• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Changelings 378 stories
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One Changeling emperor attacks canterlot, to steal her daughters statue. Only to kidnap the princess and her friends. Separated by magic each of them sent to Changelings hive.

Chapters (11)

Follow the world of My Little Pony through the eyes of two creatures unheard of. One is Stolen Royalty, the other is an unknown man of faith. Will they survive the challenges? Win or Lose? Only time and the powers above know.

Shadows moved in the dark, golden eyes follow, yet they go unseen. Why?

(First fic)

Sequel: Wargs of Fire and Blade Book II (lol, I don’t know why I didn’t add this earlier)

Chapters (58)

In the space of a few minutes, Chrysalis' home is taken over, she is exiled from everything she ever knew, and her son is severely wounded. She has only one option to save her son, and her kingdom - joining forces with her old enemy, Twilight Sparkle. Understandably, the princess of friendship is reluctant - but will both leaders learn they have more in common than they imagined? Of course they will, that was rhetorical question.

(Image by Conicer http://conicer.deviantart.com/)

Chapters (11)

[Third Person] Alternating Perspectives [Equisverse Era 2]
Forty Two years after the return of Princess Luna, and twenty five years after the Elements of Harmony were broken, Equestria has entered a new age. The Bearers were forced to adapt, to change, and discover new ways to continue to keep Equestria safe. Thanks to the tools, weapons, and spells the Bearers have come to use over the years, Equestria, once famous for rejecting the majority of the world’s technological advances in favor of magic, has come to embrace the mechanical and the arcane in equal measure.

These changes echoed across Equestria, and traditions began to change as the average pony sought to do their part. Many by taking up arms to protect Equestria themselves as adventurers, wandering heroes, or vigilantes. Being a hero is no longer something a lucky (or unfortunate) few have to do on occasion. It’s a job. One which pays well. One which is extremely dangerous. One which might mean you only have to work one day a month. Or that you only go to work once, if you lucky (or very unlucky).

It’s a job that Orange Sherbert wants. But not for the money. Her grandparents did it before the new age dawned, as did her parents, aunts, uncles, their friends, and even acquaintances. Being a hero is her family’s business, but Sherbert is no hero.

She’s young, inexperienced, unskilled, and immature. But she knows this. She knows it and wants to become someone she feels is worthy of her family’s legacy. Someone who can save any day which needs saving. Someone who can right wrongs, and to destroy that which should not be.

To accomplish her goal, Orange Sherbet has chosen to travel to the country of Neighpone and train in the art of ninjitsu. To acquire skills, discipline, and personal growth all at once. But just what will she have to endure to achieve her goals after entering the ancient doors of Kōmoriakademī, Bat’s Academy.

Featured on Sunday, August 13, 2017 at 5:47:42 AM :yay:
And again on Friday, August 25, 2017 at 9:29:01 AM :yay:
And again on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 9:03:22 AM :yay:
And yet again on Saturday, September 16, 2017 at 6:12:59 AM :yay:

This story begins Series 2 of the Equisverse. Prior cannon is unnecessary.

Chapters (17)

A long time ago, even before Equestria was founded, there lived 2 living beings. One was an Alicorn, the other a Changeling. The first one was living the good life in the Palace of Creation and this together with her sisters, brother and her mother, the Almighty Fausticorn. But she was unhappy. Why you ask? Well, we can't spoil the story, now can we?

The Changeling was not so fortunate. After running away from her father's hive with 20 Changelings, she was now trying to survive. She needed love to survive, but most importantly, she needed a friend to be there for her.

Fate had some plans for them.

(They are foals.)

This story is written in the Team Awesome universe of Bonaxor and the story is based on a comic. In the comic they are foals, so they are also foals in my story. There are a few rules, which the creator of the comic told me to follow, and which I cannot break.

1. Ponies are afraid of Alicorns. They see them as monsters that can destroy the world.
2. Team Awesome never goes into town without a special disguise. It makes them look like other normal ponies.. just.. bigger.
- Celestia is a Unicorn in her disguise
- Luna is an Earth pony
- Dream (Nightmare Moon) is a Pegasus
- Discord a dragon
- Cadance is a pegasus

That are the two giant rules.

