• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012

Grey the Mighty

US Brony, Air Force Brony.

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TTS Reading of the entire fiction: Courtesy of the FanFiction Reader on Youtube.

Character List: Courtesy of TruthHut (A work in progress)

Handy is not a happy man at the best of times.

He was even less happy to find himself in an alien world that offended the very laws of physics and got injured for his own stubborn refusal to accept the obvious path fate had apparently laid out for him.

For his trouble he is now on a journey, with the long term goal of finding his way back home, only to find himself involved in plots and machinations so far above his head and cares that he quickly becomes a pawn in a game played by powers who care not for his well-being.

Quite like his life back on Earth if you think about it.

Needless to say, Handy does not care for any of it. He is much more preoccupied with the more immediate and pressing mundane concerns of day to day life a human needs to worry about while in Equestria.

Obtaining a new pair of shoes for example.

All this and one almighty hangover, what's the worst that could happen?

Rated teen for harsh language and minor violence

Proofread by JBL, Jude and Usurper

Chapters (75)

In the magical land of Equestria, two alicorn sisters raise the Sun and the Moon every day to give the world a night and day cycle, basic for the survival of life. There are also two alicorns who rule over two very core aspects of life and harmony itself. Those are Love and Friendship. While not as ancient as the two sisters, all princesses are essential to the world's balance.
This balance is also sustained by the hard-working ponies, who make the seasons change and manage the weather to fit their needs, so everypony has enough food and water, and every animal is also attended to assure that any of them are caught in the changes of seasons.

But what about the planet itself? What about Mother Nature?
This is the question that Gaia asks when she arrives to this foreign world. After so much work her son persuaded her to take a long vacation in Equestria, saying that she needed one and assuring her that he would be in charge now, and she must take a break. But what can a several billion-year old alicorn possibly do to pass her time in this land?

(SimEarth/MLP Crossover)
(Timelife of Gaia's life 'till the start of the story)

Chapters (36)

This story is a sequel to Welcome the Unknown

Nearly a year and a half ago, Discord ripped Matt from Earth to Equestria to use him like a battery while he slumbered in stone, biding his time. When the two finally came together, the mere human managed to outwit the Spirit of Chaos and put an end to his short reign.

Several months have gone by since then, and all things considering, Matt has made a decent life for himself. He has friends, a home, activities to help pay the bills, the usual. But on one particularly average day, something he never imagined he'd ever see again appears and – whether he realizes it or not – threatens to throw everything out of balance. Too bad it's only the first in a series of things to come. What does it mean for Equestria? More importantly, what does it mean for Matt?

Rated Teen for some language and a couple suggestive themes. Reading the first part is recommended, but references to what happened will appear here and there as the story goes so that you should be able to piece things together in case you decide not to check it out. If you do, I hope you enjoy it!

Cover art credited to IJAB. Go say hello!

Chapters (27)

Ponyville has never been a stranger to interesting events. But, when an unknown species, a human, shows up out of nowhere early one evening, things begin to take an unusual turn. Is his appearance just a coincidence, or is there more to him than anypony realizes?

Check out its sequel The Blessing and the Curse!

Chapters (21)

Ten years ago, the Griffon Empire opened a portal to a strange new world and tried to annex it. In the peace settlement that followed they lost control of the province containing the portal. Since then, the Griffonian Democratic Republic had been completely isolated, surrounded on all sides by a hostile empire. Now, for the first time, a visitor had been allowed.

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle broke time when she got her cutie mark. Now Twilight and Sparkle are sisters from another time. Twilight is hailed as the potentially greatest light magician of all time, and already has a reputation as a hero by the time she goes to Ponyville. This isn't her story, not primarily.

Sparkle is an orphan - her dark magic killed her parents. She lives with her brother in Canterlot's industrial sector because they can't afford anything better. She can't leave either. She's a natural dark mage; while Sparkle won't go mad like Sombra, her reputation is hardly any better. Worse, the law doesn't see her as a good pony.

The fact that the dead don't stay dead around her, or that Thorn - Spike's double - is an undead, soul-eating abomination, are other matters altogether.

(Also has some Slice-of-Life, but fimfiction tags won't let me put it with Adventure.)

Has an ask blog to go with it: Ask Sparkle and Thorn.
Also has a TvTropes page: Split Second Tropes.

Featured on EQD.

Cover art by Swirling Line.

Chapters (51)

After a horrifying accident involving lightning, Princess Twilight Sparkle is left blind. Rainbow Dash starts to blame herself for Twilight's loss of vision and gets depressed. The two Elements of Harmony will never be the same. But with a loss, something is gained. Something far better that vision. Love.

A TwiDash fanfic
I hope you guys enjoy! This is officially my second fanfic.
Cover art by the amazing WinterOnTheRooftop/Leafall

Chapters (3)

Due to circumstances beyond his control, Compassionate Counsel's practice is teetering on the edge of financial ruin. However, salvation appears in the form of a mysterious letter arranging for 11 appointments, paid in advance.

The question is, though, is he qualified to actually help the pony in question?

The answer is no. No, he is not.

* * * * * * * * * *

I plan on using both sad and comedic elements in my story; the reason why it's 'slice of life' alone is because, I'm hoping, both of those sides of the spectrum will balance out somewhere in the middle.

Well, that, and Sad and Comedy can't both be placed on one story.

* * * * * * * * * *

I will be using Kilala97's characters for this story, so if that's not really the cut of your jib, this should technically count as a warning as well as a declarative statement. They start showing up in Chapter 3, for those of you pondering why they aren't in the first or second chapter.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to The Twin Students of the Sun.

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle, along with Twilight's dragon son Spike, have finally moved to Ponyville! It's about a week after the Summer Sun Celebration, when they teamed up with their new friends Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Sweetie Drops, and Masquerade to save the world from Nightmare Moon's eternal night.

Now that they're (mostly) unpacked, it's time to catch up with their friends, meet the neighbors, and enjoy a welcoming party thrown by Dr. Pie, Doctor of Party-ology. And then Spike gets a message, containing the usual Grand Galloping Galla tickets. Ugh, so boring right?...girls? Why is everypony staring? Uh oh.

Episode 2 of the Sunsetverse, now open to more authors!

Chapters (1)

For a 1000 years she has been the sun of the Kingdom of Equestria, the sole ruler and forever the mother of her little ponies. but not everything is as it seems. Celestia is not just any alicorn princess, there is something that made her change several things, that made her act different sometimes, or at least for the last 3 centuries, why?

Because now... I am Celestia.

And now I know the meaning of sacrifice, of pain, of how power can hurt.

But now, I wonder, can I save everyone and bring back the real Eternal Sun back home? Or is the world doomed to be destroyed? Am I worthy of this crown? Well, they say Hope Rides Alone and it has a White Coat.

Of course... that doesn't mean I cannot have fun from time to time.

Cover Art BY: Aqua Galaxy
No Clop, but some adult themes will be talked about.

Chapters (14)