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The Day was long and Bon Bon had just closed up her small sweet shop.
Lyra was relaxing on the small couch in the living room.
as Bon Bon entered the living room she placed herself next to her marefriend.
"hard day?" asked Lyra with a bemused smirk on her face.
"You have no idea" answered Bon Bon. with a deep sigh of delight she started to snuggle against Lyras chest.
"could you tell me a story, Lyly?" she asked with big fillyeyes.

Edited By Flutterbrony539

Chapters (1)

Vinyl Scratch is dead, and Octavia is getting real tired of it.

Proofed and edited by the one, the only, the illustrious Posh.

Silver medalist in the "Rising from the Ashes" March 2017 Writeoff.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash lost control of her vampire power five hundred years ago, and she's never been the same mare since.

Numerous ponies find themselves caught in the web of this vindictive killer's game.

Sweetie Belle is one such pony.

Twilight Sparkle was Rainbow's partner for life until that day. A vampire as well, she regained control of her power back then but became the eternal target of Rainbow's vengeance thereafter.

Crimson, the vampire who turned Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle, didn't know Rainbow would turn on Twilight, but is otherwise proud of her being his legacy.

Chapters (10)

This story is a fan spin-off of Where You Belong by my fluffy friend, Jhoira

A big, beautiful, luscious mane of bright hair would be the envy of everypony in Equestria, aside from the one trapped under it.

When Starlight Glimmer hears about the powerful magic used to defeat Tirek, Rainbow Dash volunteers for an experimental spell to unleash her rainbow-powered potential one again to recapture the boundless energy and ridiculous speed she had that day. To her dismay, she is caught with all the cosmetic changes, but none of the energetic benefits. Now, Rainbow must lug a cumbersome amount of hair until the spell wears off. Her fabulous style catches the attention of Rarity as well as her new marefriend, Autumn Blaze, who both just can't get enough of her voluminous mane and tail.

Proofread By: Queen of Fluff herself, Jhoira
Cover Art: Rainbow Power Rainbow Dash Silhouette Wall by sambaneko
Featured on 10/30/2021. Thanks y'all!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash crashes and is tended to by a mysterious stranger. A mysterious stranger that is still watching over her but refuses to show themselves. That doesn't mean that Rainbow Dash is going to be content sitting and waiting for her wing to heal.

Written for May Pairing Contest 2020, yay! Go join it!

More of my weirdness because each chapter is exactly 1k words.

Chapters (9)

Rainbow Dash is feeling down on her luck one night when she meets a vampire named Coco Pommel.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Alien: Twilight Signing Out

The Alien attack on Voluntas Station is over! Twilight and White Lightning took what they could during the escape, including Scootaloo. With death clouding their minds they all hope that it is all over, that Gash is dead and that it will all stay in Voluntas. They dream that their lives will move on and that the events will rest as memories and that they will heal and make room for new, positive memories.

However dreams are called dreams for a reason. After being rescued and brought to Fortwaid station for medical treatment and rest. The organism returns and with it, the slaughter! Twilight Sparkle, weak, hurt, and afraid must once again fight to survive. Could it be the end of the Xenomorph, or will Twilight find her own death?

Artwork Created By NSilverDraws

Chapters (14)

After waking up with no memory of who she used to be, Astra must make do with learning who she is while trying to make a life for herself. As she creates a new life for herself, she must contend with old demons, as well as new ones, all while trying to learn more of her past self in any way she can. How will she manage? Only time will tell.

Chapters (3)

Equestria has heroes that take care of obvious evils and villains, but what will happen when the evil is subtle and almost invisible. Somepony has to stand up for the defenseless ponies suffering from unfair treatment, blackmail, and worse crimes. Apple Bloom normally wouldn't think a single thought about that kind of evil, until she's given a chance to correct it. Will she refuse it and turn a blind eye to injustice, or will she and her friends stand up and fight for the sake of others. All she has to do is rip off that mask and create a new brand of heroes.

Chapters (8)

When Sunset Shimmer first came to the human world, she met a very special girl. This girl would go on to become her guide to the world, as well as her girlfriend. This pairing didn't last, however, as Sunset's selfish and destructive nature drove a wedge between them.

Now, years after their breakup, Sunset gets an invite from her former lover to meet up again. No longer the manipulative bully she once was, Sunset takes the opportunity to make amends with the one girl she never got a chance to, and repair their broken relationship.

An entry for the Sunset x Sunset contest. Also my first story published to FimFiction!

Edit 30/10/21: What the crap, I won?

Chapters (1)