• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Changelings 378 stories
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Ponyville is seen as a quaint little town by those who live there, and for Twilight Sparkle, it has all she needs with her friends by her side. When a stranger that she is familiar with comes into town, she finds herself questioning as to what to do and how to accept a secret they have held from her since they meet.

Sometimes, friendship is tested by what your willing to see as truth or lies. But how can one trust those who live with using masks to hide both lies and truth?

Chapters (44)

You are my queen. I am your servant. We are both Changelings, separated by our fates. I will protect you with all my life and heart. If a Changeling could only love...

Inspired by the youtube PMV of Servant of Queen : Chrysalis Another Story.
Translated into Spanish by MasterSounds: http://mastersounds.deviantart.com/art/Mi-Deber-Como-Capitan-524799635

Chapters (6)

This story takes place some time after Season 2 Episode 26 "A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2".

Kevin the changeling gets a subliminal call from Queen Chrysalis to return to the hive.

Whilst he recognises that he could face severe retribution for having betrayed her, the draw is too strong to ignore.

Why has she called him back?

* Featured at #7 on the banner 01/11 - thank you all! *

Chapters (1)

Only a few weeks have passed since the failed Changeling invasion and their following banishment from Equestria. Celestia, wishing nothing but peace across the entire continent, seeks out Chrysalis in her hive in an effort to sway her, to show her that there are other ways. She knows that convincing Queen Chrysalis that there are other ways than her own will be a difficult ordeal, but she has vowed to try regardless.

An idea that popped up yesterday night... Hope you like it! :twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

War is ruin, predicted and then remembered as glory.

The Changelings and their vengeance-mad Queen grow ravenous in the south. Nations all around gaze hungrily at Equestria. In the north, beyond the Crystal Mountains, an unfathomable menace sends even the fiercest Diamond Dog packs fleeing before it. In Canterlot, a capricious Prince lusts for absolute power.

Against it all, Equestria stands toothless. Fearful for his country and thirsty for vengeance against Queen Chrysalis, Shining Armor desperately tries to convince Princess Celestia of the need for an Equestrian Army. Yet even as plans are made to march against the Changelings, the means for his triumph may have been delivered into the hooves of Prince Blueblood, who will risk everything to seize the crown he deems rightfully his.

Royal Equestrian Army order of battle

Chapters (46)

The Changelings have lost. Their cities destroyed, their Queen dead. Yet the war is not over. A bomber crew is assigned one final mission to remind the Equestrians of this fact: By using a Nuclear bomb to wipe the city of Las Pegasus off the map.

Written for the Equestria at War writing contest.

Chapters (1)

Spike led Thorax into the throne room of the Crystal Castle confident he could convince the others that the changeling could be trusted. That he meant no harm, and instead wanted to be an ally and live peacefully with them. That he could make them see Thorax for what he really was. That they could befriend the changeling and accept him as one of their own.

They didn't.

And consequences followed.

First featured on 11/12/2016. -- Now with a TV Tropes page. -- Review by Arcanum Phantasy -- Review by PaulAsaran

Chapters (98)

The queen has fallen. Her kingdom has splintered. The failure at Canterlot, however, did not begin her downfall.

It was the son she bore. Called by changelings a Halfling, his blood mixed with the blood of ponies has him marked as an abominition in the eyes of the most conservative of changelings. Fearing change and what a mixed breed foal might mean, the Royal caste collaborated with members of the Religious caste to declare the queen and her child outcast from changeling society, effectively stripping her of her title and the authority with it. With her kingdom in a state of civil war, the fleeing former queen does the unexpected and sets her sights upon the Crystal Empire for refuge.

With a small group of loyal followers, she made her way to the north, into the Everwinter Storm where the Crystal Empire awaited. There, a changeling priestess offers refuge and Sanctuary on holy ground. There, the queen might be able to secure a refuge for her son. Perhaps his father would be keen to take him in while she set about the business of righting the wrongs against her.

Vengeance, but only after her son is seen to a safe and secure environment.

But why let him be raised by prey?

MLP:FiM is owned by Hasbro.
MLP:FiM was created by Lauren Faust.
All OC's are mine unless specified.

This story is not canon past season 3.
Chrysalis' name from the show will not be used as her real name, but as the code name given to her by the ponies for investigative purposes.

You guys are awesome. Thank you!

Chapters (27)

A middle aged brony inexplicably replaces Chrysalis as a new changeling queen some decades before the fruition of a certain pony prophesy. Now the new queen must figure out how to manage a kingdom that has been in a slow, seemingly irreversible, decline for the past several thousand years.

Chapters (11)

Days after the Canterlot invasion, three Changelings are captured and taken to a classified location for interogation. The only problem is that two of them are very skeptical of the third changeling. Nopony knows why. Not until it's too late.

This tale follows one of the changelings who by luck is out of his cell by the time everything takes a horrifying turn. As time and information is gathered, it soon grows more and more apparent that he must escape whatever the cost.

Chapters (4)