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Fifteen years after Ash Ketchum accomplished his goal of becoming a Pokemon Master the spotlight shifts towards a new generation and leading the way is ten-year-old Turquoise Dusk whose goal is to be both the top coordinator and champion. Join her as she travels the Kanto Region and begins her journey. Pokemon from all known regions will be seen throughout the story but the whole story will be taking place in Kanto.

Chapters (42)

Out of sadness and betrayal, Amber Night flies off not caring where she was going until she eventually comes across the Castle of the Two Sisters and meets Nightmare Moon

(Featured on May 13, yay.)

Chapters (11)

Twilight has a dark secret: she isn't satisfied with her current lot in life. Yes, she does have amazing friends that have stood by her through thick and thin, yes, she does have a supportive and kind family, and she is the student of Princess Celestia herself. But she can't shake off the feeling that she is missing out on life.

How many other sights are there to be seen, how many ponies are there to meet, how many challenges will she never face by being in Ponyville, by being Twilight Sparkle?

One day she has finally had enough and fueled by a several months long rut and scientific curiosity she decides to go through with the most insane plan imaginable in order to put her doubts to rest.

The background of the cover picture is not made by me.

Chapters (8)

(A PoE story.) Additional Tags: (Slice Of Life)
All Twilight wanted was to give Spike a special gift for his birthday. Yes, it was a book, but it was a very special book. An Enchanted Book like that Power Ponies comic they had recently experienced.
Things went wrong when Spike startled Twilight as she was working the spell for his (secret) gift. Needless to say, startling Twilight while she's in the middle of a spell can be a bad idea - as certain frogs can tell you.
Twilight has every reason to believe that she is now trapped in a closed reality bubble fabricated out of her own magic, with no way out. She's lost in some made-up universe reflecting some random story line.
Mike, of course, has a different opinion about the matter.

WARNING: Both Twilight and Mike love talking technical and explaining things to each other.

Twilight's World now has an audio reading by No One and Nobody. Listen HERE.

This most excellent cover art was provided by Void Heart

Chapters (25)

Izzy Moonbow, ever the curious unicorn, runs across a strange book while helping her marefriend Sunny go through the ancient artifacts her father had stored in a closet. Needless to say, Izzy's gonna have fun, right?

Chapters (1)

(Post-Mass Effect 3)(FemShep)
When the Reapers were defeated, the galaxy believed that Shepard and Anderson were both lost in the final battle. However, the two long-time friends were also known for not letting death stand in their way.

Waking up, in the middle of a desert, on an uncharted planet they both embark on their strangest mission yet. Attempting to find their way back to the Human Alliance, a place called Canterlot may hold the answers they seek. But first, they had to get there while trying not to draw too much attention to themselves.

Too bad for Anderson since massive explosions and collateral damage followed Shepard wherever she went, without fail.

Crossover of My Little Pony and Mass Effect.
Cover image credit goes to: CSImadmax at
Chapters 1 - 6 proofread by: (Pre-March 2021 update)

Chapters (10)

Friar Jacques de Charrette was tired. The Templars, his first Order, were gone, massacred by a treacherous King. His old wars are over, as the Kingdoms of Europe tear each other apart for land and power. Now a Hospitaller priest, and an old man, Friar Jacques expects nothing more than to live out the rest of his days in peace. But Providence has other plans in store for Jacques, and when a distant land has need of his aid, the dutiful warrior priest will answer the call.

He just would have preferred that someone warn him about the magical talking ponies.

Perhaps an odd foray into Human in Equestria writing, but I enjoy being unconventional. We often see modern men flung into the medieval world. What about a medieval man being flung into modern Equestria? A 14th Century Supplement in Celestia's Court is a companion volume, with a list of character descriptions (first chapter), canonical vignettes, and non-canon comedy chapters which will be added as time goes on. It is not required reading, but you may find chapters useful for context or amusing for the lack of context.

General disclaimer: this story is a work of fiction. 'My Little Pony' is the property of Hasbro and its affiliates. References to historical figures are made, but these are subject to creative license, and resemblance between original characters and those of other works are coincidental. I will make an effort to note when a historical reference is made in case people want to check the source material (and to cite my own sources), but these will be relatively few in number.

My Little Pony and its contents are the property of Hasbro, Inc. and its affiliates. Please support the official release.

Cover art is Heor Corbray by Nordheimer - it is the property of Nordheimer and I own nothing of it; thanks to lordelliot for finding the original, since I couldn't remember where I found it.

Chapters (44)

This story is a sequel to Back To The Past

Jack has finally found the peace he has sought for so long.

Equestria, land of Friendship and Harmony, has finally brought his spirit peace and rest. Away from the darkness and tyranny of Aku, Jack has found a new strength and a renewed purpose that he could never have found in his world. The friends he has made gives him reason to smile. His desire to make sure Equestria does not follow a path like his world gives him purpose. And Applejack, his beloved, gives him a reason to live.

But the happiness does not last forever. And soon Jack will discover that it is not Aku that is the greatest foe that he has ever faced, but a foe that will take everything Jack's cares for and loves, despite all he does to combat it.

For this is a foe Jack has already beaten.

Chapters (19)

The Doctor is on the run, from an adversary that has pursued her across all of space and time... the last enemy there can ever be. Fortunately she has family and some good friends along to help!

A crossover based on Jodie Whittaker's Doctor. Also explores the question: what if Time Turner wasn't the Doctor all along?

Chapters (1)

An incident lands Gallus in trouble. The biggest trouble he's ever been in. Because of it, he's now forced to confront and talk about the one thing he never wanted to address: his parents.

Thanks to Scyphi for helping me edit this.

Chapters (1)