• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012

Grey the Mighty

US Brony, Air Force Brony.

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Although Canterlot was saved in the end, there was still damage.
Although they celebrated their victory, there was still loss.
Although they said "sorry", there was still resentment.

But not from the pony you expect.

A rebellion formed outside of Celestia's castle, declaring Twilight Sparkle and Cadance to be their new Princesses after she and Luna failed to protect Canterlot from the Changelings. Leading the rebellion is, to the shock and surprise of Twilight and her friends, the mysterious Mare Do Well, who claims to be the "will of the ponies’ voice". After discrediting Celestia, she proceeds to accuse Twilight's friends of "betraying their Element" and has them seized to be interrogated.

With Celestia gone to reflect on the damages she had done, Twilight Sparkle must find a way to restore the denizens of Canterlot's faith in Celestia, save her friends, and disband Mare Do Well's rebellion. However, a question still lingers in her head. A question that Mare Do Well presented to her. Is there a pony in her life that she can’t forgive?

Vector Credits:
hawk9mm (Luna)
mihaaaa (Celestia)
uxyd (Twilight)
teiptr (Mare Do Well)
a01421 (Canterlot Castle)

Chapters (6)

When an echo from the past catches up to the present, the world will be pulled into chaos and destruction. Can Twilight Sparkle and her friends save the world from those who would destroy it? Or will they destroy it themselves?

With the prophecy coming true the leaders of the world hang with baited breath. Celestia has locked herself in the chamber of memories and Luna struggles with ruling the kingdom and abating the growing concerns of their people as they question why the engines of war are beginning to stir

And yet through it all, The residents of Ponyville remain unaware. Except for one Twilight Sparkle, who finds herself dreaming of a impossible place with what she has been told was a impossible creature.

Chapters (2)

Being the Princess of Equestria is busy work. Luna would know. She raises the sun and moon everyday, looks over the dreams of her beloved subjects, and, well, runs Equestria. Now, in addition to all that, she must find herself a protégé, before her sister's banishment ends!

But, that isn't the problem. The problem, is that three particular fillies stand out for the role!

Who will she choose? Can these three fillies become friends? Who will become Equestria's future savior!?

I guess you'll have to read to find out~!

First story of the Trio-verse.
Cover Art commissioned by Cloureed. Thanks again~!
Also want to thank Izanagi for the help with editing!

Chapters (5)

Short prompt-based minifics from the MoonLight group. Snark and dark and moonlit romance ahead!

Individual authors linked at the top of each chapter.

If you'd like to contribute, check out the thread and follow the rules.

Rated Teen for potential sauciness.

Chapters (104)

This story is a sequel to Clean Slates

Twilight Sparkle: Brilliant, Powerful, Sociable, the very model of the modern major unicorn. She, however, has a poorly kept secret. Her memory for everything non academic is terrible!

Caution: Contains adorable young twilight.

Shoutouts and mad props to Georg's "The monster in the twilight" and Commander x5's "Twiny" series for inspiring this.

I need a Smart Pants tag.

Chapters (10)

An accident in the lab sends our favorite boy genius to Equestria, as a pony. What will he do and how will he get back? The answer: Science! (Cover Art Updated!)
New FAQ! and TV Tropes!
Planned Phrases from Dexter:
“Pinkie Pie! Don’t push that Button!” /to Pinkie
“Please, Magic is the word simpletons and the ignorant use to describe what they cannot understand.”/ to Twilight
“No, I didn't strap a rocket to you. I strapped you to a rocket.” /to Rainbow Dash
“Friends? Who needs friends?”

Dexter is a boy super-genius with a disdain for anything girlish and no desire for friendship. After an mishap in his lab, he gets stuck in Equestria. How will he cope with the over-friendly ponies, and the girlish everything?
For any who do not know Dexter's Lab: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dexter's_Laboratory
[RIP Christine Cavanaugh: 8/16/63-12/22/2014] - Dexter's Original Voice Actress

Chapters (16)

In a desperate attempt to thwart the plans of a power-hungry sorceror, Twilight Sparkle ends up displaced in time.

She finds herself in a world untouched by catastrophe of any kind. Everything turned out well in her absence, and her friends, who have missed her dearly for the last decade, are overjoyed to have her back.

Now she has a decision to make. Go to fight the foe she left behind, restoring time as it should have been, or stay and leave him be. All is well that ends well, after all. Right?

Much gratitude goes out to Sagebrush, who helped me untangle some of my messes!

Chapters (4)

Equestria is still picking up the pieces after the defeat of Tirek, and everypony is helping out with the paperwork, even Rainbow Dash. Things change when Princess Celestia arrives, bringing with her a letter with some very stunning accusations of the exploits of a resident in the town of Oasis. Now, the main six are tasked with finding out if the letter was truth or fiction. Did this Mister Baker really do what they claim? Only one way to find out.

However, Mister Baker is not who, or what they expected.

Rated Teen for occasional language. Additional tags added for more dark themes.

Proof read and edited by the amazing SunnyPack , Snakeskin Ducktape, and Tyrannosaurus Tux.

Chapters (12)

A collection of short stories with 500 - 1000 words featuring Spitfire and Twilight Sparkle. Featuring different authors of various species.

If you'd like to contribute to this just message me.

The author chooses the word for the next author
I found the image on google so whoever the artist is let me know so i can give do credit.

Chapters (2)

As a new pony settles into the life of Ponyville, we have a peek into her strange life and activities, as she observes and causes some of the problems that happen in the area.

Miss Scry Fortune takes the stage, with an assortment of mysteries and secrets to uphold.

AN: This is a comment driven story, take up a name, a style and become another voice in the head of Scry Fortune.

Chapters (39)