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The Ponyville rumor mill attempts (badly) to make sense of terrible apocalyptic happenings. Then, we meet the culprits, and finally, we figure out what happened and (hopefully) set things aright.

Trixie is Terrible Rating: Trixie (Indirectly) Causes the Apocalypse: 8 :trixieshiftright: out of 10.

Content Notice: (1) Trixie makes some double-entendres in a paragraph in Chapter two perhaps due to her inability to properly use a thesaurus, (2) Some ponies "die", but that won't stick. (3) minor mention of what is essentially zombification (4) one young pony gets pulled in two directions, (5) sickness, (6) blinding, (7) inebriation, (8) violence at the beginning of chapter 4.

Era: Takes place during Season 7. (See an index of my stories, sorted by My Little Pony Season).

Image: Compiled by me, containing four sub-images with rights only to those sub images: here, here, here, and here.

Chapters (4)

A drunken Trixie zaps Maud's pet rock, Boulder, into a teacup and she can't fix it. But is that the really unforgivable offense?

Content Note: Marked Teen because of the inebriation even though it leads to negative consequences.

Era: Season 7. (See an index of my stories, sorted by My Little Pony Season).

Image: Inspired by two shots from the show: One and Two.

Chapters (1)

- Experience Awe!
- Be staggered!
- And shocked!
- Step right up and read: "[Twenty-Four] Celestia-Perserverance stories [integrated into an overarching tale!] about her toughing out an obnoxious day on the throne while looking forward to a slice of cake." She's getting too old for this. (And Lyra gets un-backgrounded(!))

Era: Takes place during the first episode of Season 1. (See an index of my stories, sorted by My Little Pony Season).

- Why Create Such An Absurd Story?: Fan of Most Everything's contest requested: "I’d still like to see some creative choices rather than, say, forty Celestia-Perserverance stories about her toughing out an obnoxious day on the throne while looking forward to a slice of cake." So, I didn't write forty. I wrote twenty-four vignettes that build upon each other, leaving the rest of you with opportunities. :pinkiehappy:

Content Note: The story suggests that snorting crystal is probably a bad idea.

- This is not exactly a take on, but the influence is undeniable.

- Contest language: "An entry in Imposing Sovereigns III, using the prompt CELESTIA (character) / PERSEVERANCE (virtue)."

- Image: By me (and using the smiling Lyra (or Amethyst Star) icon from the site's available icons for bookshelves). :ajsleepy:

Chapters (2)

This story is an Alternate turn of events from the Episode Brotherhooves Social

Applejack was called away once more to go on another epic adventure with Twilight. However, Big Mac is once again left behind, except...this time, the Sisterhooves Social is coming up, and Apple Bloom is without a sister to compete with. That is until Big Mac decides to recruit Zecora into brewing a gender-swapping potion and Rarity to help him act like a mare. Big Mac is then transformed into Auntie Orchard Blossom, a plump, happy mare who visits Ponyville for three days to compete in the Sisterhooves Social. But during her short visit, she must keep her true identity hidden from the judges and also from Apple Bloom.

Chapters (11)

Iron Lord Saladin Forge is many things, but 'father' was the least he expected. And to a non- human!
See the Trials and Tribulations of Iron Lady Sunset Shimmer as she is brought up under the Traveller's Light.

NOTE: Lore is going to be followed as closely as possible, but Destiny Lore is fairly weird in some places.

Featured 1/26/22! Nice!
Featured 4/27/22! Sweet!

Chapters (16)

Cloud Chaser, amid complications romantic and weather-related, tries to protect her vain, airy sister after they join the Ponyville weather team.

Content Note: Dark tag due to brief allusions to long-past injury to a foal and themes. Past alcohol use mentioned a couple of times.

Era: Pre-Season One right before the Elements of Harmony get together. (See an Index of my canon-compliant tales sorted by Season).

An entry in the Imposing Sovereigns III Competition using the prompt: [(Cloud Chaser) / (Determination)]. As required, Cloud Chaser is in a "position of power" over her minor sister, whom she is determined to take care of. To be fair, "Princess" Flitter is also demonstrating determination about improving herself and getting what she wants. :pinkiehappy: Rainbow Dash shows determination as a leader, but she's not the focus. :rainbowderp:

Image: See the source link on the image. (If the artist is on here (I saw an account that had been last accessed in 2013), I am glad to contact same and/or change this as necessary.)

Chapters (1)

My name is Diamond Tiara. I am the most popular filly in school, and with good reason. I'm smart, I'm funny, I'm cool, I'm rich, and I'm resourceful. Everypony wants to be me... which can be kind of a burden at times. Alula, get off of me already!

I'm Alula! I'm not quite as smart as DT here, but I'm a really good athlete, and I'm full of energy every day! After all, I get to see Diamond Tiara every day, so how can I not be?

Chapters (14)

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo have found love... with the same filly: Diamond Tiara. Neither of them are sure how approach this situation: they both want to win Diamond Tiara's affections, but are they willing to put their friendship on the line to achieve it?

What's worse is that Diamond Tiara can't accept either of their feelings, because she herself has fallen for both of them, and is unable to chose between the two fillies that are slowly driving her mad, both during and after school!

Chapters (12)

Apple Bloom sees a vision of the future, one so horrifying she'll do anything to stop it, even if it means having Diamond Tiara fall in love with her. Will Apple Bloom succeed in this endeavor? And if she does what will her friends say?

Edited by Telaros

Chapters (8)

(( Warning: This story hasn't been altered or modified since its entry into the contest. It has minor grammar issues and I am well aware of that, but I left it as is because that is how it was entered into the contest. Just a heads up because I am getting lots of feedback regarding the same issues.))

Sometimes secrets are best kept hidden, and sometimes they shouldn't be secret at all. The fillies are about to learn a valuable lesson that a certain filly was keeping from those she knew.

What happens when secrets unravel and the fate of five fillies are changed forever?

Second place in The Cuteness Overload Official Contest

Art by the wonderful iJab

Featured: 11/04/13 Thanks for all those who have read and enjoyed the story :)

Chapters (1)