• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012

Grey the Mighty

US Brony, Air Force Brony.

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Twilight is called up to Canterlot castle to help Luna after the loneliness and isolation of living 1000 years behind the rest of society sets in.

Chapters (7)

When a mishap occurs with Celestia's bathroom scale, an ancient protocol that may just doom Equestria is set into motion. With the entire palace staff now conspiring against her, the sun goddess must not only contend mountains of paper work, dancing celery sticks, and steroid pumped stallions, but a sister who will take this chance to torture Celestia any way she can as payback for her banishment. Lock the cupboards and barricade the fridge! It's the Royal Diet!

Now with TVTropes page! :http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/ASliceOfLife

Chapters (12)

On the night of her return from exile Nightmare Moon comes across resistance as she had expected. However she had a backup plan on hoof for just such a predicament, tearing off a small fraction of her soul and attaching it to the bearer of the element of magic. Now she must play the long game to ensure that she can obtain the loyalty of her new host and once more rise to power over Equestria.

Cover art thanks to Tonto the trotter.

Chapters (9)

A sequel to 'Forbidden Fruit' - Months have passed since Applejack's and Twilight Sparkle's adventure to retrieve a piece of life-giving fruit, and Granny Smith has successfully recovered from her illness. Though they became incredibly close during their journey and learned much from each other, they never became anything more. As they'll soon discover, however, there's still more they can learn from one another - much more.

Fic is rated Teen for alcohol use, language, and romantic situations.
Featured on FiM Fiction! Thanks to everyone who has read, reviewed, and commented!

Chapters (21)

This is a collection of short stories, all shipping, and all with some element of luck involved in the pairings. All the stories take place in the same continuity, and all pairings are final! No cheating in these fics, sorry.

When Rainbow Dash kissed her, she had no idea what she was doing. She was running on automatic. Will the pony of her dreams hate her? She really is the Stupidest Pony In Equestria.

Based on image by GonzaHerMeg.

Chapters (10)

A group of humans attempt to escape a global nuclear war through the use of time travel. However, something goes wrong with Sam Mitchell's pod, flinging him far into the future, into a time where humans no longer exist and a race of sentient ponies now thrive as the dominant life form. He eventually comes to the attention of a certain purple unicorn, who aims to learn all she can of Sam and his civilization as well as help him adjust to his new life.

Can Sam handle living as the only human? Can Equestria, and Twilight in particular, handle the changes this alien brings?

Chapters (12)

Every rising star must eventually fall. Rainbow Dash is locked in a struggle against her own past, and with the help of Twilight is about to make a discovery that will change the way she flies forever. But what will she lose in the process?

Massive thanks to Furor1 and Nyuuchandiannepie for the ridiculously awesome artwork, you should really check them out on DeviantArt if you've not already.

Dedicated to Donald Campbell and his Bluebird, for chasing his horizons for no other reason than the fact that they were there. Also to Steve Hogarth and Marillion for writing Out Of This World, the song that inspired this story.

Chapters (45)

Upon eavesdropping on a conversation between Rarity and Twilight Sparkle, Spike discovers what his "true love" really thinks of him, and after reminiscing on his thoughts about it, he slowly begins to drift away from his friends. With sorrow and despair in his heart, Spike runs away from home, and runs into an old enemy that tries to help him out.

However, after realizing what she has done, Rarity begins to realize and discover that she has feelings for Spike after all, but can she save him before it's too late?

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle is called away to tend to Luna when she falls ill. As Luna grows sicker and Twilight more determined to help the younger princess, she begins to uncover dark secrets about the elements, the alicorns, and her own past.

Chapters (9)

Twilight Sparkle is having reoccurring nightmares. Then after some strange things happen one night, Twilight is called up to Canterlot by the Princess for a special assignment.

Chapters (8)