• Member Since 5th Nov, 2013


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It has been three years since Geo's father disappeared in an accident in outer space when searching for Extraterrestrial life, but when an alien pony named Twilight Sparkle is connected to his father disappearance he will have to join forces with her to discover the truth. Not only that, he'll have to save the world form other alien invaders for her planet!

The story will be the same as the game, but with a pony twist!

Megaman and its characters belongs to Capcom

My little pony friendship is magic and its characters belongs to Hasbro

But I do own this fic! YAY!

Chapters (5)

Even the tiniest change can alter the future in ways you can't imagine.

The battle with Lord Tirek did not end the way it was supposed to. The centaur was still sent back to Tartarus as he should have been and Equestria and all of its' ponies were saved, but thanks to one final act of defiance, Twilight vanished without a trace not long afterwards.

One month after her disappearance, Twilight has returned to Equestria, but not in a state anypony was expecting her to. Now they're all filled with questions about what has happened to her, but what tale does she have to share with them? What is she willing and unwilling to tell them?

Can a battered phoenix still rise from the ashes?

Chapters (37)

In Equestria, everypony views heroes as stories for fillies and not to be taken seriously. However, in another reality, heroes do exist. When a dimensional transport portal goes awry, a certain vigilante finds himself in a colorful land full of ponies. And he isn't happy. Will Batman have to fight his way out of Equestria? Or can even the most dark hearts find peace?

Batman will be based off the arkham city batman universe with a few villians thrown in.
other heroes will be mentioned or have a minor role.


Please comment and/or critque

Chapters (33)

When Princesses Peach Peach and Daisy drag Mario and friends all the way from the Mushroom Kingdom to Equestria, Mario was expecting (for once) a normal vacation. In a land of talking ponies. However, as luck would have it, tragedy strikes during Princess Peach and Princess Celestia's meeting, when the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony are attacked and the Elements scattered throughout a papery Equestria!

Now Mario, Hammer in hand, cap on head, and a baby dragon sidekick at his side, has to save not just Equestria, but the entire world from a sinister plot that was NOT made by Bowser. Cheesy? Yes. Fun? Hopefully!

T just to be safe.

Note: Prologue and Chapters 1 and 2 now have title cards!

Also, cover art is now thanks to my deviantART friend, Neko1Inu2Kitsune3!

Chapters (23)

The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Obi-Wan Kenobi. 0BBY

(Higher rez image here)

Artwork by a good friend of mine, Nina Ward

The force. A ubiquitous power of untold potential. Both the Jedi and the Sith look to the power for guidance, believing it to be the ultimate embodiment of all that is in the universe. But what is the true extent of its power? What is its reach, and how many species can it touch?
Spike. A baby dragon raised in Equestria by the personal protégé of the monarch of the sun. He is looked to for friendship and compassion by scores of ponies, as well as providing the bonds of a sibling to one pony in particular, and often the one source of sense in a group of eccentric friends.
Can a dragon from a back water planet truly master the ways of the strongest power in the galaxy?

(Higher rez image here)

Artwork by a good friend of mine, Nina Ward

Comments may contain spoilers. You have been warned.

Ok, so this thing is going to be the longest story I've written. By far. Hope I can keep your attention.
Rated teen for some gore and swearing.

Black-Light Library approved.

Chapters (120)

Cover Art done by my great friend and brother artist Feather book

Chris Taylor is a man, down on his luck, who finds himself getting a job in a shady security company. He doesn't know that in the facility that he is stationed in is secretly working on dimensional travel. Upon testing the scientists believed that they only opened a window, but were severally wrong when strange creatures came through. On the other side of the dimensional rift was the mystical land of Equestria where a happy pony named Shutter Flash lived. Shutter's world is about to turn upside down when his human counterpart is thrown into it without a way back home. He lends a helping hoof to help Chris, but will the challenges ahead prove to be too much for the both of them?

(My first fimfiction piece and I haven't had a lot of experience writing so any critiques would be awesome.)

All Characters and animals of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro

Chapters (13)

As everypony knows, a hero is a hero. Even if he can't use teamwork. But when Zelda is kidnapped (again), Link alone can't save her. Not even with the magic of the four sword on his side. So with the help of their new friends from Equestria, the Mane 6, the four Links will save Hyrule and Equestria!
The first installment in the My Little Crossover: Nintendo is Magic series.

Disclaimer: Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures is copyrighted to Nintendo, but haven't you been curious about what would happen if Link, Blue, Red, and Vio meet the Mane 6? The image used is something I found on Google. All copyrights to this image belong to the original creator. MLP:FiM is copyright Hasbro. Legend of Zelda: Four Sword Plus Manga is the inspiration for this book and some of the characters used are copyrighted to the writers of that book. The characters in this story are fictional. Any relation to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. (Because you know you wanted to read that last one, right? XD)

Authors Note: I have rated this teen for use of mean comments and swear words such as 'Ass hat".

Chapters (6)

Cover Art done by: The Irish Pony

Two years has passed since Toby arrived in Equestria, and he is now eight years old. On a beautiful spring day, he is invited, along with his family to the Crystal Empire by Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor, his aunt and uncle. They give him a tour of the Crystal Palace where he stumbles upon a strange looking mirror.

The mirror entices Toby beyond belief, so he wishes to get a closer look.

To his surprise, the mirror's allure causes Toby to lose his most valued, his most prized possession.

Struck with sadness, and a sudden determination the likes of which Toby has never mustered before, the young boy must go forth...into the unknown, to get back the one item that has arguably kept him at peace with life.

Inside this whole new world, Toby encounters a majority of creatures. Not only do these creatures remind Toby of his own kind, but many of the beings seem oddly familiar to Toby.

Toby may seem to know these other-worlders, but how will Toby react when he finds out they know nothing of him?

Will Toby succeed in bringing home his prized item? Or will time run out, and Toby's "New Home"....will become his permanent one?

A collaboration I am working on with fred2266.

Cover art courtesy of: http://joseph11stanton.deviantart.com/art/My-Little-Pony-Equestria-Girls-371838976

Chapters (29)

Currently being written by Antojo Pony .

So then, what would happen if a human baby ended up and was raised in Equestria?

Will they be a normal everyday worker? Will they be a Celestia Knight? Will they take over the world? Will they speed up Equestrias technology level with good old human ingenuity?

Honestly I have no idea!

So that's why I need YOUR help! You, the readers will decide their personality, their dreams, their... everything really. So lets get started!

Cover art made by ForestOfSpring

Chapters (9)

Rainbow Dash introduces Applejack to parkour. Racing to see who the better athlete is, they discover something else in the process.
Rated T for minimal swearing and suggested sexytimes.
(Category changed from Adventure to Slice of Life by request )

(This may or may not be a one-shot, depending on the reception. If you want another chapter, ask.)

Chapters (1)