• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Changelings 378 stories
Found 377 stories in 54ms

Total Words: 15,304,810
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Chewy loves her mother with all her heart, but how can she stand out from the dozens of other love-hungry nymphs? By being the cutest of them all, of course!

Story set after Chrysalis was run out of her former hive.
YouTube Reading

Chapters (1)

Basically a Teen Fic due to Death, always wanted to write this, so why not?

A Changeling is born into the Hive, but after learning that the Hive has been killing ponies for love, questions if it's the right thing to do in the world, and is put to a conflict when assigned his first task as a changeling.

Chapters (2)

Offal is not known for her attention span nor her capabilities. Dispatched by the hive on a "get her out of the way" mission, she's spent the last six months monitoring a remote Royal Guardspost near the northern border. She's seen the flowers bloom, the sun shine, and the leaves turn, but she has yet to see the snow fall.

One night, that changes.

Chapters (1)

In the wake of Chrysalis' failed invasion, a different hive breaks tradition and steps into the light to open relations with Equestria. The ever eager scholar, Twilight Sparkle, uses this truce as the perfect opportunity to learn more about this enigmatic race. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, she will learn all there is to know about what it means to be a changeling.

But will Twilight lose herself in the hive, or will she regain what she has lost? Only time will tell.

Featured on 9/24/13

My first featured story! You guys are awesome.

Story readings and cover art by Luminescent Skies: Click here for some audio novel treatment

My Editor in Chief: Cloud Hop

Chapters (11)

Pinkie Pie is a very busy mare. Between her friends and her family, her party-planning job and her world-saving Element duties, she barely has any time for herself. Sometimes she wishes she had some help.

This wish is answered in the form of a small changeling, lost and alone.

Little did she or he know what series of events this would kickstart, or the marvelous new chapter it would open in the party mare's life.


Cover Art and Proofreading by NecroHorse.

Chapters (8)

After years spent plotting in the dark, Chrysalis and her changeling army rise again, and the second invasion is an overwhelming success. Equestria has fallen, and it seems as though there isn’t anypony left to save it.

And when Chrysalis finds a special mirror in Friendship Castle, she can’t resist trying to take over this other world, too.

Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer and her friends start to notice strange things happening around the school. Will they be able to get to the bottom of it fast enough to save both dimensions?

Takes place early Season 6, midway between Friendship Games and Camp Everfree.

Rated T for sexual reference, high school level swearing, violence, and mild gore (blood).

Coverart by the talented and generous mr_minati.

Chapters (37)

A simple Tunneler drone is catapulted from Equestria during the infamous Wedding to Planet Earth. Confused, injured and alone, the drone must figure out how to survive in an alien environment with all of humanity watching.

(Crossovers with XCOM, Men In Black and Stargate: SG1)
(Changeling on Earth fic / Available to hire artists for a cover art commission! Current Cover art by Ashinda on FimFiction)

(People have apparently been turned off by the whole 'pet' thing in the title; it's only relevant for a few chapters and has nothing kinky or lewd about it. )

Chapters (57)

The failed plans of Queen Chrysalis have lead her hive to an all time low. Flung into a desolate region by the power of Cadence and Shining Armour's spell, Queen Chrysalis falls into a brooding sadness. She she is tired of being queen and sets out on her own. Determined to leave behind all the problems of the past and get as far away from her incompetent underlings as possible. Seeing their queen so down her remaining drones and workers try their best to cheer her up. But thinking isn't their strong point, so their efforts lead to a number interesting failures.

(This is planned to be a short story for the "Love me, love my hive." event on Equestria daily.)

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia has a bit of a problem that only a shapeshifter can solve (probably).

(Obviously inspired by Skywriter's "Princess Celestia Hates Tea".)

Chapters (1)

Queen Chrysalis, the proud former ruler of the changelings, is brought out of stone sleep to avert a terrible crisis. But what will it take to convince her to help?

Fourth place in the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Classic Contest #34 with the theme "going home" and prompt "this is not how I left it/this is not how it used to be" in an incomplete state and finished at a later date.

A thank you to Seer for editing help and proofreading before publishing.

Chapters (1)