• Member Since 10th Nov, 2019


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This story is a sequel to Chaos Theory

It's been three years since Discord and Twilight began dating, and Discord has something very special planned for the evening of the anniversary. But he's not sure about his plan. That is, until he gets help from two very unlikely ponies.

Chapters (2)

Discord is trapped in stone once again. But this time, he does some thinking. No, not about revenge, mind you. But about a certain lavender mare...

Chapters (11)

Emperor Mateus, emperor of the Palamecian Empire wakes up in a strange new world. Having been defeated not once, but twice by the hands of Firion and his rebel gangs. But instead of returning back to hell after his second death just like he expected, instead he suddenly finds himself drifting off through the void and dragged to a new and unfamiliar world with an even more unfamiliar body as well.

His mind somewhat warped and altered from his previous experiences, he now has now the chance to start over from scratch in a world that seems to be oozing with magic. But don’t be fooled by his now somewhat altered ego, he still is the Emperor, highly intelligent, cunning and extremely powerful (even though at the beginning his magic is weakened)

Now that he is here and given another chance in a new world filled with new possibilities and conquests he will make sure to not repeat his previous mistakes ever again while getting his…han-hooves…on a new empire. He is going to show this new world what true dominance is.

The Emperor is back and hungry for more power.


(Authors note: The current cover art is only temporary, I will create a more dedicated cover art if this fic is being received well.)

Chapters (23)

I was living a comfortable life. Had a loving wife and son, money was absolutely no issue, everything was swell.

Next thing I know, I'm hearing voices, I can't move, I can't talk, I can't even breathe. Yet, I know I'm alive, though I don't entirely feel like myself anymore.

Then I end up being the last of survivor of my new race.

I'm not even human anymore...


-A HiE fic as a changeling in an alternate universe where MLP was never aired on Earth.
-Starts shortly before the end of Season 2.
***Slow updates! You've been warned!***
-Current cover image is a placeholder. Trying to find a more appropriate one...
-Comments below contain spoilers!
-The [Tragedy] tag is there mainly because I can't put up the [Sad] tag, due to conflicts with the [Comedy] tag.

Chapters (18)

An experienced thief dies before his time, leaving a mess that God must fix, the solution God thinks of is reincarnating him in the My Little Pony universe with the power of The Gamer.

Featured: 08/05/2019, 08/06/2019, 08/07/2019, 26/10/2019, 02/11/2019, 10/11/2019, 24/11/2019, 04/12/2019, 05/12/2019, 29/12/2019, 10/02/2020, 11/02/2020, 11/03/2020, 20/04/2020, 22/04/2020, 23/04/2020, 26/04/2020, 27/07/2020, Thanks, love you guys! Thanks for all the support.

Chapter with a - E    Are edited


The Fan Without a Face The mighty and elegant.

Twisted Colors -The almighty proofreader and BoyBlunder122 The powerful and wise.

A NEW MIGHTY EDITOR Dracochangewing,

And thanks to the mighty Vongoalyken for giving pointers

Chapters (17)

It's that time of the month again! NO! Not that time. I mean the time when the mane six have their sleepover where they watch movies, eat pizza and act like fillies. But this time, Twilight may have to pull out at the last minute... (Not like that, you dirty minded *grumbles*)

I'm aware the characters may be off as I wrote this very impulsively in about an hour.

Obviously Three's a Crowd got us all thinking about DiscoLight again, traditionally I ship Fluttercord but I had to make an exception because I needed to see these two together. I'm sick of the teasing, lets get down to some action, huh?
(Sorry, I don't write clop, but I give a good idea of what's going on, or so I think...)

Chapters (1)

I should have refused to follow him for a night at the bar. I should have stayed at home. Why did I do that? What was I trying to prove?
Our main character has a nasty habit of falling into deep slumbers and waking up where he doesn't know where he is. In fact, the first place he wakes up...
... is in Hell.
Through some horrifying circumstances, the blue armor that was scattered in the ruins of the Royal Sisters' Castle reconstitutes the vessel of Nightmare Moon. Only this time, a human soul is its life source.
Rated Teen for some questionably older implications toward the beginning. In contrast, pyromaniacs will find said implications very underwhelming.
(Warning! Transgender imminent!)
Edit: This story was written solely for entertainment purposes. Please do not dive into this expecting a well-tested chemistry report.

Edit: I think I found a cover that just might work for now.

Chapters (27)

Pinocchio wasn't the only wooden puppet to become a real person.

There are other puppets out there, animal-like beings controlled by quasi-intelligent trees. Ponies call them timberwolves and know them as nothing but beasts. But what happens if one of those beasts were to gain the intelligence and ambition of one of the most successful hunters in the universe, a human?

This story loosely shares continuity from Split Second: An Eternity Divided. Reading that is not required at all.

Has a Tv Tropes page.
Featured on EQD: 10/2/2015

Chapters (15)

A magical accident has a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

Warning, Spoilers in comment section.

Cover art by: Sipioc

AN// All thanks to the people over at spacebattles.com for betaing.

Sequel can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/306592/normal-life

Chapters (53)

Twilight has been summoned to Canterlot for important training as a princess, but she is unable to bring Spike along. Unfortunately, her closest friends are unable to watch him, so she turns to her newest friend Trixie. However, will Spike be uncomfortable around her or will he be able to look past her previous actions and consider making her a friend?

Chapters (5)