• Member Since 5th Nov, 2013


Write and edit. Until the work is done.

Favourites 2992 stories
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Total Words: 146,835,088
Estimated Reading: 58 weeks



  • Featured 23598 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

A week after moving into her new castle, Twilight's still sighing. But when she sees Applejack and Granny Smith at the site of the former library tree, she learns that there's still some magic in Equestria she's unfamiliar with. It's an earth pony town, after all, and tall oaks from little acorns grow.

Chapters (1)

After the rousing success of her first party, bringing joy to her parents and sisters, Pinkie Pie left her home to teach that joy to others. On her first day in Ponyville she stumbles across a struggling Sugarcube Corner, and resolves to help out the business.

Chapters (3)

(Madam Foster's Crossover) In the months since the now infamous mess her friends simply called the "Lesson Zero" incident. Twilight has been increasingly desperate to find her old fillyhood dolly friend, Mr. Smartypants.
In desperation, she casts a spell to take her to her old friend, but finds herself in front of a strange manor house painted in eye-watering colors. She doesnt' know which is stranger; these "humans" or the creatures they thought up? -And why would her beloved doll be in this crazy place...?

Chapters (2)

My faithful student, Twilight. I ask that you please come to Canterlot immediately. I have an important task for you to take. This task will help us get a better understanding of species other than pony kind. Your teacher, Princess Celestia.


What could Princess Celestia have for me to do? What will happen to me!?

Chapters (41)

What Spike saw in the doorway of King Sombra's crystal palace hasn't left his mind. The fear of Twilight abandoning him haunts him through recurrent nightmares. Anxiety taunts him when he's at his most vulnerable, reminding him of all his failures, all his inadequacies, all his wounds.

One night, this fear and anxiety manifests itself in a full-blown nightmare, dragging Spike face-to-face with his greatest fear. What if Twilight never needed Spike in the first place?

Takes place right after the Season Three opener (before Episode Three).

Thanks to RGLloyd for editing.

Now Featured on Equestria Daily!

Now Featured by The Royal Canterlot Library!

Check out the YouTube reading by the awesome Chinchillax!

Check out another YouTube reading by DJ Tazzlez from Hive Radio!

Rated Teen for some dark elements.

Chapters (1)

The latest scheme of a Townsvillain hurls the Powerpuff Girls to another dimension. In new bodies, and with different abilities each, the three must adjust to life in Ponyville. It helps that the locals are friendly. Maybe the Girls can have actual friends for once, rather than admirers...?

This was actually my first foray into MLP fanfiction. I wrote the beginnings of this long before I conceived of Pony Fantasy IV. So, enjoy my attempt at crossing Lauren Faust's two popular girl shows!

Image courtesy of GalooGameLady on DeviantART. Used with her permission.

Chapters (3)

Nopony knew Scootaloo was an orphan. Scootaloo didn't know who her parents were. After discovering her secret, Twilight casts a spell that can show the young filly her parents. The result will change both their lives forever.

Edited by LunaSol, Templar22 and Bpkyle777

Chapters (3)

By Scootaloo's age, Rainbow Dash had won countless competitions. As Ponyville's Annual Bounceball Competition approaches, Scootaloo dreams of following in her hoofsteps. Equipped with unquenchable determination and drive, she knows nothing will stop her... except, perhaps, herself.

As seen on Equestria Daily.

Featured in The Royal Guard.

Edited by Horse Voice.

Thanks to R5h and Prak for helping with the revisions.

This story has been read and approved by Maddy "Scootaloo" Peters.

Chapters (1)

After an accident, Twilight's life is turned upside down and changed forever.
With her friends standing by her, she must manage to overcome new obstacles, learn a new way of life, and discover just how long secrets last when hidden from those who know you best.


Now in audiobook form!: Youtube

Chapters (8)

Many people have many theories about Scootaloo. Some think she's an orphan. Some think she's part of an abusive household. Others still worry that she's somepony's illegitimate offspring that's hidden away.

However, the truth is far from that. She has a loving mother and father, and she means the world to them both. They've gone to great lengths all for her.

However...they're just a little...strange. Especially since neither one is comfortable with coming out except at night.

Rated Teen for some adult language.

Partially inspired by this story by Colonel J.

Edit: New Cover Art by G_Haze! Found here.
Edit 2: And G_Haze has decided to update the cover art, and damn does it look good.

Chapters (11)