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Scootaloo is a scare actor at a haunted house, her friends and marefriend come to get a good fright but Diamond is unbelievably distracted.

Shameless Fanfic Trope AU (you do not need to read anything else in this au to get this)
AU stuff: Apple Bloom is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns, Sweetie and Diamond are close and mess with each other a lot, Scootaloo is punk but it barely shows up in this. All are a bit out of character.

warnings: mild description of fake gore effects (blood, injuries, weapons, eye stuff, ect), friendly bickering, scary clowns, kissing, food, barely edited! I tried my best but im sure there are typos-

Chapters (1)

Ever since he was a foal, Light Flow had always known he was destined to be a villain—but not just any villain; no, he wanted to be a Necromancer.

He had always been obsessed with reading fiction stories about the forbidden practice of Necromancy, and much to his delight, his cutie mark spelled his unavoidable destiny as a member of his oh-so revered profession!

But Necromancy is extremely taboo, and very illegal. Equestria hadn't even seen a genuine Necromancer since the times of the fabled Nightmare Moon.

Substituting joy for dread, Light Flow knew that he would have to hide his especially special talent at any cost. Whether in his daily, mundane life as a bookish nerd, or in the heat of extreme danger.

Good thing he doesn't have any friends, right?



I have deleted the old AN in favor of a new one.

Hello all! If you don't know me, then good! I'm a stranger, and it'd be weird if you knew who I am!

This is my first story, and basically my first experience writing something long-term. To that end, the beginning of the story is a bit rough, but I grew as a writer somewhat significantly as time went on, so it doesn't stay quite as bad!

The story itself has somewhat wavered from goal to goal as I argued with myself about what I wanted from it, though I eventually managed to settle. In its current state, it's mostly managed to stick to a strange blend of comedic tragedy interspersed sporadically with magical jargon and slice of life.

An added warning due to justified complaining: this experience can be very subdued. Not for the easily bored or angered. Personally, I tend to use Background Pony as a benchmark for a person's capability to withstand words.

Prepare yourself for lots of rants and barely coherent plot-threads! :pinkiecrazy:

Also i'm an idiot who probably tagged wrong.

Also i'm a bad person who stole a Jargon Scott image for the cover. (And then a wonderful person named Adin Terim edited it <3)

Chapters (72)

The adventures of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria. This story is full of whacky jokes, dated references, corny moments and even a few songs and plenty of randomness to delight fans of MLP: FiM, Dan and all things related to them.

This is an episodic story written and updated weekly on Saturdays over the course of a nine-year period. Written by Barro the Broadcaster with help from some friends.

Chapters (440)

A series of Clone Wars stories in Equestria for fans of the Clone Wars show, video games, comics and ponies.

War has engulfed the galaxy! With heroes on both sides, the bitter conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems threatens to consume countless star systems. From the Core Worlds to the farthest reaches of the Outer Rim, the Clone Wars have affected countless lives. The fight rages every day between light and darkness.

The planet Equestria has been fortunate enough thus far to have avoided conflict. But soon, the ponies find their luck has run out, as their planet becomes the next battlefield in the greater war. Far from the rest of the galaxy, both sides fight for the fate of Equestria, knowing that even a single act can change the course of the war forever...

Chapters (12)

At the age of 11, Bandit, Twilight, Cadance, Spike, and Chad decided to spend the day at the park. What was supposed to be a lovely day wound up turning sour when Bandit gets a very mean-spirited message that sends him out for blood. And the sender, Solar Comet, learns the hard way that when Bandit is mad, mercy rarely becomes an option.

Don't let the teen Rating fool you, this Canon to the FaM universe.

Be warned, there will be blood. Not a lot of it, but definitely not a little. Also, the bully in question says something very, VERY screwed up.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to What's Lurking In The Shadows

Partially inspired by Angel of Darkness. My first horror story attempt... this will be quite darker than my usual stuff...

Script Singer had just gone through a very traumatic experience in her life, but little did she know that there was a darker side to her now because of it.

Special thanks to Tomohiro for helping me with editing this, you're awesome man!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Truth Behind My Little Pony

Pink it was love at first sight
Pink when I turn out the light, and
Pink gets me high as a kite
And I think everything is going to be all right
No matter what we do tonight

Special thanks to two writers and creators who have more talent and imagination than I ever will. First is str8aura who also helped to edit my work and his suggestions made the story what it is.

Second is my cocreator of the series MisterNick who since the beginning had helped to make it what it is today. The series is much as theirs as it is mine.

Chapters (1)

This story is a prequel to I Don't Want To Be Saved...

WARNING!!! The following story deals with the topic of rape, PTSD, and suicidal ideation. This may be triggering to some readers.

I was walking home from a fun night out with friends, taking a shortcut home. Little did I know what would be waiting for me in the shadows.

A lot of this was written whenever I was having panic or anxiety attacks so they might sound a bit rough but I kinda like how they are. If anyone is worried about me, don't worry. I'm in a good mental state, just wanted to work on a bit of backstory with her.

I wrote this story so people would have a better idea of what it's like to live with PTSD and so that I can finally feel free from my pain.

Chapters (2)

Script Singer has tried to stab herself in the side, but her friends refuse to let her go so easily. They manage to save her and talk about why she doesn't want to be saved. But can they really save her from her eternal darkness?

I wrote this because of a dream I had the other day, and I had a feeling I should write it... don't know if it's a good or bad thing, but...whatever I guess...

Chapters (3)

When Rainbow Dash brings Fluttershy to the public pool for some fun, she notices that Fluttershy seems unusually nervous about swimming in the pool. To get her in the pool, Rainbow concocts a plan, but what could be Fluttershy's reason for not wanting to swim?

This story was originally written as an entry into the Quills And Sofas Speedwriting Artistic Interpretation Contest #59 on July 1, 2020.

The story was inspired by the cover image, titled Oops and created by DeviantArt user Yakovlev-Vad, who was kind enough to give me permission to use it.

Chapters (1)