• Member Since 10th Nov, 2019


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  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

A cynical and distrustful man has a drunken conversation at a bar with someone and finds himself waking up in a land of talking ponies the next day. The catch? He's now a Ninetales. "Great...where's the bar?"

Chapters (35)

An ancient threat long thought to be the stuff of myths and legends becomes a reality and that legend sets its sights on Equestria. Hungry for destruction and hellbent on killing everything in its path, it will stop at nothing to get what it wants. But an unexpected defender stands in his path and is more than willing to defend Equestria with his life.

Side notes: Godzilla does not appear in this story. This story is a 'what if' story where Equestria has its own King Ghidorah to deal with.

Yes, Twilight is a unicorn in the picture. No, she is not in the story; she's an alicorn

Chapters (7)

Godzilla Junior falls in love for the wise and beautiful Princess Luna. Yet his doubts worries him. Does he deserve to love at least once? Would Luna love him as well? Junior must step out of his comfort zone and admit his feelings, hoping for the best.

1) Godzilla Junior is owned by Toho. Luna by Hasbro.
2) I give a great amount of thanks to Tarbtano for letting me use his version of Godzilla Jr. Yes it's the same character I'm writing about here. Also thanks to him for the proofreading and corrections.
3) This is NOT a chapter from or for "The Bridge." Rather yet, it's a fanfic based off the events and characters of the story.
4) Enjoy my first story!
5) Any image used here I DO NOT own. All fanwork of Godzilla Jr. and Luna belongs to their rightful owner. Great work artists from DA!

Chapters (3)

The Mayan calender was right in a way. The world ended not because of war or natural causes, but because of the idiots who saw the end as a reason to start a damn Purge and it was a test by God. Not that I'm truly capable of caring anymore. Now I've been given a way out of all that, out of the Hell my life has been, and I'm not looking back.

MC doesn't know about Kingdom Hearts, references he'll make, or worlds he'll visit if I choose to go that route.

Chapters (81)

A nightmare night special based on Spike: Discord thinks is time for his retirement, but he needs to name a replacement first. Spike knows very well the Mane 6, specially certain Alicorn Princess. Who’s best to make their lives impossible?

You can find the original in spanish HERE

Also a serialized sequel HERE

Chapters (1)

There was no room in her heart for love, or so the song went. But love has a tendency to find a way, despite all odds.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to How to Hug a Five-Hundred-Foot Tall Dragon

It was supposed to be a routine flight over the desert, just a relaxing trip to stretch his wings out. He'd done it a thousand times before.

This time, it wasn't so routine.

Sex tag is for innuendo. No clop.

Part of the Hellpiercer 'verse, but knowledge of that story is not required. Reading the direct prequel How to Hug a Five-Hundred-Foot Tall Dragon is advisable, however.

Chapters (13)

Ponies like snuggles. Spike likes to give snuggles. But Spike is a five-hundred-foot tall dragon, and finds it difficult to give snuggles without accidentally popping the pony like an overripe tomato in a hydraulic press. Spike believes he has found a solution.

Part of the Hellpiercer 'verse, but knowledge of that story is not required.

Reviewed by TitaniumDragon!
Art by Harwick.
Featured on Equestria Daily and Fimfiction.

Chapters (1)

This story starts with a battle in which Shining Armor dies. Cadance must learn to survive as well as keep the kingdom in one piece. Will she be able to do that? Or will depression bring the Empire into ruins and dismay. Luckily Spike is there to help her out. Let's see how The Crystal Empire will stand the test of a tragety of this magnitude.

Chapters (6)

When you live forever, what do you do with your time?
Do you love and lose, win and fall, hope and curse?
Do you seek to outrun the truth or face it valiantly?
Twilight Sparkle is dead, never to return, never to smile or pout or have that twinkle, that sparkle in her eyes again. Twilight Sparkle is dead and together, two creatures born with eternal life, two creatures brought together by sorrow and circumstance must try to overcome the simple fact that she is dead, that she has passed on and left them all alone.

But perhaps, through death and the passing of a loved one, something else can bloom from the ashes.

I absolutely detest writing out descriptions for my stories because I suck at capturing what the story is truly about in them.
Anyway, this is my first romance story, involving Spike and Celestia, so it's a peculiar couple indeed.This is also my first truly sad story so I hope I captured some feels.

Chapters (3)