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A strange other worldly portal shows up unexpectantly in Sugarcube Corner when Pinkie flubs the ingredients for a cake. It must be Thursday, amirite?

Chapters (1)

Sonata has a tooth ache. Adagio and Aria don't want to deal with it. Sunset Shimmer gets involved. Applejack is there. It's gonna be one of those days.

Inspired by a conversation with Tired Old Man, naturally.

Cover art by Rileyav.

Rated "Teen" and tagged with "Sex" because of Adagio freakin' Dazzle

Chapters (9)

Midnight Sparkle, Twilight Sparkle's distant ancestor, wakes up one morning to find that she's traveled forward in time several hundred years. Now she must try to get home while enduring an Equestria that is nothing like the one she knows.

That, and a ten year old with a fondness for painting animal skulls pink living with her great-great-great-great-great-great-great... etc. granddaughter poses some unique challenges of its own, even if there are those around Ponyville who are willing to become her friends.

Midnight Sparkle from Chengar Qordath's The Lunar Rebellion

Now co-authored by Ponibius

Thanks to Chengar Qordath and Ponibius for editing!

Special thanks to InuHoshi-to-Darkpen for the awesome cover art!

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to The Enchanted Library

Rarity enjoyed the simple pleasures of life.

Drinking tea, using magic telekinetic necklaces, fighting timberwolves, picnics with Fluttershy, meeting dragons and, most of all, befriending and spending time with an ancient alicorn spirit.

She wouldn't give it up for anything in the world.

Oneshots set in "The Enchanted Library" universe.

Chapters (10)

Sunset Shimmer, twice savior of Canterlot High who earned her wings by using the combined magic of the Earth elements of harmony to save the world from Twilight Sparkle (you know... the one with the glasses). She's offered to help Twilight's (you know.. the alicorn Princess of Friendship) new student learn about friendship while the whole crew embarks on a trip to the Crystal Empire. This should be a fairly relaxing and stress free trip. Right? RIGHT?!

It should go without saying, but MAJOR spoilers to the season 6 premier.

Sunset vector by mighty355. Other cover art stuff by Novel Idea!

Chapters (22)

Starlight reads letters from her loved ones.

Inspired by a conversation with Tired Old Man who wrote one of the letters which got me started.

Chapters (1)

Ever have one of those nightmares where you show up to school in your underwear? Adagio Dazzle has. Except it’s not really a nightmare… in multiple senses of the phrase.

Chapters (1)

Discord still has a lot to learn about friendship. Spending some one-on-one time with each of his new friends is helping. If only they wouldn’t get so upset about being turned into fruit or having their hair eaten.

What’s that? Make my life a living nightmare? Foolish pink pony! I’m Discord, the Lord of Chaos. What could a simple pony like you possibly do to me?

Inspired by the art of the ever so talented Madacon and a conversation with the stories editor Tired Old Man.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to My Little Pony: Friendship is Overpowered (Season 3)

That was easy!

Join Twilight Sparkle and her friends as they easily defeat every challenge thrown at them with their awesome friendship powers.

Expect new chapters daily.

Chapters (26)