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Abandoned by her friends, Sunset find herself alone, desperate, and broken. After sending her last letter to Princess Twilight, she decides to end everything. Fortunately, she is saved by a stranger even though he is hurt himself. They will start a journey of self-discovery and mutual support and try to heal each other's wounds.
Will Sunset be able to forgive those who hurt her the most? And why does that girl with glasses look so familiar?

Chapters (4)

20 years after the CMC became the gossip queens of the Foal Free Press, Sweetie Belle takes up the pen name "Gabby Gums" once more as an ace reporter.
A regular news story turns into a deadly game with Sweetie Belle in the center as she faces the Griffon mob in a laundering scheme. She will not be alone, however, as an old friend arrives to help.
Inspired by Dirty Laundry by the Eagles.

Chapters (2)

This story is about Sonata Dusk meeting a strange new girl. This new girl is sweet and nice but has a dark past that tortures her with all content. She doesn't want to talk about the nightmares she has seen and caused. Meldoy's sister Dragon Blood is now seeking revenge and is going to turn the Dazzlings against not only Melody but her friend Capella. But Sunset Shimmer is here to help them, but will the Dazzlings be lost forever in the dark spell that is placed on them or will the remember who they really are?

Chapters (4)

Featherweight has had a crush on Apple Bloom since before the Gabby Gums scandal - indeed, it was partly his feelings for her that led to him exposing Diamond Tiara's part in the whole affair. But even this has failed to encourage him into telling her how he feels, and his self-confidence is even further damaged when his pink-furred former Editor-in-Chief taunts him about his stature. What he doesn't realise is that his chance of becoming the farm filly's special somepony is just around the corner...

Chapters (4)

When she was busted, everypony expected for Gabby Gums to be gone for good. However, new articles seem to be popping up by her name.

One particular one, seemed to catch everypony's eye. And Rainbow Dash isn't too happy about it.

Chapters (5)

Set after "Ponyville Confidential."

Gabby Gums published Rarity's diary, but what exactly was in that diary?

The answer is endlessly complicated. One of the entries published forces Rarity to confront her feelings about Spike. The two have a talk about the nature of their relationship.

Chapters (1)

After the mess with "Gabby Gums" Applebloom still has to apologize to one last pony. She learns that no matter what, some ponies are always there for you.

Edit: I cleaned up the grammer as best as I could myself.

Edit: Mucked up the first time, now the edited version is up.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The return of Gabby Gums.

The impostor Gabby Gums has been stopped; however something even worse has happened. During their personal attempts to convince a pony named Jake to stop the stories, a tragic accident occurred. Applebloom ended up in a coma. Her friends feel obligated to save her and Zecora is more than willing to help.

Coverart is not my own and I do not claim it. You may find yourself confused if you skip the prequel story, or you may not. I recommend reading it first however.

Chapters (2)

Many ponies are furious that their names are appearing in the Manehattan newspaper in new embarrassing ways. The hurting of pony's feelings is re-commenced; however this time around it was not the Cutie Mark Crusaders and they intend to prove it.

Coverart is not mine and I do not claim it.

Chapters (5)

Taking place before the start of Equestria Girls in canon time, and replacing it in and it's follow ups, this story follows the Humane 5, split apart by the manipulations of Sunset Shimmer, find themselves having to reunite.

Following a mysterious event one night, six mysterious lights have fallen upon Canterlot City. Following these lights came a burst of energy that granted several in the city superhuman abilities. Among them are the Humane 5, who find themselves in conflict with a repowered Sunset Shimmer for possession of these lights. And as this conflict reigns, other interested parties find themselves drawn into the conflict.

Story beta edited by Hidden Master at the current time.

Chapters (8)