• Member Since 5th Nov, 2013


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Out of curiosity about the human world, Cadance and the others follow Nathan back to Texas where they learn about the humans, and here they become humans themselves, like Equestria Girls, but basically they're in the real world.

('m sorry, but this is all I can give you for them in Texas.)

Chapters (6)

Sunset Shimmer has fallen from grace. After her humiliation at the Fall Formal, she now faces a long road to redemption.

But it's not easy, most of the others refuse to accept her, and new enemies threaten to drag her back into darkness. Can she find her way to the light?

EDIT: Well how about that. Hit the featured box as of January 4th, 2018
EDIT 2: Will wonders never cease? Featured box AGAIN as a February 16th. I'm sensing a theme here.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to A Hairier Problem: Rise of the Furball

Now with a reading series by martialartfruituser!

A Tale of the Berylverse. Joint project with BlueBastard and Flynt Coal.

Weeks after her defeat at the hands of the humanized Princess Twilight Sparkle, the one-time pony Sunset Shimmer is working towards making herself a better life. But in an unexpected chain of events, she ends up in a situation that not even her new friends - Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Pinkie - can get her out of...nor really do they want to. As if that's not enough, Principal Celestia's firmly against the whole deal.

But maybe if Sunset Shimmer sticks around, she'll get more than she bargained for - for good and ill....

Now blessed with its own TVTropes page!

While this does take place in BlueBastard's Berylverse, prior knowledge of his earlier stories (A Hairy Problem and Rise of the Furball) won't be necessary for Book I of this story. But it's highly recommended for Book II (and they're worth reading to begin with!)

Chapters (16)

Part 1: Lyra's Pyro Predicament
Part 2: Twilight's Demoman Devastation
Part 3: King Sombra's Robotic Retaliation

King Sombra was soundly defeated by Princess Cadance and Shining Armor almost a year ago, and the Crystal Empire was free. Now, after a teleportation mishap, a lone Engineer from Gray Mann's massive robotic army has found itself in the mountains just on the border of the Empire with one task in mind: complete the experimental Lvl. 4 Teleporter and bring the robotic forces to Equestria...but what other dark forces might be laying dormant in those caves?

Chapters (6)

When an attempt at banishing him goes horribly wrong, Gilgamesh finds himself trapped in a land far from the original target. Stuck with a group of pastel-colored equines who seem to completely despise him, Gilgamesh fears that nothing in the gorgeous, almost-utopian world will be able to sate his infamous bloodlust and desire to prove just how amazing he really is. Despite this, he decides not to lose hope that he can escape, and finds himself slowly befriending the strange and colorful creatures as the days roll by.

But when several strange and disturbing events reveal connections to a grisly murder from several years in the past, Gilgamesh must join forces with the denizens of Equestria in order to bring the perpetrator to justice.

And that is before even getting into the matter of the mysterious monsters that constantly appear from nowhere, and seem completely intent on destroying everything that stands in their way…

A comedic crossover with Final Fantasy V that randomly becomes an Ace-Attorney-esque murder mystery halfway through.

This story is temporarily on hiatus. Updates will resume some time in the future. Until then, I will be working on editing this story.

Any criticism is very much appreciated, no matter how scathing it may seem to the one who posts it, as long as it is designed to allow the story to become improved.

Also, this takes place after Season 3, but prior to the beginning of Season 4, and takes place in a somewhat-episodic format, with each chapter being mostly self-contained. In addition to this, the "Human" tag is more of a formality than anything -- Gilgamesh is humanoid, but certainly not human.

Chapters (11)

They didn't come from this world, but it's now their new home. The classes try their best to fit in in the new place, but it's not as easy as it seems. From learning new things to falling on old habits, everypony's got work to do...

A sequel to My Little Fortress: Teamwork is Magic

Chapters (10)

Summer has arrived in Equestria, and Babs Seed is visiting her cousins at Sweet Apple Acres for the whole season. After their first week there, she and Apple Bloom find a lost and abandoned human child named Michael, or Mike for short.

Where did this child come from, and can the Apple Family take care of him?

Chapters (6)

John’s life had taken a turn for the worse since he moved from the bustling city of Los Angeles to a quiet mountain town named Dewford. He had expected a change of scenery and a calmer state of living.
That was not the case, as he’s had to deal with racist citizens, money problems, and several people who won’t get off his back. Life had gone wrong so far. Now he has to deal with a strange hippie girl with a butterfly tattoo. John just hopes this new addition doesn’t complicate things further.
Edited by:
A Dumb Door [chapter 1-2}
Sqarishoctagon [chapter 3-40]

Chapters (40)

Was given permission from the original author, Raja-Ulat, to revamp his original idea from Fanfiction.net. I didn't want to see it die. When Naruto makes a true wish, one from deep down in his heart, a little bit of magic pulls him from his world into another. In the new world, the child will form bonds that transcend realities. FEATURED! 8/30/15

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Seven Days in Sunny June, Book I

Joint Co-Authored project with Shinzakura and Flynt Coal.

Once, Sunset Shimmer had desired nothing more than to return to Equestria and assume her rightful place as its supreme ruler. Instead, she discovered her place amongst the humans of the world she thought herself exiled to, never assuming that the students she’d bullied would become her best friends, nor that she would come to see an alternate version of Twilight Sparkle as not only a friend, but a sister. Yet it came to pass, and though the previous year had been hard, Sunset had finally let go of the past.

Yet the past refused to let go of her. Something dark and sinister reached from beyond to hurt Twily, buffeting her mind with nightmares of strangely-colored ponies and macabre events to come. Sunset recognized it as her homeworld, especially the description of a dark, twisted version of Sunset’s own unicorn form. Furthermore, the discovery of a second link to Earth deepened the mystery: an ancient Italian artifact adorned with cutie marks, amongst them those of Queen Faust and Princess Celestia.

In the end, Sunset chose to rush to her foster sister’s defense, knowing that the path would lead her back to her haunted past, and possibly into the vengeful hooves of Celestia. But what she didn’t know would be that it could lead her to her own mirror image, a darker version of herself:

A version known as Raspberry Beryl.

TV Tropes Page here

*Featured 7/30-31/14, 8/6/14, 8/20/14, 9/3/14, 9/10/14, 9/24/14, 10/1/14, 10/8/14, 10/22/14, 10/29/14*

Chapters (14)