• Member Since 5th Nov, 2013


Write and edit. Until the work is done.

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Total Words: 146,835,088
Estimated Reading: 58 weeks



  • Featured 23598 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

It's almost Mother's Day. Scootaloo comes to Rainbow Dash with a startling question, but then backs off, feeling ashamed she asked it. Rainbow Dash, taken off-guard by the question, starts to question both herself, how she feels about Scootaloo, and about her past...

Chapters (1)

It's Ghost Nappa haunting Rarity, what more do you want?

Although seriously, if Mr. Popo can come to Equestria, so can Nappa.

I genuinely hope to see Vegeta come to Equestria next. Apparently Vegeta's already in Equestria. Whoda thunk it?

Art is a combination of this piece of beauty by brolyeuphyfusion9500 and a screencap

Chapters (1)

New cover image commissioned from rainbowfaux

While spending the day at a fair in Ponyville, Soarin' is injured and stays at the farm for a while. He develops feelings for AJ, but can't act on them. When unexpected circumstances turn AJ's world upside down, will Soarin' stay to help her through? Will he ever be able to tell her he loves her?
Please comment and critique.
My little pony is property of Hasbro.

Chapters (15)

Amazing new cover art drawn by Droll3 on Deviantart.com! Drop him a favorite and a comment!

Four days after the marriage of Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, as well as the defeat of Queen Chrysalis, Fluttershy receives a visit by Twilight. Twilight tells her that if she sees any changelings, she needs to tell her immediately, on Celestia's orders. Fluttershy, not wishing to do so, begins thinking about it, and the things she thinks of makes her anxious and uneasy. In doing so, she decides to take a walk into the Everfree Forest to calm her mind and enjoy the view. While admiring the scenery, she trips on something. Looking back, she finds something she feared having to find, for the risk of being shunned by her society-a hurt changeling. Because of the nature of Celestia's instructions, Fluttershy must make a tough decision: Whether to turn this changeling in or to bring it into her home to make it better.

The real question is will Fluttershy fall to the peer pressure of society, or will she do what her heart tells her is right?

I do not own the cover image, nor any of the characters displayed in this story (except for the changeling.)

Featured 05/02/14, 05/07/14, 06/18/14! and 10/01/14!
04/30/14: 100 favorites! 05/18/14: 250 favorites!
05/01/14: 100 likes! 06/20/14: 250 likes!
05/03/14: 1,000 views! 06/18/14: 2,000 views! 09/25/14: 3,000 views!

Chapters (22)

(Originally conceived as a oneshot, this story has become a series of them because of the massive popularity of the first installment and how it was featured on the front page.)

Pairing: Soarin/Rainbow Dash

Chapter 1: Meet the Parents Rainbow Dash has a brilliant idea: since she hasn't seen her parents in awhile, why not bring her new boyfriend with her to visit them? Unfortunately for Soarin, this means meeting her father and mother (Firefly). Will the Wonderbolt survive the visit? Will I ever learn how to do comedy? There is a single yes and a no between these two important questions.

Chapter 2: Meet the Scootaloo Soarin unexpectedly finds himself introduced to Rainbow Dash's number one fan, Scootaloo, and once again finds himself learning a bit about Dash's world. Warning: Might make you squee.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Flying Sky-High

So much has happened in the past year. Friends have been made, battles have been fought, and love has bloomed. Now at long last, Rainbow Dash has the chance of a lifetime: a chance to become a Wonderbolt and instantly be part of an elite squad. However, one of the key judges for the tryout is none other than her love: Soarin. He is bound by his profession to be fair and honest in his selection. Will their relationship give Dash an edge in the tryouts? Or will it strike her down before she even gets there?

Also what of the dark magic within Soarin? He's kept quiet about it for a while, but not all is as well as he lets on.

And what of the Shadowbolts? They scattered after the battle with Nightshade. Surely they didn't just disappear.

A story of remaining strong in the face of harsh challenges. Life and love can be tough, but strong hearts always find a way to prevail.

Originally Edited by: Kestrel (and on occasion: Lucky424)

New editors: Delphina34 and Zoljen

This Fic's length is a bit intimidating, but it is broken into four parts, each of which could be considered their own stories with clear beginnings and conclusions. I decided to keep it all together because it was how my outline was structured (aka i completely underestimated the length).

This is not a Gurren Lagann Crossover. The title was a coincidence. (But said coincidence has led to many references and characters that parody the anime)

Featuring multiple chapter illustrations by: Scootafail/Chiwee, PenumbraGlow0290 Deviantart: darkmoonrising, Colorstrike, and foxenawolf

I also like including pieces of fan art drawn by my readers if they drew certain scenes. So far i have included some fan art by: GlitterDash (Dev art: chessaw), Hopscotch, MyLittleXyo, Ice Blade, mlplover789 (aka NightyScribbles), EchoSong, sweet Isolation, Pie Is Epic, melovedogs123, CowgirlVK, CrystalMelody_kc, Noble Savage (Deviant art: thatdamntenpin), Those Kids In The Corner/Catalyst, natis120, eveyannie, PhonicBoom, bambiki, Randompig212, Schemmer, SOARINDASH1, Neonspirit, NorthernLights8, kikirdcz, Fuzzette, SilverWolfFTW, Cantil, Coco Candy, -_Rainbow_Dash-_, Lazzari, Valentine_X, Nightalein and Lucky Autumn

Chapters (190)

In one of the most bizarre incidents to ever occur in Ponyville, Pinkie Pie's Hearth-Warming-in-July party results in the reviving of a relic from Equestria's prehistory: A Neighanderthal. Cast out of his own time and thrust into a culture that is alien to him, he struggles to adapt. Luckily, the Mane Six have decided to help him find his place in the world. But nopony said it was going to be easy, especially since there is a twenty-five-thousand year span of history he has missed out on.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Promises

Scootaloo's settling in to life with Rainbow Dash. It's smooth sailing from here right?

Once again this story wouldn't be possible without the pre-reading and editing efforts of:

juter4397, The Patriot, eggynack

So if you like this, go give them a thumbs up.

You probably don't need to read Promises to understand what's going on, but it would be useful.

Featured on day 1, thanks guys.

Chapters (23)

Rainbow Dash takes in a baby Pegasus that was left on her doorstep and affectionately names her Cumulus, she finds motherhood to be harder than it looks but loves the young Pegasus to death. But when it's revealed that Cumulus was born blind, Rainbow finds it harder to raise her with the pain of knowing that Cumulus will never see her mother's face. And as Cumulus grows, she has to fight to find her true self with her disability, and to see the brighter side of life...even if she can't literally see it.

This is a personal story for me, because I am adopted and I do have ADHD, Organic Brain Syndrome and I'm Emotionally Impaired...and trying to get through life with a disability is not an easy ride.

Link to first episode of Dramatic Reading by MLPVoicerNeon!!

My DeviantArt Page!
My YouTube Channel!
My Ask FM!
My Tumblr!
My Wattpad!

Chapters (16)

Fancy Pants and his lovely wife Fleur are quite possibly Canterlot's most heroic duet. Together they conquered countless events, faced hordes of snobbish socialites, and emerged victorious from the most dire of faux pas. May their bravery and finesse be forever remembered on parties to come!

There is a missing element in their perfect life, though: the joy of having a child and becoming a family. When conventional methods fail, will the couple muster enough courage to seek out the alternative, or will they stay a duet forever?

Enter Chestnut—a daring filly from beyond Equestria, out of their social stratum, and definitely exceeding their boldest expectations.

For better or worse.

Chapters (10)