• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Changelings 378 stories
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The snow danced and flurried to the ground. A faded gray creature with shining blue eyes and frost, insect wings stared as the flurries fell. He was grasping his shoulders as he sat on a bench with nothing but jeans and a white shirt. He closed his eyes as a snowflake landed on his muzzle. With a sigh, he looked angled his head downward...

Until something was touching his neck.

There will be coverart later.

Chapters (2)

Den is a pegasus vice captain of the Equestrian Royal Guard. Echo is a high class infiltrator of the reviled changeling race. Can their love flourish in an Equestria under threat? Which bounds are stronger love or loyalty? What dark designs lurk in the backdrop? Romance, adventure, and the search for universal truth!

We now have a Wiki Page! Pay a visit!

Executive Editor- the awesome BitAcoustic
Editor- the wondrous The 11 Wonder
Art by yours truly!

Character Cast
Dented Armor “Den”
A pegasus with a penchant for reading, an intellectual, he is the new model of an Equestrian officer matching brains with brawn. Love and loyalty compels him however soon he will find the two under conflict.
??? “Echo”
A changeling who survived Canterlot, her role may have been more than that of a simple soldier in the events preceding and those that will come after. She carries the burden of people’s plight and the secret dream of all changelings.
Blueberry Frost “Blue”
An earth pony whose steadfast resolution and stubbornness won her an officer’s position. She tackles problems and foes head on.
Answering directly to Queen Chrysalis, Amorpheus is fiercely loyal and devoted to his people. Entrusted protector and guardian of Echo he wishes one day to see her fulfill her role.
Reagle Hawkmor
Heir to the Griffin Kingdom, he embodies the pride of his people as their warrior prince. His noble inclinations though may come counter to the direction of his nation.
Zaza Zakar
A Zebra mare, she is Reagle’s partner in battle and outside of it. From the Zerker school of combat, she is deadly opponent. She is the more level headed of the odd couple.
Reagle and Zaza have their own story. Zig Zag LoveClick to visit.


Chapters (18)

Minuette has an imaginary friend. At least, that's what everypony else thinks.

When ten-year-old magic student Minuette comes into possession of an antique vanity mirror, she is surprised to discover there is a creature living inside: A bug pony with big fangs and glowing eyes. Most little foals would probably be scared of such a creature, but not Minuette. Armed with a cheerful smile, she decides to befriend the bug in her mirror and uncover the mystery behind his bewildering predicament.

It's just such a shame that nopony else can see him.

First Act Edited by Mister Hypothetical

Second act and on edited by Xanni & Brony2005

This story is part of 'The Bugs in Strange Places' series, whose other entries include The Bug in The Herd, The Bug in The Basement, and The Bug in The Cave. You do not need to read any of these previous stories to enjoy this one, as they are not directly connected.

Inspiration for this story comes directly from this fine individual right here.

Chapters (33)

I just arrived in Ponyville. It smells good. I'm hungry.

Originally written for the /fic/ mini write-off event What Lies Beneath. Coverart by JustDayside, used with permission. Thanks to Flashgen, Grif, Ion-Sturm, Present Perfect and whoever else I'm forgetting for all the feedback.

Chapters (1)

Three changelings head out on Nightmare Night as, well, themselves, what's the worst that could happen? Cover Pic by : ToxicKittyCat

To be honest, I wish this fic was more comedic, but it's not, well, as far as my taste go. I ment to have this done by Halloween, but as you can see, didn't happen. Still, enjoy! :D

Chapters (1)

After Chrysalis failed to conquer Equestria, she was shamefully stripped of her title of "Queen of the Changelings".

Their people now leaderless, the Changeling race now finds itself in a unique situation. In the struggle for power, one Changeling seizes the attention of his people. Can he overcome his nature, and the nature of his people, to lead them into a better future?

Chapters (16)

Long after the wedding and the fiasco with the Changelings, Shining Armour and Cadence are finally settled in at home. But one bundle of 'joy' may just end it all.

Getting the help of his younger sis', Shining try's to keep the foal a secret from his wife. But how long will she remain a secret, and how will ice cream cones get involved?

Edited by: The Princess Rarity

Chapters (8)

Changelings. With their shapeshifting abilities, they could replace your closest friends without you suspecting a thing. With their reliance on emotions to survive, they could be leeching on your mirth at this very moment. With their queen’s fierce nature, they could pose the biggest threat to Equestria yet…

That is, if they didn’t just sleep all day.

Cover image by equestria-prevails.
And yes, the title is a tangential reference to Mendacity. I tried.

Chapters (1)

Queen Chrysalis has a plan for the ponies who slighted her the last time she invaded. In order to take over Equestria and get revenge on those who foiled her, she sends her son, Prince Silver Jacket, to seduce and control one of the princesses. His target of choice, Princess Luna.
Disguised as a member of Luna's personal guard, Silver Jacket worms his way into the good graces of the royal family, with the aim of stealing a powerful artifact and turning it against the alicorns. With the power of all four princesses, Queen Chrysalis will be able to break free of her imprisonment and would be unstoppable in her quest to rule ponykind.
The only thing that could possibly stand in her way, and the plans she has for the ponies, is something that not even she could possibly foresee. Could Silver Jacket's feelings for Luna be more than an act, or was it all just a ploy to get under her fur? Only time will tell, and only fate knows the outcome of this battle for love and country.

Chapters (20)

For seven months I've been with one of the best girls imaginable. We're living together, we're doing well in school- I'd never believe I could ever be this happy.

I also could never believe that, on the night of my 25th birthday, I would look in the mirror and see my hair and eyes turning green.

Nor would I believe that, within the next twenty-four hours I would turn into the queen of a vampiric race of insectile monsters from a cartoon.

Go home, evolution. You're drunk.

(Set in the Five Score universe. ...What do you mean there's already a Chrysalis Five Score story?!)

Fair bit of swearing.

Chapters (36)