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If you came to hear a story, I’m sorry to disappoint. I suspect this’ll just end up as one big confession, really. When you’re the first Teutscher to set hoof into Equestria, I suppose that’s to be expected. And when you’re the universe’s favorite chew toy, doubly so. Still, with enough wit, some Prussian ingenuity, a droll sense of humor, and wanton murder, I might just survive this. Then again, when you’re going up against an unending list of things like government conspiracies, that guardian angel who keeps telling you to kill ponies, psycho Equestrian girls with allophilia, a lunatic princess, the legions of the Inferno, the Equestrian culture itself, swashbuckling sword fights, and laissez-faire economists, you begin to realize why there’s a big “if” in the middle of your life.

Your thoughts/critiques/deathreats are welcome in the comments. Spoilers are also encouraged. If you don’t have anything to complain about, do please tell me what you liked so I know what worked.

Now on TV Tropes. Posted on the Equestria Daily 5/28/13. Now in ePub format for your convenience.

Chapters (43)

{This story is actually rated Everyone for the most part, but a few chapters have a more…mature theme, thus requiring the whole fic to be rated Teen. I believe among these is the Deadpool chapter (you'll know it when you find it), and the brutality in "The Return of Harmony" arc.}

Basically, it's a retelling of the popular "Friendship is Magic" TV series with an OC (Original Character) added. No, my OC will not be a self-insert or Mary Sue in any way, shape, or form ( at least I try to). This is my first fanfic I have published outside FanFiction.Net, so please bear with me. (Fanfic image is that of my OC.)

A member of the Story Crew is sent down to do his "mission" (what it is I shall not say). His organization has arranged things so that he is now a bodyguard-for-hire (who also takes odd jobs for extra money). Eventually, he ends up signing a contract from the ruler of Equestria herself, Princess Celestia. This contract has him tasked on (primarily) protecting one very important unicorn pony; the Princess's personal student, Twilight Sparkle. And that is where the story begins...

I devised him thanks to generalzoi's Pony Creator application. Do not follow the first link as it contains massive spoiler ideas for this story.

Chapters (58)

My name is Short Skirts and Explosions, and I write a lot of crap.

That said, here's a collection of incomplete stories and/or rough drafts of stories that I would eventually improve into final drafts worthy of Fimfiction and Equestria Daily. This is by no means supposed to add canonical weight to any of the other drivel that I have written, but rather it's meant to show off lengthy pieces of literature that I've poured my heart and soul into, regardless of how much they might suck the proverbial teat of lameness. The material provided here is either stuff that I won't release in complete form, or is writing that is so incredibly different from the final drafts that they almost feel like completely separate stories on their own. Sometimes I like to share the worst I have to offer, as well as the best. Dislike to your heart's content, or else enjoy the junk for what it is.

Chapters (45)

This story is a sequel to The Apple Falls Far from the Tree

(While this story is a direct continuation of an existing plotline, it has been written to be accessible all on its own. You do not need to have read the previous works to understand and enjoy what's here.)

Recently returned from the world of Everglow, Lex Legis, a brusque but brilliant unicorn, has finally achieved his dream...after a fashion. Convinced that he can govern Equestria better than the alicorn princesses, he and his new girlfriend, Sonata Dusk, have negotiated for rulership of the distant city of Vanhoover, devastated in the wake of the elemental chaos that has rocked Equestria.

But Vanhoover's problems go far beyond simple disaster-relief, and the pair soon come to learn that maintaining their dreams might be even more difficult – and more dangerous – than achieving them ever was.

Cover art created by the exceptionally talented Little Tigress.

"It’s a thrilling page-turner of a piece that I looked forward to seeing every day." -Paul Asaran, Paul's Thursday Reviews.

“A wonderful story that will capture your attention, the surprises are everywhere, behind all corners. Keep your eyes open for this art piece of the unexpected.” -Firefoxino, My Little Reviews & Feedback.

"This story gets a 9/10, and I initially thought it had all the obvious external hallmarks of a badfic." -kalash93, Reviewers Cafe.

"So, this fic is a shoe-in for enjoyable." -Karibela, Blunt Reviews Group.

Chapters (962)

Roseluck is bitten by a wolf under the light of a full moon. That isn't something you can just tell your friends. Fortunately, she has a diary.

Conceptualization with Admiral Biscuit
Editing by a drunken writer

Chapters (31)

Being stationed all alone in the desert leads to boredom. Nancy wasn't quite bored enough to travel to another world and kill a local, but these things happen.

A good old-fashioned HiE.

Chapters (18)

Princess Nightmare Moon has it all. Socially awkward shut-in Twilight Sparkle has nothing of worth. Princess Nightmare Moon can acquire anything she desires. Twilight Sparkle can't seem to catch a break. Two polar opposites from completely different worlds. Yet amidst her dominant rule, Princess Nightmare Moon feels she's missing something. A certain day from her memory has been wiped... and none of her common materialistic desires can sate her quench for answers. That is until she encounters a certain young unicorn mare, who she can't seem to get off her mind.

Twilight Sparkle's dull and downtrodden life is about to get much more interesting.

[Inspired by S5 - Nightmare Moon AU: Thank you for your support!]

Chapters (23)

Maud and Rarity have become pen pals while Maud is out at her dig. Every month Maud brings Rarity the gems she has no use for as a present. Now that she's getting to stay home for a while to write her dissertation she's bringing Rarity a surprise as well. Rarity is very surprised, but not unpleased.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, in her bid to exercise her magical talents, tries her luck in a confidence spell of her own design. In order to prove it works as intended, she had Spike send a letter to Princess Celestia to meet her in Ponyville. Normally, a regular conversation would be plenty enough to talk to her mentor, but to put her spell to the test, she wrote a list of embarrassing and potentially private questions to ask her.

Unfortunately, Twilight’s spell backfires when Celestia arrives. Now instead of an extra confident pupil, there was an introverted and shy ruler of Equestria. Chaos, an adorably cute and shy Celestia, and wholesome moments ensue.

Rated teen for mature discussions between princesses.

Chapters (3)

A night of tequila and bad choices lead to a man being ponyfied. He thinks it's only a dream, but is quickly labeled Ponyville's resident lunatic.

Also giant robots, for some reason.

This is a companion to my story, A Dream.
These chapters are the random stories that don't match any episode of the show.

Chapters (40)