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Starswirl and Autumn Blaze, both seeking adventure and understanding, find themselves transported to Veldin, a planet located in a remote corner of the Solana Galaxy, as infants, with no memories at all, and happen to arrive at the same time that Ratchet crash lands into the planet. Together the three siblings grow and experience all sorts of things during their time on their home world, but eventually it grows boring and they set their sight on the stars, imagining what sort of adventures would await them once they left Veldin behind and started to explore their galaxy... unaware that fate was going to bring all of them into contact with someone who would set their lives in motion and allow them to truly discover their places in their vast universe.

(Ratchet and Clank/MLP Crossover)
(Part of the Demon War series, but doesn't require reading the others)

Ratchet and Clank: Complete
Going Commando: Complete
Up Your Arsenal: Complete
Deadlocked: Complete
Size Matters: Complete
Tools of Destruction: Complete
A Crack in Time: Complete
All 4 One: Complete
Into the Nexus: Complete
Rift Apart: Complete

Chapters (133)

YFS,BB: Side Stories!
This stories follow the adventures of Darky Spell, Buggy Brush and their other friends: the leader of the group and good-hearted pegasus, Sunrise Goldhearts; the happy kind griffon (and Sunrise's couple), June Griffon; the energetic pegasus, Zweet Beatz; and the serious, yet friendly unicorn, Foggy Bismuth.
Get to know them better, their friendships, their struggles, their day-by-day, while expanding the background of the main story, YFS,BB.

NOTE: Some of these stories take place in-between chapters, so there may be spoilers ;3

Chapters (2)

One day, a young unicorn named Buggy Brush got the opportunity to meet the one pony he always felt a really deep admiration for, Princess Luna. Neither of them knows how many things are going to change after that one single encounter.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to The Legend of Sunset Shimmer: Majora's Mask

It has been some time since Sunset Shimmer went on a journey to the world of 'The Legend of Zelda' but now she has been sent to the mysterious Koholint Island. It is an island in the middle of nowhere that houses a dark secret. Sunset cannot leave until she awakens the Wind Fish, but can she awaken the dreamer and if so, will she want to once she learns the truth of what the island really is?

Even with Princess Twilight Sparkle to guide her along, Koholint Island may seem unusual, but what lurks below the surface is the stuff of nightmares.


It's been some time since my last fanfiction around here. I hope that I've still got it. Anyway, this is the next entry in this series of mine if it should be called that. Many were expecting Twilight Princess, but that is a huge undertaking in and of itself, and since it's been so long since my last story, I wanted to go with something shorter. Don't expect this story to be an epic readthrough in terms of word count as I'm not trying to set a record here.

As always, each chapter will let you know which MLP/EQG character is portraying which Link's Awakening character.

Chapters (35)

As much as Sunset loves being the personal student of Princess Celestia herself, sometimes she can’t help but feel she’s being held back by the Princess. Too many lessons waste her time in teaching her things like ‘being the bigger mare’ and ‘restraining oneself’, rather than teaching her actually useful magic.

After a particularly heated discussion on the matter with the titular Mare of the Sun, Sunset bumps into a gorgeous orange mare with the most dazzling scarlet and golden mane. Even better than the spellbinding physique of the unicorn was her knowledge of incredible magics and the promise to teaching them to the young pupil.

With all that, how could Sunset not follow the pony into whatever deep, dark hole they went in?

My entry into the Sunset x Sunset Shipping Contest.

Chapters (1)

Following his uncouth behavior at the Grand Galloping Gala, Blueblood is sent to Ponyville by Princess Celestia to make amends to the Bearer he insulted.

Instead, he falls instantly in love with a strapping peasant stallion he sees in the market.

Unfortunately he is not very good at romance.

Written for the M/M Shipping Contest, where it took third!

Featured 10/26/2021 - 10/27/2021!

Now with a live reading from the wonderful Nailah!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Gods and Monsters

Sunset Shimmer, daughter to Princess Celestia has returned to Equestria from the other side of the Lunar Lock Mirror to spend 30 moons with her family and friends. One year into the current cycle Sunset has become depressed and short tempered with frustration, missing her wife and is in need of time away from Canterlot.

To change things up as well and fulfil the promise she made to spend more time with her mother the two head out to a white sandy beach island. However, there are strange things going on. There is a great unease about, the locals are moving about like lost castaways, and the hotel's owner/operator seems to be in on whatever foulness is about.

Can the two resolve the mystery of Pelican Island and have a good time doing it or will they just become the latest victims of the 'curse?'

Takes place during the time gap of Chapter 2 of Gods and Monsters.

Sex tag for adult topics and conversations.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Quizzical

Quizzical Greystone is being rude, hurtful, obnoxious, mean spirited, and cruel. An uplifting Hearth's Warming story.

Chapters (1)

Broken, alone, heart sick, Anon-a-miss had taken more than Sunset's friends. They had taken away her heart. Her hope. Her life.

Anon-a-miss had taken away any reason she had to continue to live. She tried to soldier through it. Until she couldn't.

But she wasn't alone. When she couldn't find hope, hope found her. Life found a way. Harmony holds her own, enfolds them, and loves them where they are.

Sunset had hope. Hope lifted her up, and carried her forward when she was ready to lie down and die. Hope rekindled friendships, mended hearts, rebuilt broken lives. Hope restored life.

And Friendship was magic.

This is the story of Sunset's fall, her sorrows, and her attempt to end her life. But it's more than that.

It's also a story of hope. Of friendship. And of Harmony's grace, and the joys that come from living, loving, and helping friends. It's a story of happy moments, funny moments, joyful moments, living and loving even when days are darkest.

Not Just Another Anon-a-miss story - but set in and borrows heavily from the Anon-a-miss Holiday Comic and other Anon-a-miss fiction.

This story contains scenes of Violence and Suicide, be forewarned.

If you are thinking of Suicide, please get help! You are not alone! You are wanted, help is there, please just reach out, let someone know, let them care. Please!

Featured on 26 March 2021! Thanks! :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (61)

Dash wants to help Rarity live out her romantic fantasy. But since Dash hasn't got a romantic bone in her body, she figures she'd better call in some experts...

This was going to be my entry in the 183rd Writeoff contest, "Gone by Morning," but I barely got a handful of paragraphs written by the deadline. So when the 207th contest, "Counterfeit," came along eight months later, I got my act together and finished the story. I'm rating it "Teen" due to assorted discussions of sexuality and such.

Chapters (1)