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Story was written while I was on a depressive sugar high. Yeah, that's a thing. Not it's not. By the way, please do NOT take this story seriously. It's not going to be. It's more of a more or less funny what if-scenario.

The one who made the pictures.


Around four years ago a couple of mugs tried to rob Sunset Shimmer, severly injuring her in the process. In the hospital she stayed in a coma, until four years later she wakes. However the world has changed drastically in those four years, namely magic is now her thing and her friends rule the world.

Chapters (7)

Twilight Sparkle is the best student at Crystal Prep Academy, and while she’s pretty happy with her situation, her unofficial big sister, Cadance, keeps telling her to try and make friends. It never seems to go well for her, until Cadance convinces her to tutor the new student at Crystal Prep, Sunset Shimmer.

Pre-read by gerandakis

Featured on 9th Aug 2018! :twilightsmile:

Sex tag for:
Volume 1: references to masturbation, and talking about masturbation.
Volume 2: references to sex, and talking about sex.

Cover vectors:
Sci-Twi by aqua-pony
Sunset Shimmer by punzil504

Chapters (19)

On the way to the treehouse, the crusaders stumble upon a hypnosis kit. They then try to use it to earn their cutie marks as hypnotists....with hilarious results. Can the fillies find their talents as hypnotists? Or will Ponyville be turned upside-down from the victims of their hypnotism destroying the peace and quiet of a sunny afternoon in the town?

Chapters (5)

Queen Chrysalis invades Canterlot again with new tactics. These methods, however, are a bit unorthodox.

Cover Art By: Skitterpone

(Do not continue reading if you do not approve of hypnosis, mental regression, or diaper lover themes. If you do not like it or are under legal age, please do not keep reading.)

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash's weekend had started out great, however, after taking part in Trixie's magic show, Rainbow started acting differently. Little does the pegasus know that there was more to this change then just a random coincidence.

Story contains: Adult Foal themes, hypnosis

Chapters (10)

Sunset, a girl with spunk, happiness, and friendship. The only problem is she has been unstable ever since hearing some distressing news. Can anyone help her? Does anyone want to?

Will Sunset ever return to the way she was?

Chapters (9)

{{Story is cancelled and up for adoption!}}

Immediately following her defeat in the first movie, Sunset Shimmer realizes that not only does everyone hate her, but she is a danger to those around her. So she decides to do what's best for both worlds, and end her life.

The thing is, not everyone hates her. But can her real friends get to her in time, and show her the error of her ways?

Chapters (3)

It's been three weeks since the battle of the bands, they didn't have the money for anything and now? Audigo and Aria have disappeared, leaving Sonata alone. It's up to someone with her own demons and a DJ to save the youngest siren from herself, but can she make in time? Or will she be too late? (Oc's in this story are not part of the main cast, though some will have important roles later in the story. They are mine but, anyone can use them so long as they ask first)

Chapters (11)

I trusted them with everything and that just threw it away like it was nothing. They said they were my friends but they have made me the laughing stock of the school.

I can't take it anymore

Chapters (1)