This will probably be a feel good story.

Edited by the wonderful arandompenguin.

Chapters (4)

This story was made after trying to wonder how a contact between planet Earth and Equestria would affect both sides and, on the case of Christianity, how would certain species within Equestria would be affected after getting to know The Bible.

Set before King Thorax came to power.

Chapters (1)

When Chrysalis reappears with an army of unturned changelings to challenge Thorax for the throne, the Changeling Civil War begins. Of course, being close allies with Thorax's Kingdom, Equestria enters the war on his side, and the Wonderbolts are called into military service. On a routine scouting mission, Rainbow Dash goes down behind enemy lines and the changelings bring her to a prisoner-of-war camp, already full of captured ponies and turned changelings. Naturally, being a hero of Equestria, a veritable symbol of the nation, leads to her captors taking out a lot of aggression on her. Nonetheless, Rainbow Dash's will to return home to her friends and loyalty to her nation keeps her strong, and, with the help of a sympathetic changeling guard, she plots a daring escape to freedom. All the while, Spitfire is determined to track down and rescue her best flier--and her close friend.

Since this is November, and Veterans/Armistice/Remembrance Day is around the corner, I'd like to give a big thank-you to all those who've served/are serving, especially our dear military bronies. You folks aren't only brave enough to serve your country and put your lives at risk, but also to openly enjoy a show about small, rainbow-colored horses? That takes guts.

In addition, I'd like to warn everypony that while this story doesn't stray too far from the MLP world we all know, it does take place during a war, and in an internment camp. And some of the things that go on inside POW camps are not very pretty. The things that staying in one can do to your mind are even less pretty. Rainbow's gonna see some sh:yay:t; readers, you've been warned.

A lot of the information I got about prison camps, how they operate, and how to survive and escape one came from the book SAS and Elite Forces Guide: Prisoner of War Escape & Evasion by Chris McNab. It's a very interesting book if you'd like to learn more, and I thank him for writing it.

Just a quick note about tags: "Teen," in addition to the following, encompasses some occasional sex jokes and innuendoes. Will add the appropriate tag if the audience finds it necessary. "Violence" and "death" because it's set during a war and there are depictions or references, though "gore" will only be occasional (because I don't particularly enjoy viscera), and "profanity", well, I don't plan on having too much thrown in, because the characters, to me, don't seem like ones who would curse too much, but certain words (namely "damn") will get used in-text or in-speech as intensifiers.

Chapters (6)

After losing her hive, Queen Chrysalis is forced to start another one. Luckily she has the help of a few loyal subjects who never accepted their fellow changelings new way of life. They must stay hidden from enemies, collect enough food to survive and rebuild their strength. Now the first brood has hatched and there is something very different about one of the larva.

Chapters (77)

Long Path, an earth pony living in Canterlot, and his best friend, a griffon named Free Agent, set out in the company of Twilight Sparkle to visit various places and species to look into what makes them different, and hopefully learn how to get along with them better. Things rarely go to plan though, and along the way, they discover things about themselves, and find love, drama, and laughter. Then Chrysalis changes everything, and the fate of the whole world might be at stake. Their lives will never be the same!

This story is set mostly after the events of Conversations in a Canterlot Cafe and builds on the fanon of the series, especially changelings, so you might want to read those stories first for background material.

Chapters (20)


Are you lonely and depressed? Maybe you just need a friend or a companion?
Hired Hooves or even a significant other? We will work to your needs to the best of our abilities
to be whoever you need!
Perhaps you have special needs or specific tastes? Custom jobs may be requested by any who have needs not specified by the ad and we will work to fulfill your requirements!
Payment plans include love, adoration, hugs and kisses or just the love of a good friend!
Payment of other emotions subject to inquiry.
To order your own Changeling, just send a request giving your name and address to our PO Box.
Job details and requirements (including payment plans) will be hashed out in pony.
Changeling Drones
PO Box 6174
Ponyville, EQ 90210

Chapters (7)