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The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Obi-Wan Kenobi. 0BBY

(Higher rez image here)

Artwork by a good friend of mine, Nina Ward

The force. A ubiquitous power of untold potential. Both the Jedi and the Sith look to the power for guidance, believing it to be the ultimate embodiment of all that is in the universe. But what is the true extent of its power? What is its reach, and how many species can it touch?
Spike. A baby dragon raised in Equestria by the personal protégé of the monarch of the sun. He is looked to for friendship and compassion by scores of ponies, as well as providing the bonds of a sibling to one pony in particular, and often the one source of sense in a group of eccentric friends.
Can a dragon from a back water planet truly master the ways of the strongest power in the galaxy?

(Higher rez image here)

Artwork by a good friend of mine, Nina Ward

Comments may contain spoilers. You have been warned.

Ok, so this thing is going to be the longest story I've written. By far. Hope I can keep your attention.
Rated teen for some gore and swearing.

Black-Light Library approved.

Chapters (120)

This Pride Month Story follows Spike as he questions his gender identity and goes to ask the Mane 6 for help one after another. It's also supposed to serve as a broad introduction to the most important vocabulary and broad basics of the topic.

This story is part of the Noctris-verse

Cover Art:

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Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Dazzling New Life

A year after Tom and Sunset's wedding a new era has risen in the world, Beyblade. Aaron and Gabby's master plan has begun. Will they take over the world or will the Dazzlings stop them before that happens? But one thing is in everyone's mind, Let It Rip!

Chapters (52)

Lemon Hearts is an Equestrian matchmaker. That's sort of like a doctor for ponies with a very specific and persistent disease. And like most doctors, she hasn't picked the soft option.

In the magical land of Equestria, even love isn't a fairy tale. Not all the time. Certainly not forever after.

Of course, she's got the backstage pass to love: the black, unsavoury-looking one that lets her access all floors, including its classy penthouse apartment. And its rotten underbelly.

Mad couples, unhealthy habits, lots of cider, and a princess who's a little too perfect... You gotta laugh, because you're not allowed to cry...

Chapters (1)

Argyle Starshine returns to Maretime Bay, surprising Sunny and her friends who were under the impression that he was dead! Understandably, Sunny is thrilled to be reunited with her father. Izzy Moonbow is happy, too, but can't shake the feeling that something is off about Argyle. And when Sunny begins acting abnormal, Izzy's concerns only grow.

Written for the Generation 5 Bingo Writing Contest. My prompts were: Argyle, Izzy, G1/2/3 Character, Maretime Bay and Changelings

You can find other entries in the contest here.

Chapters (1)

Cozy Glow's plans failed. She was arrested and sentenced to imprisonment in Tartarus, sharing a cell with the likes of Tirek and locked away from the world. Everypony is in agreement that justice has been served, right?

Well, her parents aren't. What parent could ever stand by and allow their child to suffer all alone? And if Celestia won't listen... then they'll just have to take matters into their own hooves.

Inspired by the dobermans' A Letter to Cozy Glow's Parents. Special thanks to Telaros for proof-reading. Vectors for coverart: Sad Cozy :( | Dark Cozy >:3

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara has a secret. She likes Anime. Loves it, even. But nopony can find out. Not her parents, or her friend, or her classmates... Nopony! They'd never understand! They'd laugh at her, call her names, tell her *gasp* They would say she's uncool!

Well, it can't be that hard to keep such a secret from everypony in Ponyville, can it?

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Royal Foal Wedding

Twilight is forced to go back to the past as a foal with Dr Whooves to save herself from being regressed into a foal forever. However, things won't be as easy for Twilight as Starlight Glimmer has some tricks up her sleeve and the two unicorns are sent through various timelines. Without Dr Whooves's time machiene Twilight now has to find alternate ways to escape these timelines to get back to the future. She can only hope nothing in her timline gets ruined.

Chapters (7)

This fic takes place after the events of: "Boast Busters"

After Trixie lost to Twilight in calming down a rampaging Ursa Minor. Trixie fleed ponyville and wonders into a strange cave unaware of a Ursa Major that lives there. When the magician wakes the Ursa Major takes it upon himself to treat the grown mare like a cub, and keeps her from leaving the cave. As Time passes Trixie slowly starts to change from a unicorn into a actual Ursa Minor cub. Trixie realises she has to find a way to escape the cave and find somepony to help her, or be trapped in the body of a Ursa Minor forever.

Editor:The Fan without a face

Chapters (8)

Rarity tells the story of how she went on an adventure, made new friends and enemies, and ultimately became a hero that would go down in history.

I got sick of not having a cover image, so I just stuck the blank map in there until I can sort some real art out.

Chapters (83)