• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012

Grey the Mighty

US Brony, Air Force Brony.

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Ten years. Our six heroes, gone. Disbanded and separated, broken from the bonds of friendship. An uprising with no hope, and tyranny unlike any other. The goddesses have grown distant, unconcerned. They too are affected by the scars brought by sentient nature. Battles between good and evil now become a question of morality, as the line of gray gets more and more smudged. A pirate, harsh and aggressive, but just and open-minded. A Legion sailor, holy and righteous, but blind and stubborn. Both warriors know and practice the virtues of living men, but one knows the truth, and the other is clouded by lies. Would one know the truth and fight good people to save lives, or be blinded by divine intervention with assurance of their deeds? As many answers as there are questions, one can assume the worst in this land of corruption. Because they pirate what little they can to stand for what they believe. They are pirates of virtue.

Pirates of Equestria

Chapters (18)

Twilight can't control her feelings for Rainbow Dash, and doesn't go according to plan in the whole Mare-Do-Well Scheme.

Chapters (3)

Based on Season One, Episode Two. What happens when Night Mare Moon defeats the Elements of Harmony?

Chapters (4)

Now unable to walk after a crusade gone wrong, Apple Bloom must adjust to her new life.

1st in CMC FanFicees YAY! Series
And after 8 months voila... It's finally completed!

Chapters (6)

It's just a normal, boring, cloudy day in the town of Ponyville. AJ is hanging out with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy is at the spa with Rarity, and Pinkie, once again, is annoying Twilight Sparkle. But when their Elements are put to the test, something extremely unexpected happens that could change Equestria forever. No, I didn't make make the cover art. Nianara or deviantart did! Go check it out!

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash has long been teased as a fillyfooler, and seeks a new start in Ponyville, where nopony judges her for her mane. But when she opens her heart, she soon needs to find shelter from the storm that follows her. And find shelter she does, but not in the place that she originally expects.

Chapters (3)

Dr. Adorable has been trying for years to get into the Evil League of Evil, headed by Bad Horse, the Thoroughbred of Sin. Now her dream has finally come true, but it has cost her the mare of her dreams. Not only that, but after months of therapy, Captain Clamor is once again trying to act the hero, and this time she has help. Can Dr. Adorable maintain her seat in the League, or will Captain Clamor and her new sidekick ensure that the Doctor's evil plots never come to fruition?

The story image is my own, I drew it in less than a day. Greatly inspired by Dr. Adorable's Ask-Along Blog and Fluttershy's Brand New Day.

Disclaimer stuff: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog was created by Joss Whedon. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is copyright Hasbro, and was created by Lauren Faust and her amazing team. All the characters in this story belong to their respective creators. I own nothing except the occasional OC, I'm just a huge fan of both who decided to do a crossover fic of the two.

Chapters (2)

With everything going on in his happy life in Ponyville, the adventures, the fun, the lessons on friendship, Spike never took time to have any appreciation with his time with it all, assuming his life would always be this happy. Then that letter came... the letter that had it spelled out right in front of him that he was never supposed to happen, that he was never supposed to even live, and that Twilight must make the difficult choice of choosing her friend, or her princesses orders. As Spike finds anger inside him build up from seemingly nowhere, he storms out of the house, into the twilight of the night, tears streaming down his cheeks.

All the while, Rarity is there to comfort Spike through his emotions, his feelings, his fears that one baby dragon should never handle on their own. She begins to realize just how important Spike is to her, not just as a friend. As the days of his happy life tick by second after second, just how dirty is Rarity willing to get just to save a dragon's numbered days?

Sparity/TwiSpike Friendship

Chapters (4)

A mysterious brown Earth pony with an hour glass Cutie Mark sneaks into Canterlot Castle, only to be caught by Princess Celestia herself. Curiously, Celestia is intrigued by the seemingly endless stream of nonsense this pony is wont to speak. Luna soon joins them, and the group heads into the very depths of the castle, where something has been lurking for far too long...

Author's Note: The story begins with Season 1 Luna, weakened and with very little magical power, as well as having 'flat' hair.

Doctor Whooves is also an Earth pony in this fanfic, as he has appeared as both a Pegasus and Earth pony in show.

Co-Authors: Bramble Rose, MudBug, Diomedes

Chapters (10)

(Current undergoing revision)

In the aftermath of the Mare-do-well incident Rainbow Dash has dissappeared from Ponyville and only Twilight and the other Elements may have a clue of where she went, but they aren't talking.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash is in for the race of her life when she goes up against the fastest thing alive...Sonic the Hedgehog on the orders of Dr. Eggman/Robotnik.

Image is credited to LeylahShan at DeviantART

Chapters (7)