• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Changelings 379 stories
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Total Words: 15,311,561
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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Today's the day that Applejack is leaving to compete in the Equestria Rodeo, but something's... off. Derpy's been acting strange, even by her usual standards. Eh, it's probably nothing, right? After all, what are the chances that an eccentric mailpony behaving even more oddly than normal could ever be important in the grand scheme of things?

Artwork by ZuTheSkunk.

Chapters (1)

We all think of the Changelings as evil creatures whose soul purpose in this world is to seek out love and drink it dry.

But what if this wasn't the case?
What if the Changelings were just like you and I?

What follows is an interview of a captured Changeling that, until now, has been classified by the government of Equestria.

Little 3 minute story of stuff.
Maybe a small exploration of head canon? I don't know.
Have fun.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia goes off on a diplomatic trip to the Griffin kingdom for the day, leaving Luna in charge. Meanwhile, Shadow Shell is sick of the usual shit. Find pony, knock them out, disguise as them, aimlessly roam around Canterlot looking for food, rinse and repeat.

Today, though, Princess Celestia is off to stop a war or something, the perfect opportunity for Shadow to finally have some fun in this boring-ass town. It's a fool proof, step by step plan:

1) Sneak into castle
2)Disguise as Celestia
3)Do absolutely nothing for an entire day
4) Leg it

I mean, what could go wrong?

Chapters (3)

So there I was in the forest, looking everywhere for love to eat. Then my eyes fell upon a cute little bug, maybe this little guy could help feed me.

Chapters (2)

Broom Stick thought he knew his coworker, Feather Duster. One day, singing the song he's got stuck in his head at work makes him realize there's more to his companion than he realized.

I'd like to thank the dock workers who took their sweet time loading my trailer for putting me in a spot where I had nothing better to do at 3am than listen to some Foo Fighters, which ultimately inspired this story. Constructive criticism is welcome, but keep it civil.

Chapters (1)

A.K. Yearly's epic continuation of Daring Do is coming up. While fans eagerly await the next installment of the series, Yearly's publishers eagerly anticipate the estimated profit.

So what happens when they find out everything was real?

Picture by Austiniousi

Chapters (2)

For Queen Chrysalis, the end seemed near. Defeat after defeat at the hooves of her enemies had left her tired and desperate while her army of once thousands reduced to a mere several dozen. Surrounded, it seemed that utter defeat was inevitable. But she was a proud changeling queen, she wouldn't go down that easy. She still had one last trick up her hoof. A Portal...to another world. And through that portal, she entered a world of new wonders, of new dangers, and to her surprise and utter shock, a world of giants.

For Rick Mason, life was alright. He had a nice house, a decent job, and two awesome dogs. What else could a guy ask for? Tiny talking alien bug horses? ...Well it's not like he wasn't asking for them.

Amazing art was made by: xxkrutoy

All references, mentioned or otherwise, belong to their owners respectively.

8/30/20 Featured?! Well I'll be, thanks a bunch folks! I really appreciate the love.

Chapters (11)

It’s the week before the Canterlot wedding and tensions are high, even more so for the changeling love collectors. With the results of the wedding, life is going to change drastically, regardless of the outcome.

For one co-owner of the Sweet Roast Cafe, wife to a loving stallion, and undercover changeling, Sweet Leaf can only hope this change is kind.

Edited by Cursori, Fade, and Lingo

Preread by 63.546.

Cover art by lilfunkman.

Chapters (7)

The changelings are banished, the day is saved! Yet a victory for one must be a defeat for another, and this particular victory has left one changeling stranded in Canterlot, alone and broken. A certain pink party pony is also alone in the Canterlot night, hiding her depression from her friends. She cannot, however, hide her feelings from a changeling. What will become of this unlikely pair?

As featured in Twilight's Library.

Cover picture by Ruirik

Chapters (5)

Lost, starving, and hunted by the law, a lonely changeling finds a traveling entertainer who he plans on using to restore his energy by extracting as much love out of her as possible.

Too bad his target turns out to be Trixie.

After a brief violent encounter and some mutual blackmail, the two of them decide to perform together in front of the town to raise enough bits and love for them each to go their separate ways.

It works out better than they expected.

Picture credit: Ashindo (Check out his Dark Equestria)
Now on Equestria Daily
Editors: Peter, Tek, Themaskedferret, Bluepaladin42, D48

Chapters (6)