• Member Since 5th Nov, 2013


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After returning from a trip to the market place, Fluttershy tries to feed a lonely fox.

My first little One-Shot with some experimental elements.

Reviewed by ReadingSins!
Reviewed by Blunt Reviews

Chapters (1)

A farmer, a teacher, a student, a family.
One morning, they woke up and realised something was missing.
But what, exactly, has been lost?

Chapter 2 - Deleted Scene
"What Do Ponies Truly Fear?" - Essay

Chapters (14)

Watch and be amazed as two of the most powerful unicorns in history are born!!! One's a moron and the other's a bit naggy, but that's not the least of their problems as they're faced with a crazy Changling who wants to steal their power and trying to help a poor buck toothed young colt who nopony understands.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Halcyon Hearts

Rarity goes out to find gems in the wastelands again, but when she finds a giant crystal with her magic... she finds something that has no earthly business inside of it.

Collab done with Darthlink22
Sequel to Halcyon Hearts

Chapters (15)

Tek is just your average looking teenage girl, but she would never hear you most of the time if you tried to talk to her. Tek uses her music to escape reality and pictures the world as her own personal soundtrack, she does not create her own music but, she appreciates others with their choice of music selection. Her parents were murdered by house looters on her 15th birthday, she was covered in blood as she held her fathers pistol in her hands as she defended herself, crying her eyes out. But she opened one of her presents that was covered in her mothers blood, there was a pair of blue Afterglow headphones waiting to be loved inside.

All day and all night, she has her headphones on. She never takes them off, she modified her headphones to be water proof so she can listen to them using Bluetooth in the shower. Her grandmother is amazed as how she has not went deaf from listening to her booming bass, Tek is also very good with computers. She was caught hacking into her school files and tweaking her friends grades by one point, she was let off the hook cause of her own good grades.

Tek later enrolled into a new school named Hall high school, on her first day the school was surrounded by police screaming of a bomb threat. Her school was different from others, it was filled with students who are the ones who were abandoned, beaten, raped, insane, drug dealers, scam artists, and etc. She was classified on the school list's as the "Fresh beat" she normally gets bullied by the boys for being a music junkie. But the girls are fine with her being around, she does not have that many friends but she does make progress. Tek does not really care too much about her looks, but some of the girls mistreat her for attracting the football team, some even called her "heavenly voice" for when she sings in class from time to time. Tek may not hear people talk to her most of the time, but she is able to read lips very well, it's like she can hear you in the first place.

But one night a white unicorn foal appears on her bed crying. Now Tek must keep the foal a secret from her grandmother, her school, and the mysterious suited CIA agent who watches her. But why is this foal here in the first place?
(A/N I do not own MLP Or this Picture and the pony is anthro)

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Soft Spoken With a Big Heart

Takes place during the events of Head in the Clouds.

After the train wreck incident, both Fluttershy and Big Macintosh have developed a strong interest in each other. The problem is, they are both extremely shy ponies who barely speak out about anything. Two months have gone by and neither have been able to act on their feelings despite it being on their minds day in and day out. Is it possible for a relationship, or even just friendship to bloom if the two ponies in question are nearly incapable of voicing their thoughts and feelings?

A story of finding the courage to face your fears and make sacrifices for those you love. It's not important that you SAY how much you care. It's important that you SHOW how much you care.

Featuring in chapter art by: haselwoelfchen and goatlady1 (Her Deviantart Page)

This story has not been fully edited yet, i apologize for anything sloppy.

Chapters (9)

"My life has long since fell apart. I have no one left to love, everypony has abandoned me, and im gray and lifeless.
None of my friends even remember me..or do they still care,even after all these years?"

This is a sequel of Edfan1337's story,Time Stand Still. That story is one of my favorites and moved my heart in a way to make a story based off of it. Its based of the assumption of what happens if Fluttershy is still alive even though its implied(or she really did) that she died in the original.
Its highly encouraged that you read the original to gain an understanding of whats happening in this one.
Link to the original story-------->http://www.fimfiction.net/story/51821/time-stand-still
I'd like to thank Edfan1337 for giving me permission for me to do this :3 i hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle and Sombra are married. They rule a kingdom together and raise their two kids. They are the royal family.

But how did this family come to be? Better question, how the hell did Twilight end up with a stallion like him?

Read and find out more about this family and their everyday triumphs and trials and find out how these two unlikely lovers came to be and the things that were done to make it so.

*Really it was just an excuse for me to do a crack ship.*

Also inspired by the Ask Twibra blog by Bluntwhiskey. Yes, it's nsfw blog so you been warned.

It's great though. It tickles my pickles.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle. A name known to everypony in all of Equestria. She's saved Equestria multiple times now, and with her and her friends being the Elements of Harmony, as well as being Princess Celestia's "Most Faithful Student", she enjoys a great life.
But what was before that? Follow her on her journey through foalhood, and her times as Celestia's Student.

This is my first fic, so constructive criticism is appreciated very much.
A huge thank you to WhatTheMoo and Knight Of Cerebus for proofreading this fic.
And a huge thank you to TwinTailsInc for allowing me to use his artwork

Chapters (7)

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo have always been similar ponies. Uncover the mysterious past of Scootaloo and the hidden past of Rainbow Dash as they build a new future together,

Rated teen, not for any particular reason, some moments get a little mature at times.

Cover art is the result of a Google Search, it is a picture vectored by xx-Chanour

Chapters (6)