourselves or to others. For Jacob, his second chance, his desperate attempt to fix things, may just cost him everything.

Note: This is a sequel to Requiem, if you have not read it, it likely won't make as much sense. Though it should stand fairly well on its own.

Chapters (1)

After Celestia's announcement of war on humanity, things have changed for everyone. Humanity has been set on the run, fighting has ravaged both sides of the conflict, and the bitter fighting shows no end in sight. Human civilization has been brought to a grinding halt, and it is anyone's guess if it will even continue to exist. It is in this bleak future that one man finds himself in, alone, and driven solely by one goal in his mind, even as everyone around him falls to fighting and war. One man, a pacifist in a violent conflict, would do all he could to change things, to make amends.

He would fix his mistake. Or die trying.

This fic is set in the Ten Rounds universe of The Conversion Bureau setting.

Chapters (1)

One Shot - Celestia and the ponies of Equestria are posed to start opening conversion bureas on Earth, however they didn't count on the horror that is government workers with paperwork.

Join a low-level government inspector as he travels across universes to deliver a fine to Princess Celestia.

Will he manage to bring the right forms?
Will he avoid being gored by angry unicorn-pegasi with their sharp, shiny horns?
Will he use his brain and think outside of the box?

Probably not, he is government after all.

Chapters (1)

Oh, no! Shadow Decimus --a killer-for-hire-- goes to Equestria to assassinate a pony only to be changed into a burrito!

Whatever is our overpowered protagonist to do?

Written in under an hour. No editing and no revisions.

Eat your heart out, Conversion Bureau!

Chapters (1)

Humanity is dead.
It's members have been converted and brainwashed. Its homeworld has been absorbed, and its culture has been eradicated.
Princess Celestia couldnt' be happier.

Unfortunately for Celestia, there are beings out there who don't look too kindly on xenocide. Beings much more powerful than her...

Inspired by Rush's "The Conversion Bureau: Celestia's Silly Plan"

Author's note: For the record, I don't hate all TCB fics. My problem is with the ones that depict humans as irredeemable bastards whose only hope for salvation is to convert themselves into talking horses. They piss me off. They really piss me off.

Chapters (1)