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In the aftermath of the Fall Formal, Sunset Shimmer has fallen. Her power in Canterlot High is gone, and she's been exposed for the monster that she is. With nowhere else to go and nothing she can do, she retreats to where she's hidden herself since arriving in the human world, a realm that links Canterlot High and Equestria. But she isn't the only one to know about this realm, on either side, and perhaps with a little help from her new friends and her old mentor, she can find it in her to rise again.

Cover Art by Alyssa Hartwick.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (2)

Sunset Shimmer started cutting soon after the Fall Formal, guilty for what she had done. Then she never stopped, the habit sticking with her. Then Pinkie and Fluttershy find out and ask her to stop.

Chapters (1)

The wedding is saved and the Changelings are beat but Twilight is gone. She's been gone for 3 years and now an evil organization of advanced robots called "Treble" who seek to destroy Equestria has arrived. Trixie Lulamoon the new element of magic must help the others defend their home meanwhile Cadence believes Treble is somehow connected to Twilight's disappearance and will find her no matter what.

This is a continuation of the story of the same name by Dark Colt Sabata.

Chapters (8)

Everyone would be together on Christmas, and I would be alone and abandoned. So I was pretty much back to square one.

This is an idea from Equestria Girls Holiday Special Comic and from a story I read in fimfiction by Final Sunlight.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer gets attacked at school. Who did it and why?

Set after Rainbow Rocks.

Chapters (1)

Spike goes to the bar at night, every night, to drink by himself. Rainbow Dash sits in the stool next to him. In each passing moment, the gap between them becomes smaller and smaller.

Until there is nothing separating them.

[Cover by xenon]

This story is inspired by the song St. Eriksplan by Low Roar. It was also written in a sleepy daze.

Chapters (1)

A story following Sunset Shimmer's life in Gaia, starting with an aftermath of the Fall Formal that doesn't go quite as smoothly, leaving Sunset to try and start a brand new life once again, with problems new and old as she tries make her life her own. She will have to navigate work, friends, enemies, and trying to decide where she really belongs, and who she really wants to be, as her actions at the Fall Formal are noticed by forces potentially more malevolent than her old self, forcing her to once again return to the halls of Canterlot High.

Chapters (9)

When Wallflower Blush tries to take her own life, Sunset does the only thing she can think of to save her. By witnessing the entirety of Wallflower’s memories all at once, she hopes that part of her friend may live on within herself.

However, possessing the memories of two lives leaves Sunset doubting her own identity. Now that she's inherited all the same memories and traumas that led to Wallflower's suicide, is she even the same person anymore?

Drawing used in cover is by avirextin.

Based on an idea by shortskirtsandexplosions.

Chapters (1)

Luna and Sunset talk on the roof of Canterlot High School.

Sunset has no desire to kill herself; what concerns Luna is that that isn't the same as wanting to be alive. In fact, it's not even close.

Note about the content:
The "Suicide / Self Harm" tag is only for stories that actually contain those things. There's no warning tag (or any kind of tag) for stories that contain discussion of those things, or related things, without actually featuring them. So I'm warning you here.

This is about a specific kind of deep depression: the kind where you don't particularly want to live. At one point Sunset talks about possible ways she could die, and how none of them would bother her. So if you're not up for reading things suicide related and suicide adjacent, steer clear.

Now that I've spoiled almost every aspect of the story, let me ruin the rest. I didn't tag this as "Sad" because I don't think it's sad. It's definitely heavy, but that's not the same thing.

You might disagree about whether it's sad, though, so take that into account when deciding whether or not you want to read it. If you do read, and you think it should be tagged as "Sad", please tell me in the comments. (The last thing I want to do is bring people down when they're not prepared for it.)

Chapters (1)

Shortly after her coronation as the new Princess of Equestria, Twilight is visited by a creature she never expected to see in person. What's even more unexpected than the identity of this petitioner, though, is his reason for coming.

Maintenant en Français grâce à la traduction merveilleuse d'Acylius!
(Now available in French thanks to the wonderful work of Acylius!)

Partially inspired by the Imposing Sovereigns II contest under the prompt "Twilight/The Old."

Chapters (1)