• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Changelings 379 stories
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A Changeling wants to talk about what the failed attempt at invading Canterlot has done to his "Mother".

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Respect Existence or Expect Resistance

2 years is how long it's been since I began painting. 16 months is how long it's been since my accident. a year since it's been over. 2 months since I married.

Now I can just sit back and remember the good times.

Chapters (1)

We've all heard tales of what happens when changelings get taken in by ponies. However, in almost all these cases it's one of the so-called good ponies that finds and takes in the hapless insectoid. So what happens when an especially low-ranking changeling is found and taken in by an altogether less desirable character?

Well, as one might expect, things don't go to plan.

Artwork crudely modified by me, originally from: http://ackdari.deviantart.com/

First story, so constructive criticism welcomed!

Chapters (8)

Mandibles "Mandy" Carapace hated Queen Chrysalis.

He hated her hare-brained schemes, he hated her commanding and dominating nature, and he especially hated her unending arrogance.

So, when the Canterlot Invasion failed and he was sent careening into Ponyville, he felt no particular rush to return to her.

Author's note: Contains Romance, but there aren't enough tags to include it, so I chose Drama over Romance (because the Drama is the main theme of the story, while the Romance is a side-plot that feeds into said Drama).

And now, I've also added the "Alternate Universe" tag, because of the stuff involving Mothra and Chrysalis.

Sequel is here.

Chapters (26)

Canterlot was not the first place Chrysalis attacked, before she moved to Equestria, she picked up a certain creature, a Dragon. His name is Shade, and he suddenly wakes up as a Changeling with only the smallest hints of his past life remaining.
Now thrust into an Invasion, he disregards the orders of his new Queen to save a single filly who he vows to protect. After being launched from the city, Shade must find a way to bring her back, but just how far is he willing to go?
With the secret of Changelings revealed, and Shade’s inexperience, he knows it is only a matter of time, just how long until he is convicted.
(Gore Tag placed for certain sequences that may not be suitable for some)

Chapters (52)

Today is changeling mating day, and many changelings are eager for the day. However, one changeling isn’t. At all. He is forced to hide from his girlfriend until the day the ends. Will he prevail? I dunno, read it yourself. Please.

The Sex tag is there for the topic, but nothing explicit is shown.

Chapters (1)

During the Second Changeling-Pony War, a young changeling nymph finds himself fighting in the Battle of White Tail Woods. He’s soon sent into battle as a runner, sent to lead reinforcements to his divisions positions.

A story idea I got listening to the song A Ghost in the Trenches by Sabaton.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie and the rest of the town like welcoming new ponies, so when a new family moves in so everyone is excited to welcome the new ponies, but what happens when one of those ponies isn't well... a pony? This is the story of White Dragon (My OC), Solar Star (My OC), and Dawn Pusher (My OC) and their life in Ponyville.

This is my first attempt at a serious story. I hope you enjoy.

Chapters (4)

The Hive of White Tail Woods.

Haven't heard of it? Then I'm pleased that we've been doing our jobs.

Let us explain; We are in no way, shape (shifted or not) or form related to Chrysalis' plans or actions. We do not siphon love from ponies or creatures otherwise.

We 'harvest' Harmony.

Not the Elements of Harmony themselves, mind you. Simply put, we garner Cooperation, Friendship, Kindness and Altruism.

We don't replace your friends and loved ones, so don't get your 'Mob Supplies'.

However good our intentions, Chrysalis has painted every changeling as a hostile agent to Equestria, and the fate of my struggling Hive and adopted children is in jeopardy.

Does diplomatic immunity apply to foreign agents? I'm new to this 'Politics' thing.

I'm only a Proto-Queen after all.


The first chapter of the Sequel is out!

Cover art by Honey-Juicy!
Search them on Tumblr!

There are a few beginning chapters that are a little crazy to read, but I promise that It will make sense, and fit the story overall. I'm still new to writing, and everypony makes mistakes!

Do you have a question to ask the Queen?

Join the Hivemind!


Chapters (25)

Changelings feed on love, emotions...so why take it by force? A certain Changeling thought, so he branched off long ago along with others who agreed with him and formed a new hive....right below Ponyville.

Tags will be updated appropriately...
...Written for the Dawws...I think.
Also hugs....HUGS FOR EVERYONE...AND CHEESE....cool, right?

Cover art by Zutcha, Picture sourced....all ya gotta do is click it.

Chapters (6)