• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012

Grey the Mighty

US Brony, Air Force Brony.

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When Spitfire starts rooming with Rainbow Dash she finds out what the filly is really like.

This story was first posted on the 30th of December in 2011, and the last chapter was posted on the 30th of April 2012. That means it has been four years since this story was started, and 3 years since the last update. A lot has happened to me in the last 4 years, and I am reminded of that by how awful this story is (Not that my writing has gotten any better). I'm headed on a new journey in life, but found this on an old hard drive and thought I'd re-upload it. I've kept all the authors notes, and terrible writing in tact, your welcome. I was such a chuckle-fuck ;A;

Chapters (17)

Luna knows everything about Twilight Sparkle, From her childhood up to everything she has done in the year since Twilight freed Luna, but why does she know these things?

On the other hand Twilight is going crazy turning against her friends as though something is eating at her and shes powerless to stop it.

Chapters (6)

The world of Equestria is very different when you don't have nigh-omnipotent gods and goddesses running about. Without Celestia's guiding light, the Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns would probably have never guessed at their gifts. Discord, being the embodiment of Chaos, would work through nature and change, meaning no controlling the weather. Without Luna, the world would be a much darker, scarier place. Oh, and by the way: these aren't your regular little ponies. There will be bipedal ponies with hands, blood and death, and some romance in this story, so if any of those turn you away, well, there's the door.

Not gone? Then...let's begin, shall we?

(Image is courtesy of he4rtofcourage on deviantart. Here, have a link, and tell them how awesome they are. Have fun.)

Chapters (2)

Not long after Nightmare Moon being defeated by the Mane Six and the Elements of Harmony, Luna returns to her normal life in Canterlot. Not long after being there, she learns of the Element of Magic: Twilight Sparkle, and learns more about her feelings than ever before.

(I intend to get part 3 started in January)

Chapters (8)

Twilight and the rest of the mane 6 are getting together for a night of fun and drinking. What starts as a night in with the girls turns into so much more, leading our adventurous young mares to discover a whole new side to their friendship.

Just something fun that came to mind while waking up from a heat-exhaustion induced nap, hope y'all have as much fun reading it as I did writing it! Depending on what kind of response it gets I may consider doing a follow up for the day after the festivities, so please let me know what you think!

Story Picture provided with permission from Musapan

Chapters (2)

The six elements of Harmony took Twilight's birthday party to the Canterlot garden party in Sweet and Elite. But what happens after that? The party relocates again at the request of Princess Celestia, and Luna comes as well!

Chapters (6)

EDIT: First and probably only ever, added Author's Notes to address the frequent "Were means man" issue. Please read them before commenting.

"Fluttershy gets bitten by a werewolf from the Everfree Forest, but when a side effect of the changes limits her inhibitions, she starts to wonder if the cure is such a good idea. Even if she does start to behave a little 'differently' otherwise..."

A one-shot story in the spirit and style of an episode of the show itself.


Cover image by ~Dragon-Fangx
(With one small edit to fit details of the story)

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia's birthday is coming up and Twilight wants to make her a party. A surprise party. She asks Pinkie for help but an accident disposes of Pinkie for a short while and she leaves the mare alone to plan the party by herself. Knowing she won't be able to make the party as fun as Pinkie could she turns to her friends for help but all of them are busy.

She turns to a a special crystal recording that Pinkie left titled... "Being Pinkie Keen!" With the help of the crystal recordings can Twilight learn to loosen up and be more like Pinkie? Or will she fail?

Read the first two installments to get some of the stuff mentioned. Cover image is from here: http://ks4u.deviantart.com/gallery/33897448#/d46gleu

Chapters (7)

The Medallion of Light and the Medallion of Shadow are some of the most powerful yet obscure artifacts of antiquity. Created by a now-vanished cult of assassins, the two devices together give their bearer the incredible power to walk the worlds with but a single step.

Nefarious forces are closing in on both artifacts, and very little stands in their way. Heinrich Himmler's agents covet the medallions for the greater glory of the Third Reich. Ahuizotl's simply want their master to get what's coming to him: the world, and everything in it.

With the fate of all good people and ponies in doubt, one thing's for certain: saving two worlds would be one hell of an adventure. And if adventure has a name, it must be Daring Do… or is that Indiana Jones?

Will our heroes win the day? Find out in... Daring Do and the Medallion of Shadow! Or, Indiana Jones and the Medallion of Light!

NOTE: there will be some violence in this story, but nothing more than you would expect to see in an Indiana Jones movie-- so I didn't check the "gore" content box.

Artwork by Tzelly-el.

Special thanks to SapphireStarlightPony & Rated Ponystar for helping with the brainstorming on this one.

Thanks to this stupid thing I've had the Indiana Jones theme song stuck in my head for like the past four days and I am about to claw my eyes out AAAAAAAHHHHH @_@

Chapters (12)

Something is definitively up around here. Applejack and Fluttershy have been spending a lot of time together without the rest of the gang. Well, Rainbow Dash is on to them! In fact, she is sure this is the no-good friend-stealing Applejack's doing, and she will not stand for this - whatever this is.

Also, Rainbow Dash wears a corn hat.

Chapters (4)