• Member Since 5th Nov, 2013


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Zim, the self-proclaimed Invader, is told to take a secret mission for his 'Impending Doom 2' duties. Instead of finding earth, he found Equestria and decides to take over the planet.

Just like my Parappa crossover story, the first chapter is the set-up. I basically retell how Zim plans to blend into the society (I throw in a few things to make it mildly interesting). After that chapter, I go my own way with him (avoiding any retelling stories of the canon show).

This story will always be incomplete, I'll go back to this story whenever I feel like I can make another short story for Zim to go through. I don't have an ending idea, and I always like to keep a chance open for more stories (on short episode stories).

Cover image by Grey-Sweet.

Chapters (8)

Deja Vu
a feeling of having already experienced the present situation

Lightning Twister finds himself in a very familiar situation when he finds an abandoned colt and filly one night in ally in Ponyville.

Coverart done by: The Irish Pony

Chapters (5)

After one of Sweetie Belle's clumsy mistakes ends up destroying one of her sister's entire fashion lines, Rarity is finally sent over the edge. But after a terrible accident lays Sweetie Belle at the foot of death's door, Rarity is faced not only with losing her sister, but also with the reality that she may never be able to apologize for what she did.

Rated T for safety.

Sequel! Hoof Covers Bruise

This is 100% Approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Like Shattered Glass

When you take the blame, you'll take the pain. Scootaloo took the blame.

Rated for scenes of abuse and mild language.


UPDATED 12/22/2014.

Chapters (12)

At her lowest point, Fluttershy meets the most wonderful stallion, who helps her out. They eventually fall in love, get married, and have a foal. All they want is a life of quiet domesticity. Of course, given that they live in Ponyville, that probably won't happen.

Rated T for mention, but no descriptions, of sex and pregnancy.
Alternate Universe because of up-aged Fluttershy and Macintosh to avoid certain unpleasant things.

My first try at MLP fanfic, but not fanfic in general. Be as harsh as you want.

Chapters (4)

Princess Cadance drops in on Twilight Sparkle in a surprise visit. The two old friends, now sisters-in-law, spend a day together in the town of Ponyville, reflecting on memories of their pasts. Along the way, some new revelations work to forge a stronger bond between them.

Featured at The Round Stable on May 10, 2012.
Featured at Canterlot's Finest on December 1, 2013.

This story is Complete!

Chapters (1)

From the diary of Zecora of how she met Apple Bloom and raised her for a day, written from Zecora's perspective.

Story art: nabesiki

Chapters (1)

Dinky Doo asks her mother a question.

Derpy Hooves finally reveals a truth.

Story collaboration with Rootbeer Dew, who helped to write up the ending.

Picture by some guy on Deviantart. Doomcakes, I think it was? XD

Popular Section! 5th July, 2014, Saturday! Thank you everyone!

UPDATE - There is a sequel to this story! To read the sequel, look up TheMyth, and his story 'Where Is The Love?'. This is the official sequel that I gave him permission to write up. Thank you everypony for your views and support! You guys and gals helped to make this a special story!

Link to the sequel! Where Is My Love?

Chapters (1)

A dalek appears in Equestria - not just any dalek, but the one that had been corrupted by Rose Tyler's DNA. It has a choice of life as a pony, or dying, and finds that it cannot bear to die a second time. Thus begins a strange adventure as the dalek tries to find a place for itself in a world that is completely antithetical to its former existence and way of thinking...

...and why does that earth pony stallion look familiar...?

Chapters (9)

Caramel and Applejack have recently became parents to their daughter, Toffee Apple. But whilst Applejack has become more than aware that she has to do what's best for her daughter, Caramel is still trying to face the fact that he is now a parent and isn't sure that he'll be a good one.

Apart of the "Life's Nuances" series along with:-

First Meeting (Prequel)
One Bad Date
The Roadie and the Show Stopper

Rated Teen for: Strong Language and Suggestive Elements

Chapters (10)