• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012

Grey the Mighty

US Brony, Air Force Brony.

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Estimated Reading: 40 weeks



  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Twilight decides that Rainbow Dash & Applejack are in love, and sets out to bring the happy couple together. The truth is, however, that a grudge match for Twilight's affections has begun between them, and as their actions drive their own friendship apart the cracks appear elsewhere. Who will come out the victor, who will be left in the dust, and why can't everypony get along?

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle just can't find enough time in the day. She has to study friendship for the Princess, hang out with her five friends, and juggle her own hobbies and interests besides. But when a novel solution presents itself in the form of an experimental new spell, will it solve her time crunch, or will she be distracted even further?

Chapters (10)

What if Rainbow Dash had been present when Discord gave the Mane Cast their first shot at him? How could things have gone different? How could this have changed things?How could this have changed Twilight?

Update Schedule Below the Break.
Now with the super editor FredMSloniker!
Now with a wonderful cover image by Conicer!
Also - Awesome Fanart - http://nyuuchandiannepie.deviantart.com/art/Discolight-273099814

Update Plans
December 11 - Edited versions of first four chapters
December 14 - Chapter 5
Future updates at least 1 time per week.
Total Planned Chapters - 12

Chapters (10)

Twilight becomes alicorn of the stars. This is sort of a problem, because Luna kind of already was alicorn of the stars. Oops!

TV Tropes

Chapters (23)

For almost a thousand years, the immortal Nightmare Moon has reigned over Equestria as Empress. To the average pony, Nightmare Moon is an overarching enigma whose rule is absolute and whose wrath is terrible. But to Twilight Sparkle, who as an orphan has never known her parents, the Empress is something else entirely. When the young unicorn is brought under the royal wing as an apprentice, she learns a great deal more about the supposed tyrant than she ever knew. But as Twilight is introduced to life with her new mentor, she is thrust into a world of political intrigue, conspiracies and secrets. Secrets that were never meant to be revealed. As allies and enemies plot against the very peace of the nation, will Twilight fall prey to the perils of her new position? Or will she prosper and find in Nightmare Moon the mother she never had?


My eternal gratitude to my editor, LordOfTheWrongs, without whom Night's Favoured Child would not be the story it is today.

Now with added TVtropes!

Chapters (15)

Princess Luna has been through a tough life. A thousand years ago she could not control her jealousy, envy and rage and became the infamous Nightmare Moon. Then, she spent a thousand years on the moon, only to return, still as Nightmare Moon.

However, despite everything she has been through, her return to Equestria was warmly celebrated. Princess Luna is a pony that everypony loves, and she is completely forgiven for everything that's happened.

So, when Princess Luna is suddenly and unexpectedly killed, the entire nation of Equestria is thrown into grief and despair. Ponies everywhere find themselves unable to deal with the tragedy.

But the worst hit is Princess Celestia herself...

Chapters (14)

After Discord was trapped again, there was a bit of a side effect. Chaos itself is made into a pony.
She has to figure out who and what she is, and what she wants out of life against all odds. The other ponies have their own thing to figure out:
Is Chaos actually that bad? Does anyone or anything have to really be just good or bad?

The question becomes harder, not easier, to answer as time goes on.

Chapters (11)

Strange happenings have been happening in ponyville. Ponies have been going missing, Strange goo has been oozing from the trees, and even zecora is no where to be found. Something strange is going on in the Everfree forest and twilight sparkle and Applejack want to go out and find out whats behind it. But what they will soon find is a mess of emotions and forced romance between them.

Chapters (3)

Have you always wondered the life of Equestrians after the series ended, this Database of stories explains it all...well most of it at least.

Chapters (7)

Starting out as a fairly normal day, graduation from Magic School means Twilight will no longer have to send friendship reports to the Princess. Things go amazing, but, slowly, they topple into an adventure and a problem so large it will change the face of Equestria forever. The Mane 6 will have to deal with love, violence, vengeance, and more.

The story was cancelled, but I'm leaving this up for historical purposes. I plan on rewriting from scratch with a different style. It's going to be the same story, same characters, but with a different narrative I'm better at, and a new title. While this is going to stay up, and it's by no means short, I'm just going to start over. It has a LOT of problems, and the vast majority would be fixed with a complete rewrite.

Chapters (4)