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(Gore tag for self-harm and dark thoughts.)
I know they fake it.
I know they talk about me when they think I can't hear them.
All the promises broken.
All the rumors.
All the nightmares keeping me up at night.
Is it even worth it?
[Set after Equestria Girls, but before Rainbow Rocks.]

Chapters (2)

After the Fall Formal, everything was supposed to go back to normal, even turn out better. Sunset was going to have friends and they were going to teach her the ways of friendship. At least, that's what Twilight said would happen. Instead, Sunset is seen as a pariah by everyone including those who said they would be her friends. All except Fluttershy, who now has to save Sunset from ending up in a worse place than ever. But can she do it?

Edited by Icecreammac

Rewriting story. Please tune in for some changes! 7/16/18

Chapters (11)

After nearly destroying Canterlot High School and ruining the Fall Formal, Sunset Shimmer is already not feeling too chipper. Summer is coming, finals are looming, and she's got no one who can truly understand what she's feeling.

And then there's a complicated mix of emotions she has for a star soccer player...

Luckily, Sunset does have one old friend she can still talk to.

Written for the Changing Seasons shipping contest. Cover art by Uotapo.

Chapters (1)

After a long day at work, Sunset Shimmer can't wait to come home to her beautiful fiance Twilight. Specifically, for a movie and some cuddle time.

However, when she gets home she finds the house pitch black. She goes inside to not only find the noise and the bright glow of the TV, but Twilight on the couch crying!

What's Twilight so upset about? Can Sunset calm her down?

Youtube reading by Agent0Fluffy.

Click Here for My Story Timeline.

[A/N] This is my first EVER story! Please, be nice :)

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer has been trying to prove she’s changed but seemingly no one was willing to put the past in the past except for her friends. These five girls seemed to forgive Sunset for her past “boo-boo’s” but now in the semi-finals of the Battle of the Bands Competition Sunset made a mistake and is reminded once again of Canterlot High’s opinion of her. The irony is she could’ve dealt with that, if not for the lecture from her friends but she could’ve dealt with that as well if there was any reason to believe she did what she did for selfish reasons but there isn’t. Sunset makes a bold move when she asks her friends “what if it had been one of them?” she gets an answer that sends her off and in a time of need someone reaches out a hand to help her but who that hand belongs to could lead to trouble.

Chapters (7)

Twilight Sparkle, the new kid with out standing grades, is pretty lovable at Canterlot High. Her new friends make things a lot easier for her, especially since they're really shy and over dramatic. And as one of the prettiest girls in school, guys are drooling over her. Scary enough for her, the baddest rainbow haired chick in the school won't get away from her. Enticing enough for Rarity, she has her own unwillingly protective guard dog cowgirl named Applejack. Sadly enough for Rarity, what could she do when that guard dog, steals her heart with a few words?

Chapters (11)

One day, when Sunset Shimmer is driving home from work, she crashes. Her car gets shattered, the other drivers are pissed, and it seems she has... memory loss? What does this mean for her future? Better yet, what does this mean for Twilight?

"Wait, I'm sorry, are you saying I'm in love with you?"

Can Sunset's memory return to her before her lover loses hope? What else has she forgotten? Will her life ever be the same again?

Check out My Story Timeline, for more stories! Cover art, here.
Note: Sex tag is for a small bit of intimacy, but nothing really happens.

~AU Series, No Magic, No Equestria, Only Humans!~

~Thanks to Zara Larsson, and her song Never Forget You, for inspiring me!~

ALSO, if you want a sequel, just ask. It's up to you all honestly. I'll write with any free will. <3

Featured 3/27/19 !! <3

Chapters (7)

AU of 28 Pranks Later

Rainbow Dash's prank with the Filly Scout cookies went off as it was supposed to. She waits till morning to see how everypony's reaction to her prank. It was going to be great!

Except when she does wake up, it turns out to be not so great....

Chapters (2)

At their yard sale Rainbow Dash decides to get back at Twilight for selling her favorite guitar. Little did she know that the violin she sold was actually a priceless family heirloom and that Twilight has taken the blame for it. How will Rainbow Dash and Twilight resolve this problem and will it cost them their friendship?

This is inspired by the comic DJOctavia by Niban-Destikim on Deviantart and the comic dub of it read by ObabScribbler on her Youtube channel.

Link to artist:https://niban-destikim.deviantart.com/art/DJ-Octavia-04-697720925

Link to Scribblers comic dub:https://youtu.be/VqBWpmLuE8U

Chapters (1)

During the night of Rainbow Dash's humiliating performance with the Wonderbolts, Twilight and her friends go and check on her to see if she was alright, only to find out that Rainbow Dash had immediately resigned from her position and flew away home before anypony could stop her.

Determined to convince the crestfallen Pegasus to rejoin the Wonderbolts, Twilight and her friends must do everything in their power to change Rainbow Dash's mind. Can Rainbow Dash forgive the Wonderbolts and try again to live on with her dream, or is the damage to her pride too great for her to be convinced?

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This fic contains spoilers for Newbie Dash. If you have not seen the episode before, then you have the option of watching it before you read this fic. This is a fic about what I think should've happened between Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts.


Chapters (4)