• Member Since 10th Nov, 2019


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This story is a sequel to Friendly Fire

She has waited.

She has waited for years, and now the unlikely individual that captured her affection has returned, but not in the way she had expected. Now, she finds herself in love with a King. Surely, there will be something to separate them again, with his new position...

... won't there be?

(Despite the unfortunate post date, this is a genuine work)

Chapters (3)

When Thorax saw the destruction and pain his species was causing in Canterlot, he couldn't help but feel guilty. But, some new, unknown emotion welled up inside him, one he didn't want to control.

(Extended on 10/4/2016)

Besides, what made you think he just stood idly aside?

Chapters (1)

Newly married Princess Cadance and Shining Armour return home after their honeymoon happy to be home again and ready to help out around the castle however they can. However, when Cadance discovers a small creature hiding in her room, she has a choice to make. Turn the changeling in to the royal guard or keep it a secret.

Warning: This story is made mostly for Dwaaa'a and will likely hit you in a feel or two.

Chapters (11)

Twilight Sparkle and Spike are celebrating their first ever Hearth’s Warming in Ponyville. It’s still a working process for Twilight to get use to friendship in a village but Spike on the other hand doesn’t mind at all especially his encounters with other ponies.

Fluttershy out of all the ponies wanted to know Spike since he’s a talking dragon in all. She asked Twilight to take care of Spike on Hearth’s Warming Eve to which Twilight accepted. Spike didn’t understood why but he didn’t have plans whatsoever. When Fluttershy takes him to her place, she not only gives him the support she has towards animals, but also her sweet personal feelings towards him.

Thanks to Daniyel099 for editing this.

Chapters (1)

Spike has been the loyal protector of Twilight, through pen and blade, but when she sends him on a mission too dangerous even for him, he returns missing an arm. Twilight must come to realize what she truly feels for her dragon.

Chapters (1)

Spike and Twilight have been together for their whole lives, but what happens when the time comes when the friends are supposed to split apart? A long walk in the night reveals what the future holds for the duo.


Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Displaced: The Metal Armed Vigilante

The Metal Armed Hero's Adventure Continues!!!

After the events of the last story, Jon Whalen has taken in a woman by the name of Nightmare Moon, who is Princess Luna's alter ego from the other Equestria, banished by the Elements Of Harmony and freeing the Night Princess...

Jon is in a conundrum... Something is wrong... Why doesn't he feel good?

Will The Metal Armed Hero find out what's wrong with him?

Will Nightmare Moon feel something other than a thirst for vengeance?

Will the family stick together to help fix whatever's wrong with a weakening Jon?

Stay Tuned...

Chapters (9)

It's the same old story these days; Brony goes to a convention, wearing the costume of their favorite game or movie character, buys something and gets teleported to a world full of friendly ponies becoming said character, story becomes an adventure with comedy or romance. Maybe an evil villain once or twice...

Got all that? Good. Because I got sent to Equestria Girls as Alfred Molina's Doc Ock From Spider Man 2!!!

Chapters (11)

Obsidian the Black has been in seclusion for just over one thousand years. Long ago he was friends with a Midnight Blue mare and her sister, Working together they brought peace to the Dragon lands and Equestria. After Luna's Banishment Obsidian fell into depression and retreated into his hiding hole. But now after a thousand years, Luna has returned. Can Obsidian come back and rekindle the flame of friendship after all this time. And perhaps even more?

Proof Reading done by both AlicornPriest chapters 1 and 2, roker12 chapters 1,2,3,4, Raidy/Orion Chapters 1,2,3,4,5

Thank you both for your help

Chapters (10)

(To clear up any perceptions, NO, the Mysterious Stranger is NOT related to the Fallout franchise in any way, shape and form!!!)

Sunset Shimmer had just finished her classes for the week, and was going to hang out with her Canterlot High friends for the weekend, including the new transfer student; Twilight Sparkle of Crystal Prep...

Family emergencies pull the six girls to head home for the weekend, leaving Sunset alone for the weekend, feeling somewhat disappointed that she'll be all alone...

Feeling the need, she went out for a stroll in an unusually strong storm that appeared out of nowhere, thinking it might help wash away the feeling of being alone.
She wasn't exactly expecting to shelter a poor, homeless man from the storm's vicious rain and winds. The moment she made contact, Sunset noticed something unusual about the presence of the man, something obviously not human from the vibe she's getting, but something not of Equestrian origin as well...

She couldn't describe in detail the aura the poor man was giving off, but if the feeling had to be described...

Sunset Shimmer would say that the man felt;

"...Like I was in the presence of a being higher than Celestia herself..."

(My first one-shot, I do not own the picture, I only used it to fit the story, credit belongs to its original artist creator...)

Chapters (2)