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First of all, I'm looking for contributors, I had this idea while dreaming about it a couple days ago. and it's inspired by some "Humans In Equestria" stories (though I don't recall names since I read like a ton of them), if anyone who has knowledge of Avatar and MLP would like to help contact me through Pm, Credits will be given, and a link to the author's page too.

Toph Beifong has lived through a lifetime's worth of adventures, but this...this is something else entirely, she seems to be in an entirely different world with some sort of half animals, who look like what a half ostrich-horse would look like. She still has her earthbending but it seems most everything is made out of wood, at least in this 'Ponyville'. What will she do?

Takes place shortly after the defeat of the FireLord, she may be, maybe 13, or such? I pictured her pretty much the same way.

Chapters (6)

To the highly skilled operative code-named Naked Snake, today was not that good of a day. On top of being sent to kill his former mentor in order to prevent the Cold War from going nuclear, he had gotten captured, and lost his eye. While he did manage to escape, there was still much he had to do in order to complete his mission.
Still, even being tortured by someone with inexplicable lightning powers was somewhat preferable to finding himself outside of not only the mission area, but his world as he knew it...

Chapters (7)

While he has returned from being absorbed into Unit-01, Shinji finds himself in an odd situation. Now, in a body that looks nothing like a human's and with a snarky roommate in his head, he has to deal with new powers and abilities while those around him shift.

And he thought that fighting Angels was weird...

Chapters (11)

Red Team had been given an assignment. It wasn't the usual sort of assignment. They were assigned to defend their base 'until further notice'...and then never received notice. All announcements sounded pre-recorded, and enemy assaults were few and far between. The enforced inactivity was slowly fraying the bonds of the team...

...until something unexpected arrived. A tiny creature appears one day in their fortress, in need of compassion and care. Somehow, she finds that in this group of strange individuals, as she becomes their baby.

Crossover with Team Fortress 2.
Part of the PWNY-verse.

Edit: Since I get these comments a lot, I will say here, I've never played the game and don't intend to include much in the way of game mechanics, so please don't suggest such things.

Edit 2: FAN ART! for chapter 9 by G_Haze. Makes me so happy.
Edit 3: More fan art from G_Haze, This guy's amazing!
Edit 4: New fan art! by The Pyromanecer. Thanks so much!
Edit 5: More fan art by shiningkord98.
Edit 6: New Fan Art by The Pyromancer
Edit 6: More awesome fan art from G_Haze! So awesome! :rainbowkiss:
Edit 7: New fan art by Pioneering Author

Chapters (34)

When the Lingering Will defeated Terranort for the first time, it thought that it's brief existence was over. It had lost it's heart, it's body, and most importantly: it's friends. However, what would happen if instead of being sent to the Keyblade Graveryard, it was sent somewhere else?

Chapters (7)

The war-stricken continent of Ylisse is finally at peace. The kingdom prepares for an era of prosperity led by Chrom, the prince who is to be crowned as Exalt. The battle-hardened soldiers who earned this victory now return home, looking towards a bright future. The Dark Dragon Grima is defeated, and we are free from the supposedly imminent fate of destruction that came with him. The question we should ask? "At what cost?"
First-person crossover with Fire Emblem: Awakening (major spoilers).
In Fire Emblem: Awakening, it takes place in the story after Grima is defeated (BY ROBIN).
In MLP, think of the setting as some time in early Season 3 (Twilicorn will not be included).
Cover art was spliced by me; all credit goes to the original artists.
Constructive criticism is appreciated.

Chapters (22)

Celestia and Iroh share some afternoon tea and sagely advice over a game of Pai Sho.

Credits for original idea and editing go to my good friend Cthulhu.

Credits for the picture go to itcamefrom4chan.

Iroh is a character from Avatar: The Last Airbender, in case anyone didn't know and was wondering.

Chapters (1)

"If I have to taste that kind of suffering, then it's better just not to have friends from the start."
— Shinji Ikari
"I've learned that friendship isn't always easy. But I believe without a doubt that it's worth fighting for."
— Twilight Sparkle

Shinji thought his life couldn't get any worse. Getting beat up at school, being alone all his life with no one to call a friend, and saving the world without any acknowledgment or appreciation were just a few of the things that made Shinji regret coming to Tokyo-3. A lavender unicorn with a tiara falling on him while he was taking a bath didn't exactly help his ego either.

Fantastical cover-art done by the amazing Doctor Tastybeaver. :pinkiehappy:

An MLP/Neon Genesis Evangelion story.

If you haven't watched Evangelion before, I suggest that you don't. It keeps the story as a new experience like I intended of it. :twilightsmile: Currently rebuilding, probably a better idea to check this out later when the next chapter pops up. :fluttershyouch:

P.S. First story. Yay.

Chapters (2)

When Twilight tries a mass teleportation spell with her friends they get stuck in another universe. What's worse is that their landing point was a magical spring that curses it's victims to transform into whatever drowned there. They are now cursed to turn into human girls whenever splashed with cold water, but hot water changes them back.

They weren't the only ones to fall in that day. They meet Ranma a male traveling martial artist who fell into the same spring (meaning he turns in a girl), his father Genma who becomes a Panda. Twilight agrees to cure them when she figures out a cure while they give her and her friends a place to stay.

Due to a series of events, they wind up in Japan where they must pose as normal high school girls. Where they must deal with a stupid swordsman who falls in love with them, martial arts based on running, rhythmic gymnastics and figure skating, rivals from those sports. And that's barely scratching the surface of the insanity that lies for them...

Edited by NightElf37 (chapters 1-16), Alticron (chapters 17 onwards) and Dr. Tempo. Cover art by by Schreibaby-Zephyrof deviantart

Chapters (19)

Ken was a human orphan, no parents, no siblings, no relatives. He was alone in a cruel world that want nothing to do with him, until the day a saiyan got sealed inside him, his body changing into that of a saiyan/human hybrid. From then Ken's life changed as he was brought into a science lab for the next two years of his life, treated as a specimen and scaring him mentally. His only comfort and friend being the saiyan sealed inside him.

All that changed, however, when he is transported to a mysterious world, a world called, Equestria.

Number of times Saiyan of Equestria got featured: 3 (12/30/2013, 8/?/2014, 11/21/2015)

This Story is divided into 'Sagas' like Dragon Ball Z. They are listed in order: Pony, Oozaru, Discord, EIOSES, Tournament. With Peaceful Intermissions between them.

Credit goes to Kisa122 (DeviantArt account) for Cover image. My first fan fiction, constructive criticism is appreciated. Warning: Slight elements of Gore, Tragedy, Dark, and mentions of sexual material (Not much really, just a few words. Doesn't break Teen Rating)

Chapters (75)