• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Celestia and Luna 791 stories
  • Celestia and Luna 791 stories Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stories all kept under one library
    Created by Skyblazer9
    - December, 2019
Found 790 stories in 117ms

Total Words: 28,145,312
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



  • Featured 23596 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Princess Cadance noticed how lonely Princess Celestia seemed on Hearts and Hooves Day.

She decided to send a small love spell her way, as motivation to help her find a special somepony, even if it's just for a day.

Cadance immediately regretted it upon finding out who it was.

Special thanks to Mickeymonster for allowing me to use the cover image!

Edit: Mickeymonster has made a colored version of the cover image! Original image: http://fav.me/d4mozkh

Chapters (10)

Tired of Luna's constant nagging, Celestia agrees to give internet dating a try. Using the website www.notforeveralone.com, Luna helps Celestia go on dates with potential immortal suitors. Shouldn't be too hard to find true love, right?

You can make a suggestion for any immortal across any manner of genre or fiction for Celestia to date next. Just make sure they're immortal for it to work.

Updates every Tuesday and Friday.

Guest chapters for immortals I have not covered are welcome, since I won't be able to write about every suggestion someone has. Note that all guest chapters are non-canon from the main story, so there is a bit of leeway to them. Talk to me over PM's for any further discussion.

Thanks to my editors The Ponytrician and Garnot for all their help!

Cover art from the hilarious tumblr you all should check out, ~Letters For Celestia~

Chapters (88)

Princess Luna is on a diet. But she soon discovers that her low self-control and her flair for the dramatic have a price...

Just a quick silly thing I wrote for a writing contest in Discord. Hope you like it!

Happy Nightmare Night!

Chapters (1)

How long has Princess Luna been alive? It was a question that even the princess in question can't answer completely. It's not her fault. When you become an immortal goddess, time practically loses all meaning and the years fly by in the blink of an eye. It was hard to remember exactly what happened when or who did what at a certain point. It was hard to even remember her own birthday. It's a good thing her daughters were there to remind her.

Chapters (1)

One changeling is going to become a martyr for her entire race. How, you ask? Well, by becoming friends with ponies, of course!

She's doomed...

Don't expect very long chapters with this, as it's just a short set-up for what will be a much longer sequel.

Chapters (9)

Unsettling dreams are starting to worry Princess Luna. She is positive these dreams hold an ominous portent for all of Equestria, but there is only one stallion who knows for certain the answers she seeks. King Sombra has been imprisoned again in Shadow since his defeat and the shattering of his body, but he is no less cunning and ruthless. And as Luna tries to interrogate him over time, she finds there is a softer side to the unicorn king, one nopony has seen before. But Celestia fears for her younger sister, warning Luna against Sombra's advances. Is the once-tyrant truly starting to court Princess Luna...or is she simply being used as a pawn in his plans to regain power?
Cover art by the amazing MickeyMonster, who has permitted me use of it for this fanfiction, as this image inspired me to write this story in the first place.
Edited and proofread by my girls TheOneBehindYou and LabyrinthineMind.

8tracks playlist: https://8tracks.com/yoru-the-rogue/lingering-shadows

Chapters (12)

A fan-made sequel to the "Reflections" story arc of the IDW comics. In the aftermath of the Mirror World Incident, as Celestia struggles to heal her broken heart and the denizens of the other world rebuild and search for their missing king, an old enemy has returned, with plans that could spell the doom for both worlds. Reviews are greatly appreciated.

(Cover art by JazzyTyfighter, used with permission of the original artist.)

Chapters (11)

Edit: The story is currently cancelled due to inactivity after a few years. However, I'm currently contemplating rebooting the story at some point, so any comments and suggestions on what you like/dislike would be appreciated.

It's been several months since the Alicorn Amulet incident, and much has changed for the Great and Powerful Trixie. Her reputation damaged once again, she continues on with her magic act, determined to try and turn over a new leaf. With Twilight Sparkle now an alicorn princess, however, Trixie finds herself plagued with nightmares and a renewed sense of jealousy. Sympathetic to the mare's feelings, which mirror ones she once held long ago, Princess Luna decides to intervene.
Original sketch of the cover image was done by Becca Hillburn at http://www.nattosoup.com/ . Vector of sketch made by myself.

10/16/2014: Now featured on Equestria Daily

8/4/2015: First Time on Featured Box

Chapters (18)

The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things.
The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa the bad things don't spoil the good things, or make them unimportant.
When the opportunity to care for a small, blue alicorn arises, I give her the kindness that everyone and everything deserves.
After all, the loneliest people are the kindest...

Link to sequel: The Worlds End

(This is my first ever fanfic. I don't think my own writing skills are any good, but I want to try contributing something somewhat good to the fandom.)

Edit: Many months after I initially posted this story, I never thought it would get this popular. To date my first story is the biggest, statistics wise, and it even made the features box on the front page! Thanks to all the viewers and followers <3

Chapters (16)

So, I'm just a regular guy, right? I mean, I'm nothing special. I'm a college guy, just starting out, and all of a sudden while writing a paper, PRINCESS LUNA falls into my bedroom! Next thing I know, I'm being pulled into Equestria, Celestia doesnt like me, and i need to help fight Nightmare moon! My first fic, so constructive criticism is appreciated.

Chapters (12)